Unit Title :- Rights of The Child
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Word Count :- 2500 words
A reflective essay examining practice in regard to the right to play in relation to the UNCRC
While working on your assessments at university much of your time will be spent thinking thinking about what has been written in Modules and posted in forums what you have read, what you think about the key ideas and how your thinking may have changed. Critical and reflective thinking is part of this process.
Rights of The Child Essay Assignment – Australia.

This assessment requires you to think more deeply about children’s right to play.
Download the cover sheet from Interact 2 menu bar (Assessment Task Advice Assessment 2 hints and cover sheet) This document includes a cover page and the Assessment 2 marking rubric. This is a requirement for this assessment.Your essay would then be typed into this document. If you have do not have the cover page and rubric included in your essay then you will be asked to resubmit with these
before marking can occur.
This is an essay about the right to play in early childhood education settings (ECES).
You will be considering your own ECES you are/or have been working with regard to the right to play. If you do not currently work in an ECES please contact the subject coordinator immediately
This essay would:
1. The essay starts with an introduction that defines play and explains whata play-based approach to learning means in an early childhood setting.
Use references to support your definition and explanation. Link to UNCRC and key module readings and/or extra readings.
2. Explain WHAT the Right to Play means in an early childhood setting and WHY the right to play is important drawing on early childhood documents and key module readings for support.
3.Choose ONE of the examples listed below and discuss whether or not the right to play is supported and how the educators’ practices could be improved to better advocate the right of the child to play. Make sure you consider this example in the light of identified readings (set module readings early childhood documents, extra readings or research).
Just choose one:
1.You have just started working in an early childhood setting called “Kids are Great”. As you go through the centre documents you notice there is no policy or philosophy on play. The children are often forced to join all set activities that mainly are academic in nature. Does this support the children’s right to play? Why so or why not.
2.You are working in the Toddler room at “Rainbow Central” early childhood centre. You notice that a number of the children are interested in a movie called Meerkat City. You decide to brainstorm with the children what kinds of activities you could set up that they might be interested in. That day in the
staff meeting, the staff develops a program for the following week that incorporates a number of the children’s ideas. Does this support the children’s right to play? Why so or why not.
Rights of The Child Essay Assignment – Australia.
i.Then look for two examples of practices OR policies (or one practice and one policy) in your early childhood setting where you can see the right to play being enacted or where you think practices or policies could be improved. Make sure you consider these examples in the light of identified readings. If you are not in an early childhood setting contact the subject coordinator immediately.
ii. Discuss these examples in your essay. In your discussion explain why you think these are examples of good or poor practice.
iii. The conclusion would reflect on the learning you have gained from the first half of the session. What learning points might influence your teaching or reinforce existing practices and ideas around children
learning and play.
iv. When you have all the parts of your essay in place proofread your essay by reading it aloud. This can help as you can then hear any grammatical errors and see if the discussion flows logically as a whole. Include inter linking sentences (see the essay guide under Assessment Task Advice/Assessment 2 hints and cover sheet) and/or use the PEA paragraph structure to ensure the discussion flows logically from beginning to end. A workshop including PEA will be held in Week 3 of the session.
v.As you draft your essay keep returning to the marking criteria to ensure you are meeting the requirements.
Draw on your readings to reflect upon the practices and/or policies of your early childhood service in relation to the right to play. Please refer at minimum to the Right to Play booklet (Brooker & Wood head 2013) UNCRC ACECQA’s Guide to the Quality Standards and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), and any other material as appropriate to guide your thinking.
And APA Referencing Style
Use the cover sheet document you download for this assessment to write your essay on for submission.
All essays will be run through the TURNITIN tool after the submission due date by the Subject Coordinator.Submit your assessment formally for marking via EASTS.
Rights of The Child Essay Assignment – Australia.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
1.understand the content and scope of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and implications for and of public policy related to early childhood.
2. critically reflect upon the content and scope of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the implications for the experiences of children in early childhood settings.
3. gain a critical awareness of the various factors that contribute to the violation of children’s rights including political cultural and economic discrimination and/or marginalisation.
Assessment 2 supports your learning around the rights of the child as well as development of your critical thinking and academic writing skills. It provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the UNCRC and consider the nature of children’s rights and how these might be experienced in different contexts and age groups as well as how recognition of children’s rights can be enacted and defended with in early childhood programmes.
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