Essay Topic: Placement Experience and Standards for Practice Guidelines.
Length 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Contribution to grade: 40%
TASK (Essay format)
1) An objective outline of a previous professional experience
Describe an experience from a previous professional placement.
For example, this may be an admission, a discharge, a wound review, medication administration, a therapeutic intervention, observation of a procedure or something else. If you are unsure if you have chosen something appropriate, please discuss with your tutor.
Note: You need to be explicit in explaining how you, as a student nurse, were directly involved in this experience. You can write in first person in this section.
NURS3002 Placement Experience And Standards For Practice Guidelines Essay-Flinders University AU.

2.Link the Australian Registered Nurse Professional Nursing Standards
Choose two (2) criteria – i.e. one (1) each from two (2) different Nursing
Standards and discuss how the experience you have described from your
Professional Placement, is reflected in the two chosen criteria.
Only select the best two criteria which you will be able to provide a substantial response to. For example: you may find that Standard 1.4 and Standard 3.4 are appropriate. You will need to provide evidence from current and relevant literature to support your discussion (1,000 words)
3.Impact to patient if RN Professional Standard criteria are neglected or non-adhered
Reflecting on how important the Professional Nursing Standards are, if your 2 chosen criteria are neglected or a violation of them occurs, what impact may this have had on your patient/situation.
Include in this discussion, what the consequences for the Registered Nurse would be in this situation and how it might change future practice. Provide evidence- based literature to support your discussion (1,000 words).
- Your assessment must be generated in Word format – i.e. .doc/.docx (not pdf).
- Appropriate line spacing at least 1.5 – 2.
- Include a footer in your assignment with your student FAN details.
- You may use headings in the body of your essay – for example – “Link 1: Standard 1.5”, to direct the reader in the body of the text.
- Use of appropriate professional terminology is expected.
- Stay within word count. Markers will not read/mark over the +10% of word count.
- Remember to access the student companion

NURS3002 Placement Experience And Standards For Practice Guidelines Essay-Flinders University AU.
– APA 6th edition format is the expected referencing style for both in-text citations and reference list (refer to your Student Companion on FLO for this).
– Markers must be able to access ALL of your resources.
– Aim for quality, reliable and reputable journals relevant to nursing practice and the Australian healthcare industry, or reputable, reliable professional websites (NOT consumer-based websites).
– All referencing should be less than 8 years old
– You must have a minimum of 6 peer reviewed journal articles, in addition to other references.
– Be aware of your academic responsibility and professional nursing practice requirements when using the work of others in assignments*.
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