SBM3206 Project Part A Assignment 2 – APIC Australia.

Subject Code & Title :- SBM3206 Project Part A
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2
Group/individual :- Individual
Word count Time provided :- 2000 words
Weighting :- 25%
Unit Learning Outcomes :- ULO1, ULO2
SBM3206 Project Part A Assignment 2 – APIC Australia.

SBM3206 Project Part A Assignment 2 - APIC Australia

Assessment 2 Details :-
This assessment is designed to assess the student’s understanding of the theoretical learning to practical real-world situations. This is a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate their ability in:

• Selection of a case project.
• Appreciate the potential of theory in managerial decision making and problem solving and take managerial responsibility by designing a practical course of action (rather than merely making recommendations).

Students are required to select a contemporary project, then describe and discuss different phases of project life cycle develop WBS and network diagram of the case project.

A report covering the following points should be prepared:
1) Select a project at your target company.
2) Provide background of the case project.
3) Develop the project charter of the case project.
4) Conduct of systemic literature review describing and discussing the different classification of project life cycles and their associated phases and choose the best option for your case project.
5) Develop work breakdown structure (WBS) of the case project featuring 4-6 levels and 20-30 boxes.
6) Develop schedule plan (Activity List featuring 30-50 activities) including durations sequencing with milestones deliverables and network diagram of the case project
7) Conclusions findings justifications recommendations.

SBM3206 Project Part A Assignment 2 – APIC Australia 3

SBM3206 Project Part A Assignment 2 - APIC Australia 3

The report (2000 words fully referenced in Harvard style) must be submitted on the due date. The report must have a completed signed cover page.

Assessments 2 (Unit Project – Part A) Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 25% of the total unit mark.The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.

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