Assessment 3 is an Analytical Essay that builds on the work undertaken in Assessments 1 and 2. In Assessment 1, you were asked to critically reflect on a personal experience related to difference and diversity (e.g., sex, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, Aboriginality, class, dis/ability, faith, age, etc.). In Assessment 2, you were required to discuss a contemporary topic (event/social issue) of difference and diversity, demonstrate your understanding of one theory of difference and diversity, and develop a thesis statement articulating a clear argument on your topic.
Theories Of Difference And Diversity Analytical Essay-Australia.

For this assessment, you are required to write a 2000-word analytical essay that persuasively argues the thesis statement you have developed in relation to your chosen topic. Your argument should be informed by the theory of difference and diversity you discussed in the Scoping Paper and be supported by reference to appropriate academic literature. Your analytical essay should start with your thesis statement that identifies the topic (event/social issue) you have selected, the argument that you will develop throughout the essay, and the theory you will apply to build your
argument. A strong argument convinces others that you have an interesting, well-informed point of view on your chosen topic. Your thesis statement is your interpretation of the issue that makes an argument others might agree with or challenge. The rest of the introduction should foreground the points you intend to make throughout the body of your
essay. These points will support/demonstrate your argument, which will be developed across the body of your essay. To ensure a strong argument, you should make clear links to the chosen theory, key concepts, and resources you have cultivated across Assessments 1 and 2 and extended upon in this analytical essay.
In your Analytical Essay, you are required to cite at least eight academic references, though care should be taken to ensure that all claims are supported by appropriate literature.
Harvard refreshing style
2000 words
Guidelines for writing an analytical essay
Assessment 3 is an essay, which typically has three main components: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Throughout the essay, careful selection of headings and sub-headings helps to improve the structure and flow of the text. This suggested structure is a guideline only, and variations to this structure are acceptable-what is important is that the structure and style of the text coherently build ideas to support the main argument. The structure below is therefore a guide to organising the content required rather than a structure that must be followed.
1) Introduction: The Introduction should include a thesis statement that identifies the social issue you have selected,indicates the argument you will develop in the body of the essay, and indicates how the theory and key concepts will be used to support this argument. After reading the introduction, the reader should have a clear idea of the scope of the
paper and the argument it will make. The argument stated here should take a clear position on the topic, rather than only describe the topic or be a statement of fact. The introduction should also contain a summary of the key points that will be discussed to support your argument throughout the paper.
2) Body of the paper: This is where the reader should be convinced of your argument. In the body of the paper, you will further develop the review of the relevant theoretical literature undertaken in the scoping paper. In this analytical essay,you will extend the theoretical literature you have already reviewed in Assessment 2 through the addition of new references and elaboration of key issues, debates, and complexities associated with your selected topic. You should do more than describe these issues and debates, but develop your views about them through careful reflection, analysis,
and critique. You can use examples relevant to your topic to analyse and support your argument (e.g., news reports, films, books, magazines, policies and other documents, and personal or professional experiences), but again, 9 make sure to include reflection, analysis and critique through applying theory when discussing these examples. This section is evidence of your grasp of your topic and your capacity to work with a theory of difference and diversity to develop a sophisticated argument.
Theories Of Difference And Diversity Analytical Essay-Australia.

