PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

Learning Objectives:
1.Demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts in Environmental Health
2.Demonstrate an understanding of biological, chemical and physical hazards, and critically apply this to problems involving their sources, health impacts, and control
4.Critically reflect on how Environmental Health fits into the scope of public health practice
5.Critically reflect on how societal factors influence environmental health and our capacity to deal with environmental hazards.
PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

This assignment follows on from the first assignment (Literature review) Read the task description and instructions in the following sections

You are an Environmental Health consultant. Recently, you prepared a literature review on the environmental health topics listed below.

Topic 1: Are there environmental health related risks related to COVID-19?
You have now been tasked with preparing an informative policy brief based the conclusions of your literature review for the federal Health Department to supply to the Health Minister. A policy brief is a concise summary of the available research presented in a way that can support policy-making. The
aim of your policy brief is to:
1.Provide the minister with insight into this environmental health issue, and
2.Make practical and evidence-based recommendations to improve existing strategies and policies.

When constructing your response, you should consider the following elements:

Getting started:

 Revisit the Literature Review you prepared for assignment 1, including the feedback you received from your lecturer or tutor.
 Drawing on the literature previously collected, along with other relevant sources; prepare a concise policy brief (maximum of 3 single-sided A4 pages).

PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

Policy briefs are intended to draw the attention of decision-makers, therefore your policy brief should be presented in a clear and easy to read format. The use of display features such as banners, columns, coloured font, bullet points, boxes, sub-headings and simple graphics and figures are all
permitted, but should be used strategically and in moderation. Policy briefs are intended to be read by non-academic audiences who may not be familiar with the topic. The brief should be written in plain language and be free of jargon or technical terms. Care should be taken to ensure the
language used is neutral and professional (i.e. no informal language or slang).

You need to provide a title for your policy brief and address the following 4 aspects:

1.State clearly the most important conclusion of your literature review and its importance– This establishes the environmental health issue. Provide a compelling argument about the degree of importance of the issue. Convince the reader (a decision-maker) about your recommendations, by demonstrating they are evidence based and explain why the action you propose is most appropriate. Keep in mind that the interest of the policy-makers relates to the context of their department or portfolio (consider questions such as: In what context does this issue exist? Who is affected and to what degree?)

2.What does the research tell us? – provide a concise and sound summary of the most relevant research. Consider questions such as: What is known / not known about your issue both broadly, and in the context of your specific geographic region? What are the key messages and themes
emerging from the academic literature about your particular issue? What evidence should a decision-maker use to make an evidence-informed decision about the issue?

3.What are the implications of the research? –Consider the significance of the research to the public and the policy makers. What are the ramifications of the issue? How, why and in what way are the findings from the research important to people making decisions about your topic? How
applicable and useful are the findings of the research to the context of your issue that is occurring in your chosen area?

4.Recommendations for policy and programs –List the most important recommendations based on the above information. This should address the implications, and be based on evidence. Consider questions such as: What should happen? What do you recommend in response to the situation?
Reference list – a complete list of all works cited in the document using Vancouver style.

PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

PUBH7027/7287 Introduction To Environmental Health Assignment-Queensland University Australia.

Format and presentation:
The policy brief cannot exceed 3 single-sided A4 pages (excluding the reference list) with margins no smaller than 1.25cm, and font no smaller than 11 points (using Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, or a similar professionally-appropriate font). The reference list should be included as a separate page(s) at the end of the document.

For examples of how the policy brief will be assessed, see the ‘Policy Brief templates explained’ in your Assessment folder in Blackboard.

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