Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code MN621
Unit Title Advanced Network Design
Assessment Type Group Assignment – Assignment 2
Assessment Title Network analysis and recommendations
Weight 25% of the total assessments
Total Marks 50 for group report; 20 for individual demonstration
Word limit 1200
MN621 Advanced Network Design Assignment-Melbourne Institute Australia.

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping):
This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:
a. Analyse the need for advanced networks, standards and network solutions;
b. Investigate suitable network designs to match requirements;
d. Apply concepts and theories of human factors as related to network design and implementation;
e. Evaluate performance metrics and dimensions according to specifications.
Submission Guidelines:
- All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a Title Page.
- The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
- Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration
Application must be submitted directly in AMS. You must submit this
application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.
Further information is available at:
Academic Misconduct:
Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness
of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to
exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make
themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at:
MN621 Advanced Network Design Assignment-Melbourne Institute Australia.
Assignment Description
Marks for assignment 2 will be calculated as follows:
Individual assignment 2 marks = marks obtained for group submitted report * demonstration marks/20
For example: Group X gets
• 38/50 marks for group report
• 15/20 marks for individual demonstration in week 11
Individual assignment 2 marks = marks obtained for group submitted report/50 * demonstration marks/20
= 38/50 * 15/20 = 28.5 / 50
Number of students in a group is 5.
Note: Due to viva voce, individual demo marks can vary and group members can have different scores.
Case study:
Based on individual report of assignment 1b, write a group report including the following sections:
1.Summary of the case study reports in 2-3 paragraphs. Rewrite cases studies to one group case study including features of 5 case studies presented by individual students. Make sure to write your MIT ID
digits as IP addresses and justify in the report.
2.Design your own network in packet tracer or any simulator in consideration of the following factors
a. Gain visibility and control by end users (human factor considerations)
b. Realise strategic solutions of your designed network (use of network protocols such as BGP, OSPF)
c. Future trends in networking: Consider future trends in networking such as SDN, 5G, 4D Network, Open Network Switches, cloud, IPv6, Multi-Band Routers, AI applications, etc.
3.Innovative ideas
Write innovative ideas on how can you improve network performance as one solution by combining advantages of all network solutions.
Packet tracer or any simulator demonstration in a group during week 10 or 11 according to tutors allocations
Note to the lab tutor: Allocate 10 mins in Week 11 for each group to demonstrate their packer tracer simulation.
Marking Rubrics
The following tentative marking criteria will be followed for the assignment.

Example of the marking rubric for the Assignment: Total marks 50. The details about the rubric are as follows:

MN621 Advanced Network Design Assignment-Melbourne Institute Australia.
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