Subject Code & Title :- NRSG265 Principles of Nursing Medical
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Assessment Title Purpose
Assessment Task 1 – Oral Presentation (Online)
This assessment enables students to demonstrate an understanding of the health consumer’s perspective regarding a medical health alteration.
NRSG265 Principles of Nursing Medical Assignment – Australia

The oral presentation assessment will engage students with the application of theory to practice and is designed to facilitate an under standing of the impact of illness on the patient. It is also intended to give students the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to use the eight steps of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC).
Your presentation will be structured using the CRC steps, and a template will be provided for your use. This mode of assessment aims to broaden students communication strategies which is a necessary skill in nursing and will enable the student to become a safe and effective nurse.
Narration length: 10 minutes (+/- 10%)
Slide deck length: 10 slides (using provided template)
Appendix A of the NRSG265 unit outline
A national pre recorded lecture will be uploaded onto LEO in week four (4) which will provide students with an overview of the assessment as well as resources and advice on how to approach the task.
A campus based Q&A session will be held during week six (6) of the semester via zoom. The Q&A session will provide students with the opportunity to clarify any questions but the expectation is that students will have viewed the pre recorded national lecture prior to attending.The date and a link for this session will be made available on LEO unit.
Students are encouraged to post questions on the Assessment 1 Q&A forum on LEO and to check for answers there as a first point of query. LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
Students will assess prioritise and plan the care of the case study patient using the CRC. The information will be presented with in a Power Point presentation using the provided template on LEO NRSG265 Assessment 1 Template Slides which you will then record as a video.
Instructions on how to record your video for submission are available on the LEO assessment tile.
Appropriate evidence based literature must be used to support your presentation.
The key components of Assessment 1 are :
• Step 1 and 2: Consider the patient situation and identify the key elements of assessment by :
• Providing an initial impression of the patient and identifying relevant and significant features
NRSG265 Principles of Nursing Medical Assignment – Australia
NRSG265: Principles of Nursing Medical
• discussing in detail the pathophysiology of the disease and how Mr XXX signs and symptoms reflect the underlying pathophysiology
• identifying the key elements of a comprehensive nursing assessment;
• Including evidence to support your discussion.
• Step 3 and 4: Process patient information identifies relevant activities of living impacted and identifies nursing issues for the patient:
• Interpret and analyse the information you have been given about his condition;
• Identify and prioritise 3 nursing issues you must address for Mr XXX and justify why they are priorities and support your discussion with evidence;
• discuss the potential impact of the disease on Mr XXX 3 most important activities of living. Link your discussion to the Roper Logan and Tierney model.
• Steps 5 and 6: Establish goals and take action:
• Identify 3 SMART goals 1 per nursing issue identified with comprehensive discussion of the desired out come with in a suit able time frame;
• Identify interventions to achieve the above goals The interventions should be nursing based;
• consider both pharmacological and non-pharmacological management;
• recognise strategies to em power and educate Mr XXX.
• Steps 7 and 8 – Evaluation and Reflection:
• Consider what strategies/aspects would determine that the interventions have been successful or effective for Mr XXX ?
• Include your conclusion here and part of that should include an over all statement of what have you learned from doing this case study what has been learnt what went well and what could have been improved
NRSG265 Principles of Nursing Medical Assignment – Australia
Case Study
Mr XXX has a past medical history of hypertension diagnosed in 2014 which is managed with Perindopril and he has been advised by his GP to reduce his salt in take and lose weight to help reduce his blood pressure.
The ED registrar has requested an ECG continuous cardiac monitoring blood tests total cholesterol cardiac tropon in FBC and UEC and has ordered a STAT dose of aspirin 300mg and sublingual glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) 300- 600mcg every 5 minutes for a maximum of 3 doses.
Patient history :
Works full time as a civil engineer and is currently working overtime most weeks averaging 50-60 hours week. He states that work has been in credibly busy and that he needs to look after multiple work sites due to ongoing staff sick leave. He usually smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per week, but recently this has increased to 2 packs per week. Due to his and his wife’s long working hours the family eat take out most days and he states he has gained some weight over the past few months.
