Subject Title : Sustainable Human Resource Management
Assignment Type : Essay
Weight: 35 marks
Length: Approximately of 2500 word but this is a guide only, excluding any title pages,the reference list and attachments.
This assignment allows you to examine in detail one of the topics and associated research literature covered in this Unit in a critical analytical fashion. The assignment draws upon the research literature use in the Theory and Concept Submissions and your own research on one of the following five topics:
Sustainable Human Resource Management Essay – Australia.
1.Trends in the employment relationship (including the implications of the future of work), Social Exchange Theory and the Psychological Contract
2.Flexible working
3.Employee voice
4.Work-related stress and employee well being, and
5.Sustainable HRM.
The aim of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate the ability to research, analyse,and synthesise this literature into a coherence line of argument about the challenges associated with achieving sustainable HRM in a particular sector of a knowledge-based service sector in Australia in the post Covid19 world. You can select the industry sector you are interested in (e.g. higher education, healthcare, financial services, social services, personal services) as the context for your essay. You do not need research literature specifically focused on your selected industry sector. However you must know enough about this sector to use it effectively as the context of your study. You will need to undertake some research and you can also draw on the reading list provided at the end of this Guideline.
The assignment should contain a clearly designated Introduction Section that sets the scene for the assignment, defines key terms and concepts used, describes the sources used and sets out the main ideas and the central argument being advanced.
Sustainable Human Resource Management Essay – Australia.
The assignment should have a Background Section that provides an overview of the perceived challenges being faced by this industry sector in relation to achieving sustainable human resource management in relation to talented employees.
The assignment should have a Discussion Section that is organized according to the topic being discussed. This section of the assignment should provide a coherent analysis of the research literature being reviewed and its application to the selected industry sector. The future of work should be considered in your research and its implications covered in the Discussion Section.There are amply studies on the future of work that can be drawn mainly produced by major consulting firms and world bodies. In addition, sources on the perceive shift in the future of work can be drawn from the press or social media about the impact of technology and more recently the impact of a discontinuous change introduced by the Covid19 pandemic.
Sustainable Human Resource Management Essay – Australia.
The assignment should have a Findings and Conclusions Section. The findings subsection should summarise what you found from the research literature. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate you can synthesize the research literature. The conclusions subsection should discuss the significance of these findings for your industry sector in relation to achieving sustainable human resource management for its talented employees.
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