Subject Code & Title : CLM6100 Argument
Word Limit : (3000-4000 (+/- 10%)
Assignment Type : Written Essay
General Guide : A formally written argument essay will be written (3000-4000 (+/- 10%) excluding title page and end-text references following the APA Manual (7th ed.). Strict adherence to the APA formatting standards is required for this academic exercise. This means, not only are the references formatted as per APA, the entire paper is formatted as an APA paper. Examples can be found in the writing resources tab. Please do not include a table of contents or the APA cover sheet.
CLM6100 Argument Essay – Australia.

Why is writing a formally written argument essay important?
• With earning a post-graduate degree, you are building on the knowledge you have already gained as a registered nurse, or another degree,taking your career to the next level.
• As a leader, you are expected to be able to move healthcare forward to maximize patient outcomes. Therefore, you need to be knowledgeable about the leadership approaches, frameworks and theories as leaders in healthcare environments.
1.Choose two leadership approaches from the list (see discussion board)
2.Choose the setting this leader may work in: Acute care, aged-care, mental-health care, community based care, or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health or another setting.
3.Briefly describe a healthcare challenge (ex. nosocomial infection, neglect in aged care etc.) in the setting of your choice
4.Compare and contrast the two different leadership approaches of your choice and present your argument why one leadership approach is better suited to overcome the healthcare challenge in the setting of your choice.
5.This paper is argument, please use the resources provide to review the structure of an argument essay as it is different to a non-argument essay.
6.This essay focuses on leadership. However, because the context of that leadership is in fact healthcare, you will briefly describe a healthcare challenge. Be sure you stay within 500-700 words; you are briefly introducing the healthcare challenge to provide enough context to help the reader understand your argument for a particular leadership approach. A health care challenge could be anything: Nosocomial infection, recent findings from the Royal Commission into Aged Care, the need to prepare the digital healthcare workforce, etc. it does not have to be a clinical nursing issue (for those of you who are not in nursing). So, it could also be a broader health care issue.
CLM6100 Argument Essay – Australia.

Argument Essay Writing Guide and Marking Key
Introduction : Briefly describe a healthcare challenge in Australia (ex. nosocomial infection, neglect in aged care etc.) in the setting of your choice (500-700 words max). Discuss the implications for health outcomes, and cost if this problem is not addressed.
Leadership :
• Discuss the background for each of the two leadership approaches;
• What specific traits do leaders using these leadership approaches have? Compare and contrast the two leadership approaches.
Argue for why one of the leadership approaches is the best suited
• To develop a powerful argument, it is extremely important to support your claims with recent literature, and studies on how this particular leadership approach is the best suited to overcome the healthcare challenge.
Alternative View
Make use of contrary opinions by including different points of view/contradictory views on the subject. Support these views with literature.
Turn Back to your Argument
Now that you have given a counter argument and presented opposing views, turn back to your own argument and show that the leadership approach you are arguing for is—In fact—the best approach for the healthcare challenge and setting.
CLM6100 Argument Essay – Australia.

Paragraphing & Logic
Logical arguments, logical connection between ideas, and concepts. Well-developed paragraphs (no 2-3 sentences paragraphs).
Summary & Conclusion
• Provide a strong, concise summary that restates the key points of your argument and the advantages of the leadership approach to overcome the healthcare challenge. Provide 2-3 sentences for the final conclusion.
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