Family history :
• Father passed away in 2015 due to an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
• Mother had breast cancer in 2020 and is in remission currently. She lives in Poland with her sister. Current medications:
• Perindopril 4mg daily Initial vital observations:
• BP 138/95 mmHg
• HR 106 bpm
• RR 22 bpm
• SpO2 95% on RA
• T 37.2oC
Health assessment findings and laboratory results:
• Height 1.67m, Weight 89kg excess abdominal fat evident Waist circumference 101cm
• Alert and orientated to time place and person. GCS 15
• Cool dry hands and feet. Moist mucous membranes
• CRT 2 seconds
• Total cholesterol level – 8.0mmol/L
• Cardiac troponin – elevated
• FBC and UEC – results NAD

Mr XXX migrated from Poland over 40 years ago with his family and he currently lives with his wife and son (age 18) in the regional city of Ballarat in Victoria. He
Following the review of his laboratory tests and assessment results Mr XXX has been diagnosed with a NSTEMI. He is to have serial cardiac troponin done 4-8 hourly repeat ECG with changes to pain level or cessation of chest pain and continuous cardiac monitoring. Apply supplemental oxygen if SpO2 < 93%.
Administer GTN for chest pain and consider IV morphine if pain not controlled with GTN please consult with medical staff prior to administration. He also needs to be prepared for an angiogram +/- PCI this after noon.You are the nurse looking after Mr XXX and you are required to plan his care using the CRC and the provided case study information.
Mr XXX is a 54 years old male who presented to the emergency department ED due to crushing chest pain pain score 8/10 that was associated with nausea dyspnoea and diaphoresis. He stated that the pain
came on suddenly this morning while he was watching TV at home and resolved spontaneously after 30 minutes but started again 2 hours later and had gotten worse since. Mr XXX stated that he had never experienced chest pain like this before and delayed coming into hospital as he thought the pain would sub side again. His wife brought him in as he was looking pale and the pain was moving to his jaw and left arm.
Case Study :-
Mr XXX has a past medical history of hypertension diagnosed in 2014 which is managed with Perindopril and he has been advised by his GP to reduce his salt in take and lose weight to help reduce his blood pressure.
The ED registrar has requested an ECG continuous cardiac monitoring blood tests total cholesterol cardiac troponin FBC and UEC and has ordered a STAT dose of aspirin 300mg and sublingual glyceryl trinitrate GTN 300- 600mcg every 5 minutes for a maximum of 3 doses.
Patient history:
works full time as a civil engineer and is currently working over time most weeks averaging 50-60 hours week. He states that work has been in credibly busy and that he needs to look after multiple work sites due to on going staff sick leave. He usually smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per week but recently this has increased to 2 packs per week.
Due to his and his wife’s long working hours the family eat take out most days and he states he has gained some weight over the past few months.
Family history:
• Father passed away in 2015 due to an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
• Mother had breast cancer in 2020 and is in remission currently. She lives in Poland with her sister.
Current medications:
• Perindopril 4mg daily Initial vital observations:
• BP 138/95 mmHg
• HR 106 bpm
• RR 22 bpm
• SpO2 95% on RA
• T 37.2oC
NRSG265 Principles of Nursing Medical Assignment – Australia
Health assessment findings and laboratory results:
• Height 1.67m Weight 89kg, excess abdominal fat evident. Waist circumference 101cm
• Alert and orientated to time, place, and person. GCS 15
• Cool dry hands and feet. Moist mucous membranes
• CRT 2 seconds
• Total cholesterol level – 8.0mmol/L
• Cardiac troponin – elevated
• FBC and UEC – results NAD
Mr XXX migrated from Poland over 40 years ago with his family and he currently lives with his wife and son age 18 in the regional city of Ballarat in Victoria. He needs to be prepared for an angiogram +/- PCI this afternoon.
You are the nurse looking after Mr XXX and you are required
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