CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

Subject Code & Title :- CHC50113 Integrated Workplace
Assessment Instructions :- Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to demonstrate competency in each relevant unit. To facilitate the appropriate learning and practice of developing skills ALL workplace assessment tasks MUST be completed within a regulated children’s service. Workplace supervisors must authenticate these tasks have been completed, under supervision and to an acceptable workplace standard for organisation policies and procedures.
CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.

Attempting assessment tasks :-
Students are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions for each task.

Assessment Conditions :-
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated EC service. Assessment must demonstrate consistent capable performance:

1.Skills assessment can be fully or partially completed in a self-study environment or via word/ pdf documents BUT must show evidence of practical application/ coordination/ consultation in the workplace
2.The student must complete the required assessment to a Satisfactory level
3.Where students require further evidence to determine competency, the trainer is to identify the evidence/ additional tasks that are needed to be complete in order to determine Competency.

Assessment Outcomes :-
The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory, Not Yet Satisfactory, or Incomplete. Where students are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ or ‘Incomplete’ the trainer/assessor will provide the student with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for re submission.

Reasonable Adjustment :
Students may apply for reasonable adjustment to assessment tasks. If you feel ‘reasonable adjustment’ may apply to you, please discuss further with ICCC.

Student Appeals :-
Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals must be made in writing using the Appeals Form and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute.Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding.

Completing workplace tasks – Print and Sign :-
To create a printed assessment to complete, click on the word or pdf version link provided and print the document to a local printer
To print, complete and submit work for marking students will need to either:

1.Access and download either the word or PDF version of this assessment document
2. Print to a local printer
3. Provide responses to ALL activities
4. Once completed, scan all documents and save them to a secure location on your desktop.
5. Click on the Upload button on the right-hand side of the web page
6. Click on Choose File and select the relevant files to attach.
7. Click on Submit for Marking
8. Students are also able to post or hand in written assessment tasks directly to the college.

Submitting tasks – Upload or Post
Students are encouraged to submit all completed assessment tasks via upload function. This ensures your work will NEVER be lost. Where students are unable to upload to the site, students can post directly to the College or submit in person. If you submit your task/s by post or in person you must complete a Student Declaration to verify that the responses are authentic.

Accessing Required Readings
Students will need to access the Required Readings throughout the assessment process. These readings provide important underpinning knowledge and key information to help students provide appropriate responses to assessment tasks. It is important that each student reads these to build a better understanding of the Early Childhood requirements and how to effectively contribute to the Education and Care of young children.

Students are able to access these readings online:

1. under the Required Readings heading on this document. (see below)

Saving and/ or Printing Required Readings
Students will access the Required Readings via the hyperlinks in this document, either viewing the document online, saving the file/s to a personal computer or printing. Please be advised that some readings are more than 100 pages and may be costly to print.

Unit Purpose :-
This unit co-assesses CHCECE023, CHCECE017, CHCECE018, CHCECE022, and CHCECE024.
The assessment tasks within this unit provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of the knowledge and skills required to design, implement and evaluate the curriculum to foster children’s learning and

Elements – CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Tasks Part 3

The following elements define the essential outcomes of this unit:
1. CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning
o Element 1 Gather and document information about children
o Element 2 Monitor children’s learning and development
o Element 3 Use evidence to inform practice
o Element 4 Share information appropriately
o Performance Evidence
o Knowledge Evidence

2. CHCECE017 Foster holistic development and well being of the child in early childhood
o Element 1 Foster physical development
o Element 2 Foster social development
o Element 3 Foster emotional development
o Element 4 Foster cognitive development
o Element 5 Foster communication development
o Element 6 Foster an environment for holistic learning and development
o Performance Evidence
o Knowledge Evidence

3. CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children
o Element 1 Foster creativity through the physical environment
o Element 2 Foster creativity through the human environment
o Element 3 Foster creativity through a learning framework
o Element 4 Provide experiences
o Element 5 Evaluate experiences
o Performance Evidence
o Knowledge Evidence

4. CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency
o Element 1 Establish a learning environment that reflects children’s interests
o Element 2 Provide opportunities that stimulate learning and development
o Element 3 Design, implement and evaluate learning experiences for children
o Element 4 Support children to participate
o Performance Evidence
o Knowledge Evidence

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

5. CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster children’s learning and development
o Element 1 Develop appropriate settings and environments
o Element 2 Design and implement curriculum in consultation with others
o Element 3 Design learning experiences to foster children’s learning and development
o Element 4 Implement learning experiences to foster children’s learning and development
o Element 5 Assess and evaluate planned and unplanned teaching and learning
o Performance Evidence
o Knowledge Evidence

These integrated workplace tasks have been designed to allow you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge to:

  • design, implement and evaluate the curriculum to foster children’s learning and development;
  • foster the holistic development and well being of children from birth to age 6 years;
  • nurture creativity in children;
  • promote and encourage children’s agency; and
  • design, implement and evaluate the curriculum to foster children’s learning and development.

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

Assessment Requirements :-
1.Activity 1 Small-group discussion (cultural diversity)
2.Activity 2 Gross and Fine Motor
3. Activity 3 S.T.E.M
4. Activity 4 Exploring patterns
5. Activity 5 Literacy
6. Activity 6 Creative arts
7. Activity 7 Project
8. Activity 8 Documentation for families

Important Assessment Information :-
The units CHCECE024, CHCECE017, CHCECE023, CHCECE018 and CHCECE022 all link together. The workplace tasks for these units are co-assessed and each supports the other in developing your learning and
knowledge around child development, observation, planning and providing play environments for children. In order to successfully complete these workplace tasks, you must do them in sequential order (i.e. start at Part 1
and finish at Part 4).

