Subject Code & Title : NURS5024 Health Promotion Presentation
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Weighting : 100%
NURS5024 Health Promotion Presentation Assignment – Australia.

The module assessment is the development of a presentation consisting of presentation slides which you will present to your seminar group in a timed, scheduled day of presentations. Here you will evaluate a chosen health promotion (HP) resource, together with an appropriate health promotion model. These must be related either retrospectively to a patient/client for whom you have been involved in providing care, or to a group of patients for whom you intend to care in your future career. This will provide you with an opportunity to consider a target group within your field of practice, a health promotion topic of interest, and a health promotion model and their relationship to key health priorities. You will be expected to provide evidence-based information, including justification for your choice of resource, model and patient/group. You are required to provide a reasoned argument, which demonstrates an appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge of the topic area, to level 5 (BSc) as well as a critical analysis of the specific resource, and model you have chosen. The content of your slides should be representative of a 20 minute presentation.
To begin with you may decide to identify an area of promoting health that you find interesting and then consider patients you have previously cared for, or a group of patients you intend to care for, with this particular health promotion need. Alternatively, you may reflect on your practice experience and identify a significant patient whose health promotion you helped to support. We recognise that you have now completed your placement and have therefore included an opportunity for you to consider your future career in nursing and work with a patient group and health promotion resource and model that would support this patient group.
NURS5024 Health Promotion Presentation Assignment – Australia.
When you have decided on the ‘aspect’ of health promotion that interests you, consider if there are statistics published about the health or well being concern you are interested in. Are there any local or national policies that relate to the issue you are exploring, and are there any recommendations for practice? If yes, are these evidence based? What quality is that evidence? We would like you to continue to develop the analytical approach to nursing that reflects level 5 academic work, that you have been building on throughout your studies. The level 5 Presentation Assessment Criteria will help you to do this (available in the chapter 6 of this Moodle book).
The next step is to consider the HP resource that you have utilised in practice, or envisage utilising with a specific client group or individual in future. This could be an app on a smart phone or tablet, a written leaflet or booklet, a poster, a web site, a short video or any other health promotion resource/tool you have used in practice.
After you have begun to explore your selected resource, consider which health promotion theory model you used, or could have used in practice with the patient or specific patient group. Please ensure you select one of the 3 main health promotion models we discuss within the module. That is, the Trans theoretical Model, the Health Belief Model or the Model of Planned Behaviour. Should you decide to select an alternative HP model, you are required to thoroughly explain and justify your selection, with reference to relevant literature. Analyse how the HP model meets the needs of the distinct patient/group, in terms of using your selected HP resource to support their well being. How does the HP model ‘fit’ with the resource you selected and used, with the particular patient or group? Explain why and how you came to these conclusions – what is your evidence base? Remember to reference the literature and acknowledge any ideas that are not your own.
NURS5024 Health Promotion Presentation Assignment – Australia.

