Subject Code & Title : TLE0019 Environmental Law
Assignment Type : Assessment
Weighting : 50% in the unit)
This final paper focusses on the relationship between environmental policy and law and the practical goals of protecting the environment.
TLE0019 Environmental Law Assessment – Australia.

In Hub Action Group Inc v Minister for Planning (2008) 161 LGERA 136, 141 Preston CJ said;“Hortatory statements of principle and aspirational goals are insufficient; the grand strategy of environmental law must be translated into action.”
To what extent do EITHER environmental assessment and approval laws (NSW and Common wealth) OR biodiversity conservation laws in NSW effective translate the principles and goals of environmental law into action?
Research and write your answer to this question in no less than 2500 words and no more than 4000 words. Include a bibliography of material you have used in your paper, including legislation and case law as well as appropriate AUSTRALIAN secondary legal sources. All sources must be footnoted using AGLC4 style.
TLE0019 Environmental Law Assessment – Australia.

Your paper MUST address the following topics:
1.Introduction to the paper
2.What are the goals and principles of environmental law in NSW?
3.(a) How do environmental assessment and approval laws work in NSW & at Common wealth level; OR
(b) How do biodiversity conservation laws work in NSW
3.What is your assessment of the extent to which the laws in 2(a) or (b) translate these goals and principles into action (ie are they effective at protecting the environment)?
4.Conclusion to the paper.
TLE0019 Environmental Law Assessment – Australia.
Criteria of assessment
1.Depth of knowledge of legal rules, concepts and terminology on either environmental assessment and approval laws OR biodiversity conservation law.
2.Depth of skill in collected and analysing primary and secondary legal sources.
3.Capacity to develop coherent legal arguments appropriate to answer the question posed.
4.Correctness and quality of written expression.
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