NURS4037 The Healthcare System Assignment 4 – AU

Subject Code & Title :- NURS 4037 The Relevance Of Clinical Governance In The Healthcare System
Assessment Type :- Assignment Individual
Length :- 3000 (+/- 10%)
Rationale :– Clinical Governance is a system through which organisations are accountable for continually improving the quality and safety of their services by creating and maintaining and environment in which
excellence is clinical care can grow
NURS4037 The Healthcare System Assignment 4 – AU

NURS4037 The Healthcare System Assignment 4 - AU

Task description :- Utilising the workbook of activities that you complete on the 5 components of the clinical governance framework discussed, write a report on the relevance of clinical governance today in particular relate it back to your work setting.

Format :- This assignment must be compiled in Word (or similar) format.   
Submission :- Submit your work as a single document via Turnitin in Blackboard

When submitting via Turnitin do not use the University cover sheet as Turnitin similarity checking will interpret the cover sheet text as possibly plagiarised. In stead check the box in the Turnitin submission portal confirming that the work is your own.

Information about this task
Type of assessment : Individual
Length: 3000 (+/- 10%) 
Rationale :-
Clinical Governance is a system through which organisations are accountable for continually improving the quality and safety of their services, by creating and maintaining and environment in which excellence is clinical care can grow (Brennan And Flynn 2013).

Task description :-
Utilising the workbook of activities that you complete on the 5 components of the clinical governance frame work discussed write a report on the relevance of clinical governance today in particular relate it back to your work setting. 

NURS4037 The Healthcare System Assignment 4 – AU

Format: This assignment must be compiled in Word (or similar) format.

Submission: Submit your work as a single document via Turnitin in Blackboard

When submitting via Turnitin do not use the University cover sheet as Turnitin similarity checking will interpret the cover sheet text as possibly plagiarised. Instead check the box in the Turnitin submission portal confirming that the work is your own.

Utilising the workbook of activities that you complete on the 5 components of the clinical governance
framework discussed, write a report on the relevance of clinical governance today in particular relate it
back to your work setting.

NURS 4037 The Relevance Of Clinical Governance In The Healthcare System Assignment – AU

5 components of clinical governance are :
The ve components of the Clinical Governance Framework are as follows :
1. Governance leadership and culture – integrated corporate and clinical governance systems are established, and used to improve the safety and quality of health care for patients
2. Patient safety and quality improvement systems – safety and quality systems are integrated with governance processes to actively manage and improve the safety and quality of health care for patients
3. Clinical performance and e ectiveness the workforce has the right quali cations skills and supervision to provide safe, high-quality health care to patients
4. Safe environment for the delivery of care – the environment promotes safe and high quality health care for patients
5. Partnering with consumers – systems are designed and used to support patients carers families and consumers to be partners in healthcare planning design measurement and evaluation elements of this component include
o –  clinical governance and quality improvement systems to support partnering with consumers
o –  partnering with patients in their own care
o –  health literacy
o –  partnering with consumers in organisational design and governance. 

When are you able to finish this 3000 word count. this attachment includes report writing format and
referencing style

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