Assessment Task 1- Case Study Identify and establish documentation standards
About this assessment:
This assessment is about a case study analysis of a simulated business in order to identify and establish documentation standards for a business related to the unit BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development and its elements and performance criteria.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment–The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Performance objective:
Candidate is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify and establish documentation standards for a business.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment–The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.
Assessment description:
Using the simulated business information provided in this task, and in response to a scenario, you will identify and establish documentation standards.
Assessment instructions :
1.Read the scenario information provided in Appendix 1.
2.Review and familiarise yourself with Adapt Owl scenario in Appendix 1.
3.Review and evaluate current and future business needs of Adept Owl.
4.Review and analyse corporate style guide in Appendix 2 for reference.
5.Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment time.
6.The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7.Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8.Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9.See specifications below for details.
10.Time allowed for the assessment task is 3 hours.
Assessment task activities :
Using software technology to manage business document design and development, complete the following activities in a word-processed document.
Activity 1:
Identify legislative requirements for information entry, storage, output, and quality of document design and production of Adapt Owl.
Activity 2:
As a new member of the team you will need to identify organisational requirements. Referring to the Adept Owl scenario in Appendix 1, the Adept Owl style guide and procedures, identify: requirement for information entry
2.two requirements for file naming and storage
3.two requirements for output or quality of document design and production
4.two compliance requirements – explain how the existing Adept Owl processes help ensure compliance with one piece of legislation and identify and explain one possible code of practice or standard relevant to document production for possible improvement of processes.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment–The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Activity 3 :
Identify types of documents used and required by Adept Owl
Activity 4:
Determine how technology can be used to design documents. Identify five (5) types of technology for document design at Adept Owl and match requirements of each document with software functions to allow efficient production of documents.
Activity 5:
Evaluate Adept Owl’s present and future information technology capability to satisfy document design and production needs.
1.With respect to human resource capability, where are the skills gaps that exist currently within the administration team?
2.How could the skills gaps be closed in keeping with organisational practices?
3.What future IT capability needs (both physical and human) could the organisation have with respect to document design and production within the next 2–5 years? Identify at least one source of external advice or information you have used to help you make this evaluation.
4.What changes might be required to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures to take account of anticipated technological changes?
Activity 6:
Referring to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures, identify three types of documents used and required by the organisation.
Activity 7:
Develop a short procedure for either (a) a mass letter mail-out or (b) the creation of an expense report. Ensure your procedures:
1.follow general style requirements of the Adept Owl style guide; include at least two references to the style guide or procedures, for example, storage or use of fonts or headings.
2.adhere to information, budget and technology requirements outlined in the scenario in Appendix 1.
Activity 8:
Describe your strategy to develop and implement training on the use of standard templates and macros.
Activity 9 :
Identify two (2) influences on your decisions of format, layout and design of a business document.
Activity 10:
Determine how to test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each document in accordance with documentation standards of Adept Owl.
Activity 11:
Illustrate document production process that you recommend to Adept
Activity 12:
identify costs involved with the implementation of standard documentation
Activity 13:
outline organisational policies and procedures relating to document production.
Activity 14:
list three sources of expertise available externally to Adept Owl workgroup for design and develop documents.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment–The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Activity 15:
Describe monitoring strategies for use of standard documentation templates, test macros and evaluate the quality of documents produced against documentation standards.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment –The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.
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