Evaluate the HP resource and suggest any changes, from your reading around the topic of strategies for providing information to patients regarding support with achieving optimum health. For example, you could evaluate how accessible the resource is, in terms of it’s readability and use of colour and diagrams. How does the design, as well as the content of the resource meet the needs of the intended recipient/s? Does the resource account for differing levels of health literacy amongst the target population? Are there any alternative formats available?
Build on your knowledge from other modules, including Enhancing Therapeutic Relationships you have just completed, in addition to your first year study. The module provides an opportunity for you to apply the theory from the module ‘Adult Health and Well being’. So do remember to consider what you learnt from completing previous modules that is relevant to promoting health. What did you learn from previous assignment feedback that may help you complete this assignment?
Now that you have begun to consider some of the content of the assignment requirements, please refer Chapter 2 for further detailed guidance.
2.Detailed Assignment Brief -Level 5 double module NURS 5024
This module enables you to gain an understanding of evidence-based strategies that can be applied in a range of environments when working in partnership with adults to promote health and well being.
NURS5024 Health Promotion Presentation Assignment – Australia.
You will gain an understanding of wider Public Health theoretical and practical approaches and become familiar with National Public Health resources that will inform adult nursing practice, moving from universal prevention campaigns to targeted approaches. You will explore and critique health promotion theory, and examine how such theory sits within wider Public Health agendas and evidence regarding the social determinants of health. Therefore we would expect these issues to be clearly demonstrated within your presentation.
Health priorities will be considered by exploring global strategies, local and national legislation, and research-based clinical guidance. Do select appropriate material from these topics to apply to the health promotion resource that you select, and evaluate the resource against the evidence base you locate. Do ensure it is clear within your verbal slide presentation where you have applied and appraised theory,
policies and research to your health promotion resource, that is, include these elements in your verbal presentation.
A focus on health promotion includes a critical exploration of how resources can complement the health educational role of adult nurses, and in the design of such ‘tools’. Refer to these issues and demonstrate the outcomes of your critical exploration in the verbal presentation.
You are required to provide a reasoned argument which demonstrates an appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge of the topic area. The relevant (level 5)module learning outcomes found in chapter 5 will help you to do this. You will also need to refer to the relevant (level 5) assessment criteria (rubric) available
in chapter 6 of this Moodle Book.
You must ensure you have provided sufficient information that equates to a 20 minute presentation. You are required to include the application of an identified health promotion model when considering your selected health promotion resource,in order to demonstrate the relevant (level 5) assessment criteria and module learning outcomes.
Ensure your presentation includes (not necessarily in this order)
1. State your Aim and some objectives for the presentation
2. A very brief introduction to the patient or specific patient group, depending on whether you are considering retrospective or prospective care
3. Define Health Promotion -link to policy
4. Introduce the resource
5. Identify the basis for development of the resource
6. Explore how the resource is used
7. How does this resource fit with existing HP resources
8. Is there any published evaluation of the resource? User feedback? Your evaluation.
9. Analyse and apply the health promotion model suitable for the resource and user group
10. Identify some SMART goals for future HP practice
11. Offer question time
Please note your assignment may be marked by a member of either the Oxford or the Swindon module team.
Now click on the next sub chapter (2.1) for some brief guidelines regarding formatting slides.
2.Detailed Assignment Brief -Level 5 double module NURS 5024
2.1. Format of Slides
You may like to follow this recommended guide to formatting your slides: Your slides will require colour and use of text and graphics to demonstrate your learning in the context of readability and health literacy of your target population. Do include key words on the slides for impact and ensure you have notes you can refer to for the detail. Remember to include the references you refer to in a terminal list at the end of the presentation.
Please note that the content of your slides should take you a total of 20 minutes to read out – please do practice this, and time yourself reading them. You will be stopped at 20 mins. Alternatively, should your presentation require a shorter time to present, you are unlikely to have provided sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge.
Do remember you must demonstrate all of the 7 learning outcomes for module NURS 5024.
Please note that when you have completed your slides, you need to save these as a ‘PDF’ document before submitting to Turnitin. Turnitin is unable to accept large PowerPoint or Google Slide presentations.
Click on the next chapter for the formative and summative submission dates.
4.Guidance for your formative submission.
Your optional formative submission guidelines for the Promoting Health (PH) module are as follows:
Please submit a maximum of a 500 word plan demonstrating examples of the content of your slides. Please do not submit the actual slides, only the content of these.
Please identify, apply and evaluate:
1. The topic about which you are promoting health
2. A very brief outline of the patient or specific patient group whom you have supported or plan to support to maintain or develop a healthy lifestyle or well being. Consider the health needs of the patient or patient group.
3. The HP resource that you are going to or have evaluated
4. The HP model that you have or will have fully applied and evaluated in terms of the HP resource and the individual patient with whom you have used this resource.
5. Policy you have or will use to support your choice of health promotion topic, e.g. smoking, alcohol.
You may decide to submit a detailed plan of one or two of the bullet points above.Alternatively, if you would like general feedback about the overall presentation, you may include brief written summaries of all of the bullet points.
Please submit your formative assignment as a Word Document to the appropriate Turnitin box by Monday 14th March at 1300.
Further examples of resources previous students have selected (this is by no means an exhaustive choice, please make your own in relation to your interests and practice experience):
1. The Active 10 app
2. The Sleepio app
3. ‘Your Introduction to Colostomy Care’ booklet
4.Reducing Potassium in Your Diet leaflet
5. Cervical Screening NHS website
6. Breastfeeding leaflet
7. Turning Point website
NURS5024 Health Promotion Presentation Assignment – Australia.

Please ensure that if you select to evaluate a HP website, you select this carefully. Students have previously selected websites that refer to a HP Campaign – Should you select this, you must identify which element of the campaign you plan to (and do!) critically appraise and evaluate. Within the word limit it is not possible to explore a whole campaign.
Please include the Word Count at the top of the page.
Please click on the next chapter for the level 5 learning outcomes, that you must demonstrate in your presentation.
5.Learning Outcome
The aim of this presentation is to achieve the following module learning outcomes:
1.Learning Outcomes

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