Slavery in Australia?
The media reported recently that large companies need to report on slavery in their supply chains. An anti-slavery bill just passed through the Senate last year. The opposition (Labor) called for more accountability and wants large companies that do not report on the use of slaves in the supply chain
to face considerable penalties. Labor wishes to target companies which have more than $100 million dollars in revenue.
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The media has also reported that there is a very significant number of companies which rely on supply chains which make use of slaves.
One source notes that
Modern slavery practices include people trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage and forced marriage. More than 40 million people worldwide are believed to be victims of modern slavery,including 4300 Australians
The Global Slavery Index notes, with respect to Australia, that
once migrant workers have arrived in Australia, cultural and language barriers, limited knowledge of workplace laws and standards in Australia, and the reliance on employers who sponsor their temporary visas can further make them susceptible to modern slavery. Financial difficulties
exacerbated by restricted work entitlements, the temporary nature and type of work, and a general fear of authorities due to risks associated with non-compliance of visa requirements contribute to
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This vulnerability is made worse by the silence that surrounds these slaves, and the lack of concerted action on the part of employers and companies, that ought to provide fair and humane working conditions for all of those workers who are vulnerable.
The Index notes also that migrants, domestic workers, young people and children are among the most vulnerable to slavery and exploitation in Australia today. Urgent steps are needed to address the problem and these vulnerabilities.
For further information see:
Parliament of Australia: Modern Slavery Bill 2018, at
“Senate passes modern slavery bill”, 29 November 2018, (accessed November 30 2018)
The Global Slavery Index, (accessed November 30, 2018)
For this assessment you are required to:
1.Identify 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles that relate to the pursuit of more just conditions in the example above (refer to the passage above in your reflection).
2.Analyse and evaluate the principles you have selected and explain why you believe these principles of CST have particular relevance to this issue.
3.Using the passage above, explain how the concepts of self and community are interrelated, using the concepts of human flourishing, Ubuntu and/or the Golden Rule in your discussion.
4.Write a reflection that shows how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of the common good here, may be relevant to the skills and knowledge that they are acquiring in the degree program that they are studying
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Learning Outcomes Assessed
1.Describe coherently the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and drawing on these produce a personal commentary that explains how the concepts of ‘self’ and ‘community’ are interrelated.
2.Analyse and evaluate the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) in order to show how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the common good may be relevant to the skills and knowledge that they are acquiring in the degree program that they are studying.
Length and/or format: 1,200 word assignment.
Referencing: You should provide full and correct references in your essay
using the referencing system used by your School or Faculty.
How to submit: Your assignment must be uploaded as a word document to
LEO via Turnitin. Go to the UNCC100 Supplementary Unit in LEO. In the Assignment Dropbox section, submit your assessment via the Turnitin link titled ‘Supplementary Assessment’.
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Who can you talk to for advice if you have any questions:
Return of assignment: Supplementary assessments will be returned via LEO with in 2-3 weeks of the submission date.
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