Subject Code & Title: BUSM4589 Professional Human Resource Management Practices
Assessment type: Report
Word limit: 2,500 (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 35%
Overview: In this assessment students are required to write a report (2500 words) based on the case study provided on the Canvas website under Assignments. For this report, students should use the materials covered in this course, whilst drawing upon other quality references. Students should aim for a minimum of 15 references.
BUSM4589 Professional Human Resource Management Case Study 3 – RMIT University Australia.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this assessment you should be able to:
CLO 1 Compare international HR professional standards, and assess their application to an organisation drawing in theoretical constructs.
CLO 2 Analyse and interpret the external and internal context in which HR professionals operate, and the impact on practice.
CLO 3 Demonstrate expertise in tools, tactics and strategies that can be applied to achieve the resolution of conflict.
CLO 4 Reflect and critique your developing professional practice.
Assessment details:
Part A: In the context of the case study available in the Assignments section in the Course Learning Management System (Canvas) – see ” Message from the Incoming CEO, Violet Chan, Australis Bank, addressed to the Human Resource Management Division” you are required to write a report of 1000 -1100 words on three HRM practices which include:
1) Effective performance management to ensure that individuals are performing towards their KPIs underpinned by ethical behaviour. I would also welcome
2) Advice on recruitment at our entry-level positions.
3) Information on ensuring what processes and procedures HRM will put in place to recruit people who reflect our culture regardless of gender, sexual preference, nationality at senior executive levels.
BUSM4589 Professional Human Resource Management Practices Case Study Assessment 3 – RMIT University Australia.

Part B:
In the context of the case study, plus your references, you are required to write a further 1000 -1100 words in your report on three HRM practices focussing on how the human resource activities (e.g.planning, recruitment, human resource development) need to change. As stated above this second
aspect of your report needs to support our organisation and advance our organisation’s objectives while preserving as many jobs for our staff as possible.
The case study contains the instructions listed above but places Task 3 in greater context and contains useful resources to aid you in multiple learning dimensions.
Report Structure:
- Executive Summary (not counted within the 2500 words)
- Introduction
- Body which encompasses Part A and B content as outlined above
- Conclusion (not a summary, but intelligent comments that outline what has been concluded based on the literature research you have undertaken in this field of inquiry)
- References (not counted within the 2500 words)
BUSM4589 Professional Human Resource Management Case Study 3 – RMIT University Australia.

Assessment Criteria:
- Key questions have been developed
- Arguments and assertions substantiated through use of high-quality reference material and key academic perspectives/views have been used (5 academic references minimum)
- Succinct, clear and comprehensive written style (spelling, grammar, syntax.)
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