Subject Code & Title : Team Presentation And Individual Reflections Paper MAN6706
Assignment Type : Assessment 2
This assessment comprises two parts: Part A is a Team Presentation and it is worth 15%. The Team Presentation part involves working as part of a small team to prepare an online PowerPoint presentation on one of the two topics specified in the assignment instructions below. Part B is an Individual Reflections paper and it is worth 10%. This paper must be based on David Kolb’s Learning Cycle.
Team Presentation And Individual Reflections Paper MAN6706 – Australia.

Value: 25% of the unit (Team Presentation 15%; Reflections Paper 10%)
Format: Team Presentation:
Power Point with embedded audio. A maximum of 10 slides, comprised of Introduction, Body and Conclusion.Also include a cover slide that includes a list of team members and a slide that contains a list of references. Therefore, a total of 12 slides.
Individual Reflections Paper:
MS Word document. Length: Maximum of two (2) A 4 pages of text (excluding the list of references), 1.5 line spacing, 11 point Times New Roman font, margins: 2.5 cm (1”)on every side. A Table of Contents, Introduction and Conclusion are NOT required.
Team Presentation And Individual Reflections Paper MAN6706 Assessment 2 – Australia
How to submit:
Team Presentation: Electronically, via Blackboard>Assessment Zone>Team Presentation and Individual Reflections folder > Blackboard assignment link
Individual Reflections Paper: Electronically, via Blackboard>Assessment Zone,Team Presentation and Individual Reflections folder > Turnitin link
Unit learning outcomes: Apply learning and development theory and concepts to a range of problems in authentic contexts.
Course learning outcomes: CLO3. Demonstrate effective communication and teamwork skills appropriate to cultural contexts [AQF S 4, S 5].
Preparation :
Before starting this two-part assignment, you should have read all assessment materials provided on
Blackboard and listened to the online lectures for additional instructions and guidance on how to complete this two-part assignment. It is especially important that you study the readings on the list of recommended readings for this assignment. The list of recommended readings is available on Blackboard. Please also refer to the two marking rubrics for this assignment to see the marking criteria and achievement expectations. The rubrics are available in this unit plan and also via Blackboard in the Team Presentation and Individual Reflections folder.
Team Presentation And Individual Reflections Paper MAN6706 – Australia.

Assignment instructions :
Part A: (15%)
The Team Presentation part involves working as part of a small team to prepare an online presentation on ONE of the following topics:
Topic 1:
The strengths-based approach and its relevance to learning and development.
Your presentation should include the following:
• What is a strength?
• Strengths-identification tools
• Strength-based approach and HRD
• Strength-based approach to performance appraisal
• Strength-based approach to coaching
• Strength-based approach to career development
• Critique of the strengths-based approach
Topic 2:
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander leader / business person and/or an organisation renowned for its focus on developing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Your presentation should include the following:
• Brief history of individual and / or organisation.
• Brief employment history of individual.
• Key achievements of individual and / or organisation.
• Significant challenges faced by individual and / or organisation and how these were overcome.
• Relevant programs, including mentors, that aid/ed development.
• Any other information relevant to developing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and leaders and improving organisations.
The presentation must be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with embedded audio. The presentation must consist of maximum of 10 slides with narration (i.e., voice-over), comprised of Introduction, Body and Conclusion. There must also be a cover slide that includes a list of team members and a slide that contains a list of references. Thus, a total of 12 slides. I will assign students to teams. Each team member must contribute equally.
Course learning outcomes :
The presentation must consist of the following:
• Cover slide (1 slide)
• Introduction (1 slide)
• Body (8 slides)
• Conclusion (1 slide)
• References (1 slide)
Keep the presentation to a maximum of 15 minutes. I expect the presentations to be in the 10-15 minutes range.
Part B: (10%)
The Individual Reflections paper is the second part of the assignment and it is an individual piece of work.
Through this assignment you must demonstrate an understanding of team dynamics and the ability to reflect on individual performance in a team The Individual Reflections paper must include the following components that align with David Kolb’s Learning Cycle:
• The teamwork experience: Review and reflections
• Lessons learnt
• Plans for personal development
• References
The paper must be a maximum of two (2) A4 pages of text (excluding the list of references). A Table of
Contents, Introduction and Conclusion are NOT required. Just the four components mentioned above are
Resources :
Topic 1: The content of the Team Presentation slides must be based on peer-reviewed journal articles and
scholarly textbooks that discuss the strength-based approach and in particular the strength-based approach as it applies to human resource development. Please refer to the list of recommended readings that are located on Balck board, Assessment Zone, in the Team Presentation and Individual Reflections folder.
Team Presentation And Individual Reflections Paper MAN6706 – Australia.

Topic 2: The content of the Team Presentation slides must be based on the resource material that is located on Blackboard, Assessment Zone, in the Team Presentation and Individual Reflections folder.
The content of the Individual Reflections paper must also be based peer-reviewed journal articles and scholarly textbooks. In particular, you must read material that outlines David Kolb’s four-stage learning cycle and material that discusses team dynamics, such as Chapter 8 Team Dynamics in the following eBook:
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