Subject Code & Title : RPS1130 Project Community
Assignment Type : Assessment
Weighting : 40%
Word Count : 2000-word report
Assessment Three Project – Community assessment :
Assessment Three: Project – Community assessment requires you to select a rural, regional or remote community for which you can undertake research from existing data and also develop a participatory community assessment plan. Chapter 10 of the textbook Research on whether we make a difference and research to make a difference is a key source of guidance and ideas for this assessment. The community assessment is to be presented in a 2000-word report which provides an overview of the community based on existing data and proposes a participatory community assessment process.
RPS1130 Project Community Assessment – Australia.

Report format is required.
Submission information
The Community assessment report is 40% of the total mark for RPS1130. Report to be submitted through Learning outcomes.
This assessment assists in achieving the following unit outcomes:
1. identify characteristics of rural, regional and remote communities;
2. identify historical and contemporary factors shaping the experiences of RRR communities;
3. describe and analyse key features of a community (such as schools, medical services, governance structures) in order to develop a community profile and/or intervention.
Assignment – more detail :
A community needs assessment identifies the strengths and resources
available in the community to meet the needs of those who reside in the
community. The assessment focuses on the capabilities of the community,
including its citizens, agencies, and organizations. It provides a framework for developing and identifying services and solutions and building
communities that support and nurture children and families
RPS1130 Assessment Three requires you to write a Community assessment report. The report includes two components; the first is an overview of the community based on existing data and the second is a proposal for a participatory community assessment process suited to the community context and the issues identified in the overview. Each is described in
more detail below:
1.An overview of the community :
a. This section of the report provides “baseline research” on the community
(Howard & Raws thorne, 2020, p. 204).
b. The question to be addressed in this section of the report is “What do we
know already?” (Howard & Rawsthorne, 2020, p. 206).
c. This section reports a picture of the community from a range of existing data sources including data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, peer review research, credible local reports and web pages presenting information about the community.
d. A statement that identifies the strengths and needs of the community as it is represented by existing data.
RPS1130 Project Community Assessment – Australia.

2.A proposal for a participatory community assessment process :
a. Briefly describe the idea of participatory community assessment.
b. Consider the following questions in developing the participatory community assessment process
i. How will the community be involved?
ii. How will the community benefit from the community assessment
c. Describe how the participatory community assessment process will work with the statement of community strengths and needs as indicated by existing data.
Assignment instructions
An overview of the community :
Select a rural, regional or remote community which interests you:
• Identify and briefly describe the community
• Define the boundaries of the community for the purpose of this report
• Effectively demonstrate that it is a rural, regional or remote community
• Outline the existing data used to provide an overview of the community
• Describe the population
• Describe the resources that exist within the community
• Identify the community strengths and needs as it is represented by existing data.
A proposal for a participatory community assessment process
• Briefly describe the idea of participatory community assessment
• Describe the way in which the community will be involved
• Describe how the community will benefit from being involved in the participatory community assessment process.
• Describe how the participatory community assessment process will work with the statement of community strengths and needs based on existing data.
RPS1130 Project Community Assessment – Australia.

Report format requirements :
Please refer to the slides provided on blackboard
• Report format including Title page, Synopsis, Table of contents, Introduction, Headings for the body of the report, Conclusion and Reference list
• Conclusion – a summative statement outlining the value for the community of the two components of the report.
• Recommendations are not required.
• Appendices are optional
• Title page, Synopsis, Table of contents, Reference list and Appendices are not included in the word count.
• Written in third person.
• Minimum of 8 credible sources – credible reports and web pages are acceptable.
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