Assessment Task 1. Written Assessment Overview:
Nurses are positioned to contribute to and lead the transformative changes that are occurring in healthcare by being a fully contributing member of the inter professional team as we shift from episodic, provider based, fee-for-service care to team-based, patient-centered care across the continuum that provides seamless, affordable, and quality care.To be a major player in shaping these changes, nurses must understand the nursing related issues and factors driving the change,the mandates for practice change, and the competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that will be needed for personal and system wide success.
NURBN 2028 Medicine And Nursing Essay-Federation University Australia.

The topic for your essay (Task 1) is to discuss:
Current nursing issues and the driving factors leading to healthcare transformation and the role of the registered nurse (RN) in leading and being a fully contributing member of an inter professional team
In this paper you are required to:
- discuss the significance of current nursing issues and the driving factors behind nursing practice
- analyze the contributing factors that influence quality of nursing care
- provide viable nursing role and interventions to improve the quality of nursing services.
- discuss recommendations supported with appropriate literature.
You must be able to incorporate information from a variety of sources and synthesize that information in order to respond appropriately as a nursing professional. Your primary audience for this analytical paper is your teaching team, your fellow nursing students and professionals in the field. Your writing should be clear and comprehensible to academic audiences outside the field of nursing. are.
NURBN 2028 Medicine And Nursing Essay-Federation University Australia.

Assessment Task 1(Part A) – Annotated Bibliography & essay plan (20%).
Aim: The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate that you can:
1.undertake a search of the academic literature using appropriate search strategies in the Library databases
2.develop an essay plan using the template provided in Moodle
The essay plan will assist you with Task 1(Part B): analytical essay, so it is important to take accurate notes from your readings as this will save you time in the writing process. In addition, it is important to understand how to document the sources you are locating so you can cite them properly using APA 7 referencing style.
Value: 20%
Word Count: Total of 600 words (+ or – 10%)
300 words of an annotated bibliography (100 words per annotation for each article) and 300 words of an essay plan, including topic sentences and dot points for each paragraph. The reference list are not included in the word count.
Marking Guide (Rubric): See Moodle – develop your annotated bibliography & essay plan by following the criteria outlined in the marking guides.
Sources: Three (3) peer reviewed articles that relevant to the topic provided above are required. Each annotation will need to be succinct in relation to critically analysing the topic you were given.
Annotated Bibliography structure (300 words): Critically analyse your selected articles and include the following five parts (use the Annotated Bibliography help sheet in Moodle as your guide):
1.Citation information (using APA 7 referencing style)
2.Author’s viewpoint or purpose for writing the article
3.Summary of research findings
4.Evaluation of the usefulness of the study and any limitations
5.Reflection on usefulness of article for the nursing profession and your essay
Writing style: an annotated bibliography is a piece of formal academic writing and follows the general rules for all academic writing.
- Arrange each annotation in alphabetical order according to author
- Write in a SINGLE paragraph
- Write in full sentences using academic writing style (objective & formal): observe the writing style of the articles you are reading as a model for your own writing style
- Use transition words (e.g. furthermore, moreover, however, therefore)
- Be concise – mention only significant details in your summary
- Do NOT repeat information (e.g. the title) that is already in your citation
- Do NOT cross reference: do not use any in-text references as you are only writing about a single text.
Essay plan structure (300 Words): Students are required to follow the template provided in Moodle by filling in the relevant information under the headings provided.
Task 1 (Part B): Analytical Essay (40%)
Aim: The purpose of this analytical paper is to use critical thinking skills to develop, implement, and evaluate a range of nursing roles and responsibilities that manage illness and optimize health and well-being. Your goal is to demonstrate that you are able to read, understand and interpret scholarly articles and sources in the nursing field.
This task will include:
1.Application of essay structure (introduction, body, and conclusion) – See Essay Structure help sheet in Moodle.
2.Critical analysis and discussion of the articles’ findings in response to the topic. Your essay should demonstrate two things:
a) Inclusion of various perspectives that form the basis of a discussion of the topic
b) Analysis of the evidence from the articles, highlighting any limitations or flaws in the argument or evidence.
c) Synthesis of the articles’ main points and identification of any connections to other readings/concepts in the course, and/or their importance to your field.
The first step to writing an analytical paper is to read carefully. While you read, you must:
- Understand the structure/format that your paper will take before you begin.
- Develop an in depth understanding of the literature and research covering your topic.
- Understand the connections between your opinion and the literature.
- Develop a clear overarching viewpoint and position on the issue.
Value: 40%
Word count: 1500 words (a word count with ±10% tolerances, excluding reference list)
Resources: You will find and read a wide variety of scholarly sources on the topic given, integrating a minimum of ten(10) peer reviewed articles (including the three articles from your annotated bibliography).
Marking Guide: Refer to the marking rubric for specific details required for successful completion of this essay.
Submission: via Turnitin – through Moodle (see Moodle Assessment Task 1 Guidelines). You have also been given this information about Turnitin in your Orientation Book.
NURBN 2028 Medicine And Nursing Essay-Federation University Australia.

This course requires you to reference your article using American Psychological Association [APA] referencing style 7 th edition. Each article should be no more than seven (7) years old and of specific relevance to the topic (above). You must use peer reviewed journal articles.
NB: Contact a Learning Skills Advisor for assistance with your assessment (if required) or submit to Studiosity for feedback on structure, citations and grammar (see Moodle Study Help tab for links to these services).
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