Value: 10%
Length: 800-850 words for each question Total= 1600-1700 words
Group Assessment: No
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
TASK Overview
This assessment consists of two questions. The first one looks into SDLC and the second question looks at ITSM.
SDLC And ITSM Assignment-Australia.

Question 1: SDLC
(a) Discuss why software project fails. Your discussion should include some real examples of failed projects, their reasons for failure and how those could be prevented.
(b) You work as an IT project manager in an IT research company. Recently, your company was successful in a research grant. During the grant period of next 5 years, your company is going to develop a secure framework for an IoT deployment environment using Block chain technology. As a project manager, you have identified the following characteristics of the project:
- more than a million IoT devices are connected in the project
- grant body wants to see the progress frequently, preferably releases in every two months.
- grant body asks to create a prototype if applicable
- this is a medium to high-risk projects.
- requirements are unclear at the starting stage and will be informed to your company gradually by the grant body.
- the grant body may request addition/update of the project at any time.
- long term project commitment is not feasible due to changes in economic priorities.
Which SDLC model you will select for the project? Why?
Question 2: ITSM
(a) Your Boss is not happy with the current scores of existing service management KPIs, which are more inclined to customer satisfaction, rather than customer experience.However, you as the head strategist of the company, know that your Service Management KPIs should focus not only on customer satisfaction but also on the customer experience. List five experience related KPIs and discuss their importance to make your boss happy.
(b) Discuss how COVID-19 has impacted ITSM. Is there any change or opportunities in future?
SDLC And ITSM Assignment-Australia.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to discuss the features of various software development methodologies.
- be able to discuss the principle life cycle phases of an information system, from requirements and acquisition through to operation and maintenance.
- be able to compare and contrast the role of IT service management frameworks, policies and compliance issues.
Please also adhere to the following formatting rules:
1.Please compose the answers to all questions in a document file (doc or docx format).Please do not submit in pdf formats.
2.The first page (cover page) of the document file should have the following information mentioned:
a. Your full name
b. Your Student ID
c. Subject Code (ITC544)
d. Assessment item number and name (Assignment: SDLC & ITSM)

4.Each page should have page numbers in “page x of y” format (including the cover page).
5.You need to provide references using APA 7th edition.
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