Assignment 2: program planning philosophy (40%) 1600 words (10% over or under) (In text references are included in the word count but not the reference list)
A very short one to state the purpose of this assignment (about 50 words)
1.A position to curriculum that is informed by guiding policy documents
What you do here is to tell about your position/beliefs of children’s learning and how children’s learning should be supported. Your position needs to be
supported by the AITSL standards, other policy documents and relevant
readings (eight in total). You can write as follows:
Program Planning Philosophy Assignment-Australia.

Early childhood years are crucial for children’s learning and development. In those years, children need to develop a wide range of knowledge, skills, feeling and dispositions and these include, for example, understandings of what is safe or unsafe, ways of expressing self and comprehending others, building a sense of confidence and being persistent in the face of difficulties.
Young children spend significant time learning in early childhood services. Teachers play very important roles in supporting children’s learning. Australian Professional Standards for Teachers have outlined the expectations on teachers’ practices and standard 3.6 in particular describes the importance for teachers to… (Ref). Likewise, learning environments need to facilitate the many different learning potentials that children demonstrate. As stated in the early years learning framework …
Continue to write for about 400 words
2.Observation and documentation as part of the program planning process
This section requires the discussion about the role of observation and documentation in program planning. You need to also describe various forms of observation and documentation methods. Contribution and input of children and their parents in this process should also be considered. Use AITSL standards, policy documents (e.g. EYLF, VEYLDF, or NQS) and other readings to help with the discussion.
Program Planning Philosophy Assignment-Australia.

By conducting observations and gathering diverse forms of information teachers can record critical moments of children’s learning, make learning visible and gain a great understanding of each child. This step informs program plans for teaching, environments and experiences which will further extend children’s learning. Observation is referred to as….(ref). When observing children’s learning, teachers need to pay attention to…. Documentations for the purpose of program planning are distinct from other forms of documentations and they are centred on children’s learning and teaching pedagogies. Children learn all the time and it is critical that teachers know what, why and how you are documenting…. (ref).
There is a range of methods of observation and documentation that support different programs for different purposes…
3.Analysing children’s learning
Discuss how the documentation and observations can be used to interpret and understand each child’s learning. The questions introduced in the class for learning analysis can be included, which could be elaborated on as well. Considerations about the influences on children’s learning need to be made so that the analysis generates a holistic picture about where a child is and how the child could move further. Use AITSL standards, policy documents (e.g. EYLF, VEYLDF, or NQS) and other readings to help with discussion
The key to program planning is to establish a proper understanding of each child’s learning in order to further support the child. Evidence and examples from the observations and documentations in the last step of planning provide teachers with essential substance to understand and interpret how and what a child/children are learning and what learning
outcomes they are achieving. Teachers should ask the following questions…
It is also very important that teachers engage with children and have them tell you what they are doing. The influences in the learning environment should be taken into account.Children’s learning tends to be influenced by many factors such as where they are, who they play with, their background, the learning setting and resources (ref)….
4) Planning learning experiences and reflecting
Planning experiences focus on the development of new learning experiences for children. In this section, you need to discuss what should be considered in this planning and how the new experiences can be further improved. Use AITSL standards, policy documents (e.g. EYLF, VEYLDF, or NQS) and other readings to help with discussion
Program Planning Philosophy Assignment-Australia.

Planning children’s learning experiences is at the heart of the program planning process.Effective learning experiences make children’s learning exciting, varied and progressive (ref). While the focus in on children’s learning experiences, teaching strategies and learning environments are part of the planning. These are based on what teachers identified as
potential areas in children’s learning in the step of learning analysis. Therefore new experiences are by no means random but instead purposeful and informed by children’s previous learning outcomes and experiences… Continue to write for the step of planning experience…
In this final step, teachers and educators are also encouraged to include thoughts on how the learning experiences will be reflected and reviewed. Questions such as ‘how to plan the next step to consolidate or extend this learning’ are important to ask. In whatever ways, the purpose is to know how the new experiences are implemented and in what ways they can be
further improved. Teachers and educators need to intentionally support children to continue their learning in many different contexts so that the knowledge, skills, dispositions and feelings are transferred from one experience to another. The planning cycle is expected to be carried on (ref) so teachers’ reflection and review make a critical part of planning….
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