Subject Code & Title : ECPPL405A Leadership And Management In Early Childhood
Assessment Type : Assignment
‘Leading in Early Childhood is a commitment to learning and a key driver of quality practice’
(Stamopoulos & Barblett, 2018, xix).‘Studies show that leadership can positively impact on the quality of the centre as a workplace, the quality of education provided and the developmental outcomes achieved by children over time’ (Waniganayake et al., 2017, cited ACECQA, 2019, p.8).
ECPPL405A Leadership And Management In Early Childhood Assignment – Australia.

‘The National Quality Standard provides flexibility for educational leaders to be creative and innovative, to best support quality outcomes for the children, families and educators at the service’ (Livingston cited, ACECQA, 2019, p. 5).
1. Consider these statements.
2. Discuss how you would position yourself as a leader of quality improvement and change
3. Use this week’s content and readings
a. PS. Don’t use the term “I” in the writing. Write in the third person.
b. Reference list word amount should not be included in the 350-word count.
c. Use these prescribed texts and reading I have provided below.
Topic: National Quality Standards
1. Quality in the Australian early childhood policy context
2. Leadership for quality
ECPPL405A Leadership And Management In Early Childhood Assignment – Australia.

1. Read and discuss Leaders in Practice 3.1 by Sarah Wood (Stamopoulos & Barblett, 2018 – Chapter 2, p. 53). Discuss the ways in which Sarah uses the NQF to support her centre’s position of quality EC education.What did you learn from how Sarah engages with stakeholders in the review and development of her centre’s quality improvement? Consider quality from different perspectives
2. Change can be simple or complex. Examine Rodd’s (2013) typology of change in EC contexts. How will you manage resistance and cope with change? (Stamopoulos & Bar blett, 2018 – Chapter 2, p. 43).
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