Assessment Journal: Personal Reflection
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the Subject Learning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.
Weighting 30%
SCP103 Self-Care Practices Assignment-Laureate International University AU.

The reflective journal aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of self-care practices and your ability to document and reflect on personal experiences, thoughts and emotions. During your professional career, the ability to write and document concisely is an important skill, as is your ability to reflect on your own practice and learning.
This reflective journal will assist you to recognise and develop resilience to stressors both professionally and personally. You will be:
- reviewing, reflecting upon and analysing your current self-care practices and priorities,
- measuring these against contemporary practices, definitions, and theories and
- building strategies around maintenance and/or improvements of self-care practices.
Understanding the importance of caring for yourself is vital not only to maintain good health and wellbeing, but also to care and educate others to care for themselves, an essential skill in nursing.
In this assessment task, you should:
Consider and respond the following four (4) questions thoroughly in a reflective writing style:
1.Identify self-care practices you could relate to from the videos/podcasts in the learning resources for module 1, which could help you address the areas of concern or development.
2.Identify your areas of concern or development after completing your personal wellness wheel in module 2.
a. Please add a screen shot of your completed personal wellness wheel as reference in your entry.
3.Based on requisites 4 and 5 from Orem’s Universal theory in module 2, activity vs rest, and solitude vs. social interaction explain:
a. Why it is important to balance these areas; and
b. How you will balance these areas in your own life.
SCP103 Self-Care Practices Assignment-Laureate International University AU.

4.Develop your own self-care strategy resource drawing from those reviewed in the learning resources and activities in module 2. Explain:
a. What does it involve?
b. How did you develop this resource?
c. How do you see this resource assisting you in the future?
- Draft your responses as four (4) entries in your personal reflective journal in Blackboard. These entries are confidential, only your learning facilitator will review them to check your work progression.
- Compile your final responses from the reflective journal entries into one (1) Word document for your assessment submission.
Reflective writing
Reflective writing ordinarily occurs in the first person and works best when you think deeply about a topic and look at both the positives as well as opportunities to improve in a situation.
SCP103 Self-Care Practices Assignment-Laureate International University AU.

Submission Instructions:
- Use suitable headings and subheadings for the information presented, and page numbers should appear on each page of the document- ideally in either the header of the footer.
- All work must be word-processed, spell-checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance.
- The assessment should include a correctly constructed Reference List and accompanying in-text citations, when needed, as per University guidelines (APA 6th ed. referencing style). Please refer to the Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th ed. style:
- Submit your final Reflective Journal in a Word document via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in SCP103 Self-Care Practices. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
- The Learning Rubric below is your guide to how your assessment task will be marked. Please be sure to check this rubric very carefully before submission.
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