3) Conclusion: Sum up your discussion and reiterate your key points and arguments here. Clearly state how the theory and concepts you have worked with have informed your thinking. The conclusion should clearly restate the key argument or position developed in both the Introduction and in the Body of the paper. Do not introduce new points or arguments
that haven’t been covered in the essay already.
Previous write up
Australia classism in perspective
Classism can be identified as outright oppression of inferior category groups to benefit and enhance the dominant class groups. It’s the methodical duty of distinctive of worth and capacity set on social class. It’s also the preferential treatment set on perceived social class. Which includes individual be haviors and attitude, imperative income and wealth variations due to the policies and tradition that are designed to favor the upper classes at the loss of the proletariat, the logic that reinforce these systems and the dissimilar valuing, and the lifestyle that sustain them.
People faces classism by a system of beliefs and lifestyle perspective that position people hierarchically according to their status economic wise, job status wise, education level wise, and family succession wise.In Australia the dominant group are the middle class/ruling class people which considered themselves smarter and more eloquent than working class and skint people who are subordinates group. The paramount member which are the dominant group designate what considered as acceptable or tolerable in the ranking class.
Class lead to harassment, exclusion and discrimination in the society and workplace, for instance the issue of gender pay gap in the workplace, Australia current national gender pay gap is 13.4% (workplace gender equality agency 2021) class in gender gap pay measure the dissimilarity between women and men earning as a result of economic and social factors that merge in reduction of women income proportion over their lifetime. Resonating the idea that Australia is classless society means that we are still living in a blind society. The research analyzed that more than 3000 workers in the country who are lower class experienced discrimination on the job and likable to be disregard or neglect on privileges and opportunity.
Theories Of Difference And Diversity Analytical Essay-Australia.
One way to measure the existence of class in a society is to measure citizens thought about it, although Australians assume class in the society is fewer than their counterpart but Australian class is categorized into 5; upper class (2%), middle class (51.5%), working class (40.3%) and don’t know/refused (6.2%) ANUPOLL 2015 beyond the working class P.3.
Theory of difference
Inter sectionality: as an analytical framework. Which define various aspects associated with an individual’s behavior. The term was proposed by Kimberly Williams and it identified several factors associated with feminism intersectionality. Kimberley identified that certain factors shall be taken into consideration to find the link between a social movement and its reason (Brewer and Dundes 2018). It’s include administering its vast suitability while ministering sociopolitical and liberatory objectives and hypothetical impending comprehension of the simultaneous process of penalty and privilege in the workplace. Intersectionality administers approach and language to examine linkage and reliance between social classification and systems. This theory draws attention to groups and individuals in numerous disposition either at micro and macro levels. This
theory also indicates the formation of power detriment, this has depicted the issue of gender pay gap in Australia that has been in the system for a while, as men get paid higher than women, and they both work same hours. The theory provides a medium of exploring nuanced and complicated within group distinguishing, while contesting the assumptions of within group similarity. The theory provide measurement between man and women pay gap and also gives room for advocacy,intersectionality buildup scientific sophistication and offers hypothetical description outlying how heterogeneous specific group members experience the workplace differently maybe due to their race, sex or diversity, the theory is completely relevant to the topic due to the way its helps individuals, groups, practitioners and researchers able to work with the experience complexity that arose at the junction of these social classifications, implication and the systems. Internalized classism is embracing classism by working class and poor people, either due to race or sex for instance the belief that classes
group are fair, feeling lesser to higher class people which is based on the societal arrangement like pay gap in context.Classism mentions that there are two different social classes in any society. One establishes a social structure to dominate and suppress the other class. As per Fisher et al. (2021), the difference between subordinate class and dominant class is
established on the pillars of differential treatment (Classism. 2020). For example, it is said that the subordinate class has a separate choice of work and expertise. These differences have the following link elements.
Theories Of Difference And Diversity Analytical Essay-Australia.
Intersectionality focus on oppression as a key concept, Individuals believe that women are weak and they cannot compare skill and task that is predefined as a male dominating staff. And this signify oppression by the male which results in gender pay gap, from the incipient women are treated as a weaker class of the society, Social difference and diversity theory identifies that perfume advertisements depict women as a thing to grab and enjoy (Fisher et al. 2021). It is expected that women will become perfect wives and serve the family only. However, the man will grow up and work hard to earn money. Thus, violence against women is a pre-existing element in our society. oppression as a key indicate that these should come to an end.Equality as another key concept which is an important element in classism. Scott Morison recently mentioned that gender equality is important for both women and men. He wants that women in Australia should rise independently but women must
not be worse off than males in our society. Culture has input as well. A crime in one culture may not be a crime in another.For example, some people predefined violence against women as a common factor. Aboriginal people in Australia are more prone to gender violence. However, the rate of workplace rape and sexual abuse is higher in white people (Evans and Rubin, 2021).
Theories Of Difference And Diversity Analytical Essay-Australia.

Thesis statement:
“Gender is a biological difference, not a social excuse to dominate”.
Connection between the chosen topics and arguments established in the thesis:
This thesis establishes an argument that sexual and physical violence against women cannot be eradicated from a racial point of view. Besides, it can be solved by changing means of delivery in the society and the equality definition. The power shall be equal between men and women in society. Therefore, intersectionality finds the flaws in current feminism. It broadens the gap of such waves. Individual attitude and behaviour must change as gender is a biological difference rather than a social difference.
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