Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 – Solution to programming problem by group of 3-4 students
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed:
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:1.Demonstrate basic knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts and programming problems
2.Analyse and dissect simple design and programming problem
3.Implement a well-designed modularized solution to small programming problems
4.Develop and/or implement testing schedules.
OODP101 Object Oriented Design And Programming Assignment-Kent Institute Australia.
Assessment Task:
A group of 3-4 students will work together to provide a quality solution to
programming problem using JAVA programming language,
Your task is to design, develop and test a small application which will allow a mobile phone user to compare the cost of their phone usage on particular day under plans from three different phone providers and find the most expensive and cheapest from them.
Task 1- Design
This stage requires you to prepare documentation that describes the function of the program and how it is to be tested. There is no coding or code testing involved in this stage.
1.Read through Task 2: Program Development to obtain details of the requirements of this program.
2.Write pseudo code that describes how the program will operate.
a.All program requirements must be included, even if you do not end up including all these requirements in your program code.
b.The pseudo code must be structured logically so that the program would function correctly.
3.Prepare and document test cases that can be used to check that the program works correctly once it has been coded. You do NOT need to actually run the test cases in this stage; this will occur in Task 3: Testing.
a.Test cases should be documented using a template which is week 6
lecture and tutorial. You may include extra information if you wish. At
this stage, the Actual Result column will be left blank. Two test cases
per group member are required to gain full marks in this task.
Task 2: Program Development
Using the Design Documentation to assist you, develop a Java program that allows the user to enter details of their phone usage and then compare the bill which would result from this usage under different billing plans.
All requirements require that you follow coding conventions, such as proper layout of code, using naming conventions and writing meaningful comments throughout your program.
OODP101 Object Oriented Design And Programming Assignment-Kent Institute Australia.
Requirement 1:
Display a welcome message when the program starts
• The welcome message should have a row of “*” at the top and the bottom, just long enough to extend over the text. Hint: Use a loop for this.
• The first line of the message should read “WELCOME TO PHONE BILL COMPARISON SYSTEM”
• The second line of the message should be blank.
• The third line should read “Developed by” followed by your names and
a comma, then “student ID”, then your student ids of all group members.
• The fourth line should display “OODP101 Object Oriented Design and
• The fifth line should display the current date and time of system. You
are expected to do a research to complete this task.
• The sixth line should be blank, and the seventh line should be another
row of “*”
Requirement 2
Provide a menu from which the user can select to Enter Usage Details, Display Cost Under Provider 1, Display Cost Under Provider 2, Display Cost Under Provider 3, Clear Usage, or Exit System. This menu should be repeated each time after the user has chosen and completed an option until the user chooses to Exit. The user selects an option by entering the number next to it. If an invalid number is selected, the user is advised to make another selection.
Requirement 3
When the user selects the Enter Usage Details option, provide another menu from which the user can select Phone Call, SMS, Data Usage, or Return to Main Menu. The user selects an option by entering the number next to it. If an invalid number is selected, the user is told to make another selection.
Requirement 3.1
If the user selects Phone Call, they are prompted to enter the length of the call in seconds. If user selects this option more than once then it means that there are more than one calls that user had made on particular day so your program should be able to consider all calls in billing system. The value entered must be positive – if not, the user should be prompted to re-enter a new value. After entering a valid call length, number of calls should be displayed and the user is returned to the Enter Usage Details Menu so that they may choose to enter additional usage details.
Requirement 3.2
If the user selects SMS, the program should simply increment the count of the number of SMS messages and number of messages. No further information is required so the program should simply display the total number of SMS messages recorded so far, and then return to the Enter Usage Details Menu.
OODP101 Object Oriented Design And Programming Assignment-Kent Institute Australia.
Requirement 3.3
If the user selects Data Usage, they should be prompted to enter the amount of data used in MB. The value entered must be positive – if not, the user should be prompted to re- enter a new value. After entering a valid value, the user is returned to the Enter Usage Details Menu so that they may choose to enter additional usage details.
Requirement 4
When the user selects the Display Cost Under Provider 1 option, the program should display a summary of the usage details which have been entered, and their cost under Provider 1, along with the total cost, formatted as shown in the screenshot below. The cost structure for Provider 1 is listed in the following table. Once the bill summary has been displayed, it’s total value should be saved into an array and the program should return to the Main Menu.
Requirement 5
When the user selects the Display Cost Under Provider 2 option, the program should do the same as in Step 4, but using Provider 2’s cost structure instead, which is listed in the following table,and then return to the Main Menu.
Requirement 6
When the user selects the Display Cost Under Provider 3 option, the program should do the same as in Step 4, but using cost structure that will be developed by you and then return to the Main Menu.
Requirement 7
When the user selects Clear Usage Details the value of all variables related to the usage (number of calls, total length of calls, number of SMS, total data usage) should all be reset to 0. A message reporting this should be displayed, and the program should return to the Main Menu.
Requirement 8
When the user selects Exit System, quit the program with a message to the user which will show which is the expensive and cheapest provider by using the values stored in the array.
Requirement 9
Modularize the code, correctly using method calls and passing data between methods as parameters.
Task 3: Testing
After finishing the development, test your program with the help of test cases developed task 1. In this task, you will be giving the actual output of your program. Make sure you provide screenshots in your report of all actual outcome of all test cases. You don’t need to rewrite the test cases in this task but you definitely need to provide the proper numbers so your teacher can identify the relevant test cases from your screenshots.
OODP101 Object Oriented Design And Programming Assignment-Kent Institute Australia.
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