The Activities :-
There is a total of 15 experiences in the 8 activities below, that must be planned and implemented in the workplace, both indoors and outdoors. Before commencing Integrated Workplace Task Part 3 you must have
completed Part 1 & 2 in full. You may also like to combine some of these experiences with the tasks set for you in Part 4.

Part 3: Planning for Learning and Development
1. Activity 1: Small-group Discussion (Cultural Diversity)
2. Activity 2: Gross Motor (Focus Child)
3. Activity 3: S.T.E.M
4. Activity 4: Exploring Patterns
5. Activity 5: Literacy (Focus Child)
6. Activity 6: Creative arts – product based (Focus Child)
7. Activity 7: Project
8. Activity 8: Documentation for families

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

The activities are designed with a degree of flexibility so that you can devise experiences that reflect the abilities, ages, interests and needs of the children with whom you are working. A number of formats have been
provided to assist you in planning and evaluating your tasks. Detail is the key in your planning. The plans should be written so that anyone could take these plans and implement without discussing with you. Your evaluations
should detail what has happened in the experience, what did the children do, say, react. This should then be followed up with whether the goal was met and why/why not. Experiences do not always go as planned and this
is part of your learning. They do not have to meet the goal, but you must use description in detailing why, what happened. Remember that for any statements that you make you must follow this up with an example of
why/how you know this.

It is essential that you familiarise yourself with all activities and begin by planning how and when you will implement each task, so that all tasks are completed in a timely manner. This planning process will require consultation with your workplace supervisor and your workplace colleagues. You must have each plan approved by your workplace supervisor at least one day before implementation. This is a time for discussion with your workplace supervisor to gain additional feedback about your plan. After implementation, and when you have written your evaluation, you need to revisit the experience with your workplace supervisor for feedback regarding your experience, which will assist you to grow as an educator. Feedback from your workplace supervisor is at their discretion/not compulsory however this is encouraged for personal growth and you should make attempts to gain this. However, your supervisor must sign on completion of the experience for validity purposes.

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

It is estimated that these activities will take you a minimum of 4 weeks (i.e. 20 days) to complete. You must also factor in additional time for planning, consultation and evaluation. During this period, you will also be observed as you engage in day-to-day interactions with children, colleagues and families.

Child Studies: Focus Children
Three of your planned experiences must be based on your observations of your focus children. Using the table below, nominate one Focus Child to each Activity. Each Focus Child should be allocated a different activity. An
example is provided below:

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.

Based on your analysis of your focus children you are required to match a focus child to each of the above experiences.

When completed you should have planned one experience for each of your focus children. Additionally, use the workplace planning tool on the following page to assist you with your planning.

Activity 1: Small-group Discussion (Ethical Issue – Cultural Diversity)
This activity is best suited to older preschool children.

Purpose: A small group discussion that supports children to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas related to cultural diversity.

This activity should involve thinking skills such as problem-solving and reasoning.

Example: Exploring Cultural Diversity
This experience is designed to encourage children to notice, and talk about, differences. It is an opportunity for the educator to gain some insight into how children think about cultural diversity.

Preschool children are not yet able to identify bias. However, they may show bias in their thinking and behaviours simply because of their need for familiarity. Children’s sense of belonging and sense of security is
supported when they see and hear people and things that are familiar to them and to which they can relate.

For this experience you will need to

1.Introduce diversity by reading a story – e.g. Elmer the Elephant, Feathers for Phoebe, The Rainbow Fish.
2. Show children a set of 6 photos of children from different ethnic backgrounds (one must be Anglo-Saxon).
3. Discuss differences in hair, eye, skin colour and dress.
4. Tell the children that each of these children is very good at one thing, e.g. kicking a ball, running, building with blocks, drawing, climbing etc.
5. Ask each child to guess which child is good at (nominate one thing) – encourage the children to give you a reason for their guess.
6. Ask children to identify one child that they would like to invite to come to their house on a play date –ask children to give a reason for their choice. (Typically, children will choose the image of the child that most closely resembles them in appearance)
7. Talk to children about what we notice about how others look.

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.
CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.
CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.

Activity 2: Physical Development
This activity requires you to plan 2 experiences:

Gross Motor
a. This activity must reflect the skills and interests of one of your focus children.

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

Purpose: The experience must focus on fostering physical (gross motor) development. You should refer to the skills and interests of one of your focus children when planning this experience. You may wish to provide opportunities to practice existing gross motor skills, develop new skills or challenge the child’s existing skills.

This activity should involve gross motor skills such as strength, coordination, agility and risk taking. This must be defined in your goal.

Obstacle course; ball/bean bag games; yoga; balance and coordination activities; aerobics; jumping; running games etc.

Fine Motor

b. This activity could be completed with any age group (consider age appropriate materials).
Purpose: The experience must focus on fostering physical (fine motor) development. Focusing on the children’s ability to construct, consider engineering of the materials and use of their imaginations to design
their own learning.This activity should involve fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, grasping, manipulating objects, etc. This must be defined in your goal.

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 – Australia.

Building with blocks, Lego, open ended materials such as natural and man-made, PVC pipes, tiles, tools, play dough experiences, etc.

Activity 2a: Physical Development – Gross Motor

Focus child

CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.
CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.
CHC50113 Integrated Workplace Assessment Part 3 - Australia.

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