Unit Code : WFRS0001
Unit Name : Research for University Studies
Assessment Task : Research Essay
Length : 1300 words (plus or minus 10%, i.e., 1170-1430 words)-3 marks for essays that are under/over
Weighting : 30%
WFRS0001 Research Essay – Australia.

You will need to write a Research Essay on an innovation which your teacher will allocate to you. In your
Research Essay, you will need to define the innovation, explain its use(s)/application(s), explain two of its
benefits and two of its limitations and conclude with a position and final comment. You will need to use a
minimum of 7 academic sources and follow the Harvard referencing guide when attributing ideas from
sources in your essay.
Your Research Essay should follow the formatting requirements below :-
• Double spaced
• No headings except for References for the reference list.
• Font size 12
• Font: Calibri
• No indentations between paragraphs – leave a line for a new paragraph
• Leave a line between sources in the Reference List
• The citations in the Reference List should be single spaced
• Footer containing page numbers
• Header containing student name and number
• Save the document as Research essay: Your name Your student number
You will get more detailed information about the expectations regarding the Research Essay in the class.
Important Information :
• Macquarie University operates under a ‘Fit to Sit’ model. This means that by attempting an assessment, a student declares themselves fit to do so. The Special Consideration Policy outlines the conditions for when a student would or would not be granted a special consideration for a missed assessment (see the Missed assessments and examinations section within the General Assessment Information section of the unit guide).
• Students are required to follow the instructions provided to them by their invigilator, on i Learn or in the relevant assessment task documents, including the Online Assessment Rules.
• Students are responsible for maintaining academic integrity during assessments by abiding by Macquarie University’s Academic Integrity Policy and Student Code of Conduct.
• Breaches to any of the rules may be reported to an Academic integrity Committee for determination. Penalties can range from losing marks, failing the assessment, failing the unit or even being excluded from the University.
• Late submission of this task will be penalised as per information in the Submission of assessment Tasks section within the General Assessment Information section of the unit guide.Note that the penalties differ for late submission of non-timed assessment tasks and time-limited ones. This is a non-timed task.

1.Submit your essay using the Research Essay submission link by clicking on the ‘Submit Paper’button (icon with an arrow in a cloud) BEFORE the deadline.
2.Put a check in the box to indicate that you have understood the Macquarie University Academic Honesty Policy.
3.Click on ‘Add Submission’.
4.You may make several submissions via Turnitin to check your work for plagiarism and make adjustments accordingly up until the due date. Please note that for a first-time submission the similarity report will be available immediately but for any subsequent submissions it may take 24 hours for the similarity report to be generated in Turnitin.
5.Submit your Research Essay to Turnitin before the submission due date. If you submit after the due date, your submission will be counted as a late submission and penalties will apply (see Late Submissions section below).
6.Please note that Turnitin will not allow you to resubmit your file after the due date; therefore, if you wish to resubmit your work after the due date, you will need to contact the Senior Teacher, Philip Rad mall via your Macquarie University student email and attach a copy of your submission. If you submit again after the due date your submission will be counted as a late submission and penalties will apply.
Verify that your submission to Turnitin was successful.
You must check that your submission is displayed on iLearn after submitting it.
When you successfully submit your assignment in Turnitin, you will see a message that confirms receipt of the assignment and includes the submission time and date. You then need to click on your submitted assignment to check that it can be displayed in Turnitin.
If you experience any problems with online submission, you must:
(i) Take a screenshot of the error message that is displayed (which includes the time and date)
(ii) Contact the Senior Teacher, Philip Radmall, immediately via your Macquarie University student email advising him of the problem.
(iii) You must attach the screenshot AND the file containing your Business Marketing Report submission.
(iv) The email must be received by the Senior Teacher before the submission deadline.
If you cannot access or view your submission via Turnitin in iLearn, you have not correctly submitted your
work and will need to do so prior to the due date.
If you require assistance submitting to iLearn, you may lodge a OneHelp Ticket or refer to the IT help page.

Please note that it is your responsibility to:
• allow sufficient time for submission of your work and any uploading of documents so try to avoid submitting your work just prior to the deadline.
• ensure that you make the correct submission, that you submit to the correct link, and that your document can be viewed in Turnitin.
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