Trimester T3 2020
Unit Code HI5014
Unit Title International Business Across Borders
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping):
i)Students are required to work in groups of 4 members to choose a country (see Page-4) and a real multinational enterprise in that country of their choice. While working in a specific group, students are required to apply their knowledge learned in the course unit to write an industry/sector report (Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5,6,7).
ii)Also, students may choose to work as individual. In this regard, contact the Unit Coordinator specifying that you are working on your Group Assignment as INDIVIDUAL and not group.
iii)Finally, students should form their respective groups in the BB as INDIVIDUAL or GROUP of: 2 members or 3 members or 4 members maximum.
HI5014 International Business Across Borders Assignment-Holmess Institute Australia.

Students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of International Business Across by conducting research a chosen country and a specific real multinational enterprise operation in that country. This research is to enable students apply international trade theories and concepts learned during Week 1 to Week 10. The in-depth analysis of the chosen country and multinational enterprise, should be supported by data/statistics, figures, tables and relevant literature. A group of up to 4 students, will be provided with a set of countries (see Page-4) from which the group must choose on a ‘first-come, first-served basis’. In this assignment, students are required to do better than recycle the lecture materials. Students are to research the chosen topic in more depth providing evidence of
independent research.
General research requirements:
You are a group of advisors to the Management Board in your multinational enterprise. As advisors you are first, required to conduct research on your selected country covering the previous 5-10 years and multinational enterprise. Second, you are required to present a company strategy to your Management Board covering the next 5 years. Third, your Management Board requires that your research paper covers 3000 words.
Research Specifications
This research is divided into two sections. The first section is Country Analysis Section (15%) of this assignment. The Second section is real multinational enterprise analysis operating in the chosen country (25%).
Section 1: Country Analysis
Weighting 15%
Word Limit 1000
Country Analysis Details
This assignment’s purpose is to perform a country analysis and assessment of a new emerging market where rapid GDP growth has created attractive investment opportunities.
HI5014 International Business Across Borders Assignment-Holmess Institute Australia.

Your report must address the following key areas:
• General overview of the country or region
• Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological influences/benefits/ advantages
• National resource and factor endowments that create competitive advantage
• Foreign currency and exchange influences
• The countries existing trade policies, systems, barriers and incentives
• Foreign Direct Investment
Section 2: Multinational Enterprise analysis
Weighting 25%
Word Limit 2000
Multinational Enterprise Analysis Details
The purpose of this section is to perform a written analysis of a real multinational enterprise that has expanded its operation across borders into foreign/international markets. The multinational enterprise of your choice much must have its headquarters or subsidiary in that country.
Your report must address the following key areas:
• Overview of the company and current operating position
• Multinational enterprise competitive strategy
• Organisational structure; knowledge management; innovation and control issues
• Foreign market entry strategy or strategies used to enter other regions/countries
• Operational control, production and distribution/supply chain management
• Management of Human Resources across borders
• Corporate Social Responsivity
• Identify key issues or opportunities for management
• Recommendations to management for improvement
1.This research should provide useful information for your multinational enterprise Management Board. It should use a variety of resources, including the textbook,newspapers, industry reports, the ABS website, and other sources.
2.You will need to cite material from academic texts or articles or official sources, e.g. government reports, and the final report MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
HI5014 International Business Across Borders Assignment-Holmess Institute Australia.

General Instructions:
Your report should be organised with a clear research structure that includes but not limited to the following with headings that indicate sections and subsections:
• Executive Summary
• Table of content
• Knowledge of concepts and course material
• Investigative and research skills shown
• Overall impression of excellence
• You will need to cite material from academic texts or articles or official sources, e.g. government reports, and the final report
• All reports must contain in-text citation and an accurate and complete set of references at the end of the paper.
• Furthermore, your research should be properly referenced using the Harvard style and at least 5 references.
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