Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 – Australia.

Subject Code & Title : Oral Presentation NUR5844
Word Limit: 2,000 words
Value: 30%
Assessment Type : Assignment 3
This presentation will need to recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Instructions on how to do this are at the end of this document. We will also cover this in one of the workshops.
Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 – Australia.

Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 - Australia.

The following learning outcomes will be assessed:
1.Expand on concepts from previous studies of health and nursing to be able to undertake leadership roles in population health and health promotion;
2.Critically analyse national and international frameworks for primary health care and health promotion initiatives with special references to the work of the World Health Organisation (WHO);
3.Appraise major community health needs and issues of clinical relevance, with particular focus on vulnerable communities;
4.Analyse various methods of population-based approaches to data collection;
5. Utilise national and international collaborative health practice models in designing population-based approaches to health care;
6.Apply health promotion principles such as equity, community engagement and partnerships to undertake a health needs assessment.

Health promotion program: Pitching your project
An important aspect of health promotion action is to advocate for your chosen vulnerable community. You are therefore required to develop your presentation with a focus on communicating your health message/program for a funding body i.e. local government. For this presentation you will need to base your work on a program logic model and refer to your chosen vulnerable population in Assessment 1.

Program Logic is a term used to describe program plans that ensure all conceptual and technical elements of the program are linked through logical connections – the determinants drive the goals that are connected to objectives from which strategies/interventions are derived. Program plans that follow a logic design include a plan for evaluation, which in turn is useless without a good quality program plan to
guide the measurement of program effects

You need to include:
An analysis of your chosen population (as per Assessment 1, part A, needs assessment) in terms of
1. Demographic characteristics
2. The social determinants of health and health literacy
3. Health disparity and problem you have identified
4. Identified gaps and existing services

Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 – Australia.

Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 - Australia.

Other key areas to include in your presentation are:
a. The aims and objectives of the program
b. Diagrammatic representation of your program logic model
c. Your project plan
d. Action for sustainability
e. Communicating your message to ensure community engagement
f. Partnerships and stakeholders
g. Ethical considerations
h. Recommendations and conclusion
i. References

You will need to develop your presentation with these key factors in mind:
1. Pitch your work as being a part of a competitive process, i.e. why would the funder chose you over another project? What makes your project stand out, convince others and gets the audience excited.
2. Develop clear aims and objectives, what is it that you want to achieve(remember SMART).
3. A plan for sustainability, evaluation and the important points that need to be considered for implementation

Presentation guide:
1. Use a power point presentation for this assessment task.
2.The word count for this assignment is 2,000 words overall. Most of this will be allocated to the notes section below your power point slides. This will need to be fully referenced and written in paragraphs/essay format. You will need to include a slide for your references.
3.For your slides, use tables, graphs, images and bullet points to communicate your work in a presentable format. Your work should be visually appealing and logically presented.
4.You will need to submit your power point presentation to the drop box. You will also need to submit a video recording of your presentation. For this you will need to set up a YouTube channel (refer to additional instructions). Insert the YouTube link into your presentation when you upload it to the drop box, so we can click on the link to watch your presentation

YouTube Instructions:
These instructions should be used to convert your recorded oral presentations into a YouTube clip. The YouTube link must then be uploaded, to Moodle in your PPT or in a word document.

1.First you must make sure that you have a device that has adequate space to record your 20-minute presentation (e.g. computer, iPad, tablet, phone)
2.Record your presentation and then play it back to ensure you are happy with the final product
3.Create a YouTube account and sign in
4.Click on the upload button in the top right corner
5.This will allow you to select the recorded file or drag and drop your recorded file
6.Please label the title with your the name of your health promotion project
7.When uploading please select either public or unlisted viewing. If you chose unlisted this means only those who you share the link with can view. Public means anyone on YouTube can see your video. If you select private, please realise that we will not be able to view and therefore not be able mark your
8.Once this is complete you will have the YouTube link. Please copy the link address into the PowerPoint presentation you will then upload onto Moodle

Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 – Australia.

Oral Presentation Assignment 3 NUR5844 - Australia.

N.B: As these files will be large it might be worth doing the upload to YouTube at the university, where the Internet is quite fast.

Below is a useful link that goes through the process in a step wise process:

Alternatively, you can download YouTube capture as an App on your phone and use this to directly upload.

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