Title : Personal Social-Ecological Health Map Analysis With Narrated Content
Weighting : 50% of overall unit grade
Word limit : 1000 words maximum (excluding reference list) + maximum 6 minute
Referencing style: APA (7th edn) or Vancouver referencing style
Task description : Students are to present a personal social-ecological health map in PowerPoint poster format (1 poster size slide in total) with narrated discussion which clearly articulates an evidence-based
analysis of their own personal social-ecological health history.
Personal Social-Ecological Health Map Analysis With Narrated Content Assignment 2 – AU.

The PowerPoint poster should be based around the social-ecological model of health example
below. The purpose of the personal social-ecological map analysis is for students to identify the
multitude of factors which impact their health and wellbeing narrative. In essence, to connect life to
Students are to keep in mind that a PowerPoint poster requires a different approach and structure
to traditional essay assignment pieces. Only include key elements/findings in dot point format/short
sentence like explanation on slides and expand on these points in more depth and detail in the
narrated discussion component.
Careful consideration should be given to the design and layout of your personal social-ecological
health map so that it is interesting and visually pleasing for your reader.
Students are to include photographs from their personal lives for context and to support written material in the PowerPoint poster.
Students are encouraged to adopt a critical, insightful and reflective approach in unpacking and discussing their own social and ecological health map. A thorough and objective dissection of your
personal history will enrich your assignment and will better support your overall understanding of
the social and contextual determinants of health.
We do understand that this process may be triggering and confronting for some students, however
we also feel the process will be illuminating and therapeutic for others. We can assure you that
assignment marking is carried out ‘blind’ using student numbers only and your personal information
will be kept confidential (notwithstanding the safety considerations outlined below).
I am happy for students to tackle this assignment in one of the following two ways (depending on
their personal circumstances)…
Involves students demonstrating their knowledge of how health issues can impact at all levels of the social-ecological health model.
Students who select this option will choose one personal health issue and provide discussion and evidence of how that health issue impacts (either positively of negatively) across all 4 layers of the social ecological model or how elements within the social-ecological health model impact or exacerbate the identified health issue.
Personal Social-Ecological Health Map Analysis With Narrated Content Assignment 2 – AU.

For example: A cancer diagnosis and how it can impact health at the individual, relationship, community or societal level and/or how elements within each layer (eg genetics at the individual layer) impact/influence the cancer diagnosis. Students can obviously address multiple health-related impacts (either positively or negatively) within each layer of the model.
Students can obviously address multiple factors within each layer of the model from which to discuss
their overarching health issue, however I would suggest a maximum of 2 elements per layer of the model (total of 8 all up) to achieve the required depth of discussion within the identified word count and time frame)
Students can choose to discuss either past, current or future impacts or a combination of these
Option 2
Involves students demonstrating their knowledge of how each layer of the social-ecological health
model can impact health/contribute to health consequences (either positively or negatively).
Students who select this option will choose multiple personal health factors issues experiences consequence which can be related to influenced by each individual layer of the social-ecological model of health (individual, relationship, community or societal.
Conversely, elements within each layer of the model may contribute to/exacerbate those identified
health issues.
For example, under individual factors, the student may wish to discuss their substance use and
associated health impacts (eg on weight) or how genetics (as an individual level factor) influences
substance use. Under relationship factors, they may wish to explore poor mental health as a
consequence of bullying in their workplace. Under community factors, they may wish to explore
their improved fitness as a result of moving to an area with more bike paths and under societal
factors, they may wish to explore the impact of health policy (eg closing the gap) on them and their
community (if they identify as Indigenous).
Students can obviously address multiple health-related issues within each layer of the model,
however, I would suggest a maximum of 2 health issues per layer of the model (total of 8 all up) to
achieve the required depth of discussion within the identified word count and time frame).Students can choose to discuss either past, current or future impacts or a combination of these
It is important to note however that students should not include information photographs pertaining to illegal activity which may impact their potential for registration as a registered nurse.Please remember that we are mandated reporters, therefore, we would need to report any information relating to actual or potential risk of harm to children, current illicit substance use unsafe substance use, criminal activity or risk-taking behaviours which could cause harm to yourself or others.
Your PowerPoint poster should include the following…
The unit number and title, the assignment number and title, your student number and the final assignment word count (not the assigned word limit).
‘Individual’ characteristics where the student is required to identify and discuss their health in relation to key individual factors including genetics, age, gender, knowledge/attitudes/values and biomedical markers etc supported by peer-reviewed academic or government literature.
‘Relationship characteristics where the student is required to identify and discuss their health in relation to key relationship factors including family/peers/health providers/others etc supported by peer-reviewed academic or government literature.
Community’ characteristics where the student is required to identify and discuss their health in relation to key community factors including the local natural or built environment, green space, availability of and access to local amenities/schools, workplaces, places of worship/ neighbourhood demographics, critical infrastructure etc supported by peer-reviewed academic or government literature.
‘Societal’ characteristics where the student is required to identify and discuss their health in relation to key societal factors including legislation/policy/global events/technology/social and cultural norms etc) supported by peer-reviewed academic or government literature.
A reference list which includes all sources used to inform both written and narrated discussion components of your assignment. Reference list is to be correctly formatted as per Vancouver or APA
7th edition style requirements.
Personal Social-Ecological Health Map Analysis With Narrated Content Assignment 2 – AU.
Narrated component to support the written and graphic material provided on your poster. The over all length of audio narrated content should not exceed 6 minutes. You can allocate narration time as you see fit, e.g you may require more time on particular parts of your personal social-ecological health history than others depending on the amount of content/detail you wish to provide. The word count does not include the amount of words you speak in your narration.
Poster templates and social-ecological health map examples will be provided on the unit Canvas site for your reference.
Standard PowerPoint poster size=121.92 (w) x 91.44 (h) in total
This is essentially a mind map with references
Assignments should adhere to academic writing principals.
Please always use headings to differentiate key sections of your assignment.
Students can write in the first person for this assignment.
Students should use either Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font styles in an appropriate font size for a Power Point poster.
Narrated components should be added to the poster slide and carried out in a clear voice free of back ground noise.
Personal Social-Ecological Health Map Analysis With Narrated Content Assignment 2 – AU.

Assignments should be first submitted through the URKUND portal in Canvas. Please review your
URKUND result and make appropriate amendments (if required) prior to your final submission in the
Assignment 2 portal on Canvas to avoid plagiarism.
Marking, moderation and grievances processes will be actioned in accordance with university policy.
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