Introduction :-
This module aims to enable students to realise their creative ambition evidenced through the production of a substantial body of independent creative media work of industry standard. Students will demonstrate the ability to bring together theoretical analysis research and professional practice in a coherent seam less whole. Students will be expected to work to a high degree of autonomy and to develop and extend skills aptitudes and knowledge necessary for the furtherance of their creative practice.
Digital Media Management Project Assignment – Australia

Module Engagement :-
In completing study for the module, students who engage successfully will be able to:
• Frame an appropriate project proposal developed through astute observation investigation speculative enquiry and visualisation appropriate to professional, industry standard practice.
• Conduct a programme of research and development, critically evaluate the outcomes draw valid conclusions and revise and modify the research programme as and when necessary
• Work as an independent researcher to collect analyse and synthesise relevant data and evidence appropriate to the research problem
• Produce a clearly structured and well written and produced piece of research within the discipline of digital media management while demonstrating sophisticated organisational and time management skills appropriate to professional practice.
Assessment Overview :-
This module essentially consists of a major, self-generated project of study supported by individual supervision leading to a final digital media management report and digital media portfolio. The module enables students to build upon the skills and knowledge attained throughout their previous study. The module aims to provide an academically rigorous and strongly motivated self-generated project that will demonstrate competencies relevant to the creative media industry.
The project will require the completion of a number of tasks throughout Trimester You will be assessed on competencies in research, evaluation and critical analysis as evidenced in the research portfolio and the artefact or artefacts. The following table shows the key assessment tasks against weightings.
Project Proposal (10% of overall module mark)
This proposal should cover the following areas:
o A concise overview of the project – including preliminary research idea generation concepts and requirements.
o Planning and the road ahead – planning for remainder of Trimester 3 The Project Proposal should be approximately 1000 words.
Project Portfolio (60% of overall module mark)
Students will create a wide range of projects but the following criteria will be used to judge the ability of the students to meet the requirements of the module with weightings. These criteria apply to the practical element of the project.
o Setting challenging tasks and the employment of convergent and divergent thinking in problem solving (40%)
o Application of appropriate theories and methods to address a problem (40%)
o A coherent body of work demonstrating sophisticated organisational and time management skills (20%)
Your project portfolio will contain 6000 words or work commensurate with 6000 words of effort. Your supervisor will give feedback on the appropriateness of what you intend to submit.
Project Report (30% of overall module mark)
The Project Report will contain your finished and complete research evaluation and critical analysis for the project. You will need to summarise your research and practical work that you have conducted. Sections within the report together with weightings should be as follows:
o Introduction (10%) – an overview of the portfolio and project giving a summary of key findings outcomes
o Research (30%) – a discussion of your completed research and how your finished project relates to the work of others
o Evaluation (30%) – an evaluation of your practical work and use of tools technologies and techniques
o Critical analysis (30%) – a self critique of the artefact reviewing any weaknesses in the practical work suggested improvements and further work
Digital Media Management Project Assignment – Australia
The Project Report should be approximately 3000 words Your supervisor will give feedback on the appropriateness of what you intend to submit.
Feedback and the supervisory process
Feedback will be available from your supervisor from your initial meetings and beyond through out the process of research, development and project completion. Your supervisor will provide guidance primarily at a strategic level, advising you about the viability of your project and associated risks its scope and potential resources and will encourage you to reflect critically upon your practice.
You will meet regularly with your supervisor who will provide advice and feed back both oral and written on your progress possible developments and the quality of your work You will also be encouraged to hone your critical skills and your ability to critically reflect upon your performance through discussion with your peers lecturers and practitioners in the industry and to reflect upon your practice accordingly.
A list of supervisors assigned to students (once supervisors have been assigned) will be available on the Shuspace site for this module and will be available in the Module Documents section.
Please note that for this module there are no class sessions, you will instead meet with a supervisor by appointment.
Digital Media Management Project Assignment – Australia

Resources :-
The resources appropriate for your research will depend upon your project area You will however be expected to use a variety of literature sources identified through your initial literature search. The module is largely enquiry based as you progress through your research you will revise and develop your resource base.
You will be expected to keep an up-to-date record of resources together with a critical evaluation which will form part of your Research Portfolio.
Much of your resource base will be available through the Universities online learning resources such as the Journal Search and online catalogue in addition to which you may require more specialised publications available through inter library loans.
Any specialist resources such as software, hardware or space requirements must be made clear to your supervisor at an early stage and certainly by the Research Proposal stage at the latest.
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