Learning Outcomes:
1.Understand and apply the basic principles of the measurement of building works and gain an appreciation of its role as a basis for the financial management of building contracts.
2.Analyse standard contract documents (drawings and specification) and extract information relevant to the measurement and construction of the works described.
3.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles of the measurement of simple building works.
4.Apply the rules and principles described in the Standard Method of Measurement to prepare quantities for the measurement of building works, using industry standard software.
SSUD71-317 Measurement 1 Assignment-Bond University Australia.

Refer to the attached drawings labelled “SUBSTATION BUILDING” and the Specification notes provided.
There are FOUR drawings in total: SBB-01 TO SBB-04 inclusive. Drawings are to scale when printed on A3 paper.
This assignment allows you to demonstrate your ability to read and understand technical drawings and specifications, your understanding of the ANZSMM rules and measurement conventions and your ability to apply these to the measurement of work in particular trades.
SSUD71-317 Measurement 1 Assignment-Bond University Australia.
Task description:
Measure the following in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works – 2018 edition (the SMM) and the specification notes provided:
Part 1:A paper-based take-off for the MASONRY trade section (only).
Do not include preambles in this part of the assignment.
Your submission for this part will be assessed on:
a.Take-off list
b.Correct set-out and observation of measurement rules & conventions
c.Complete and correct descriptions, calculations and final quantities
d.Communication & legibility
Your takeoff is to be hand-written, in pen (not pencil).
Part 2:A Bill of Quantities for each of the THREE trade sections listed below, prepared using Build soft software:
Your submission for this part will be assessed on:
b.Complete and correct descriptions, calculations and final quantities
c.Correct and efficient use of Build soft
SSUD71-317 Measurement 1 Assignment-Bond University Australia.

Measure strictly in accordance with the relevant sections of the ANZSMM 2018 Edition (this includes Section 1 Introduction, General Rules and Recommendations). Check in the SMM and be sure you measure only those items that should be included – but make sure you measure all relevant items for that trade section.
Use figured dimensions wherever possible. Do not scale from the drawings unless you are certain that the dimensions cannot be calculated. Scaled dimensions are to be noted as such.
Specification Notes: Masonry
- All brickwork will be carried out in metric standard bricks.
- Exposed brickwork will be Austral ‘Coastal Limestone’ face brickwork. Concealed brickwork will be common brickwork. All brickwork will be laid in stretcher bond in 1:1:6 composition mortar. Ironed joints to face brickwork.
- Face brickwork to inner skins of cavity walls to be taken two full courses below floor level.
- Brick sills will be snapped header face brick on edge (BOE) set to weather.
- Coping will be face brickwork soldier course.
- AMD grade 316 stainless steel cavity ties to be installed in all cavity brickwork walls, spaced 600 apart every seventh course and staggered.
- Clean down all exposed face brickwork surfaces on completion with 5% acid solution and wash down thoroughly with clean water.
- Flashings/damp-proof courses:
- Perimeter flashing: 0.45mm thick bitumen coated aluminium (Alcor or similar). Install in all positions shown on the drawings and elsewhere as necessary to prevent the ingress of water. Lap 150mm in straight runs and lap fully at corners.
- 0.2mm polythene DPC between top of brickwork and suspended slab.
In-situ Concrete, Formwork & Reinforcement:
- N25 reinforced concrete generally
- N25 plain (mass) concrete to floor and walls of pits
- Steel trowel finish to top of slab on ground, machine bases and bearing blocks.
- Separation strips: 10 mm Jointex where slabs abut brickwork
Bitumen coated membrane slip joint at junction of slab and pit walls
Note: Measure Jointex and slip joints under a heading of ‘Sundries’ in the In-situ Concrete section of your BQ. - Class 2 Form work to suspended slab; Class 3 form work else where.
- Formwork is required to both sides of pit walls.
- Concrete cover to reinforcing 50mm generally and as shown on the drawings.
- Reinforcement mass:
- N12 – 0.887 kg/m
- N16 – 1.58kg/m
- R8 – 0.395kg/m
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