Subject Code & Title: NURS2005 Managing Care of Clients
Word Count : 2500 words.
This paper is for you to demonstrate your understanding about the person you presented in the placement viva voce. Please see the following instruction for how to prepare this paper.
NURS2005 Managing Care of Clients Assessment – Flinders University Australia.

1.The assignment’s content instruction :
Please also refer to marking rubric regarding the depth of discussion.
Person of care should be introduced without the name and venue mentioned to maintain confidentiality – may use a pseudonym. Consent should be identified. Would expect a clear introduction to the person of care including reason for seeking health support or admission diagnosis
or a significant comorbidity that affect person’s daily living, presenting signs and symptoms, relevant past medical history, potential risk that is associated with the diagnosis you will focus on. The purpose of the paper should be outlined.
(Focus on one condition that you would like to discuss in your paper but make sure it is obvious to your reader)
Patho physiology:
You should discuss the patho physiology that is relevant to the condition that you choose (introduced in the introduction) and signs/symptoms (introduced in the introduction). For example, if an aged care client is admitted to aged care due to dementia. The patho physiology of
signs/symptoms should focus on dementia; If a patient visited GP clinic because of flu, student should discuss the patho physiology relevant to the sign/ symptoms of influenza.
You may want to focus on the medication/s that are relevant to the condition you choose to discuss. The discussion needs to link medication to person’s presenting condition. Would expect you to discuss the mechanism of the medication, side effect (relevant to this person) and rationale of why
this medication is necessary for this person. For example: why a client with dementia is on paracetamol osteo and vitamin D, how does it work, what side effects can occur? Is it necessary? Why are they prescribed nothing for influenza? – critical discussion required in this section. Please do not use dot points or table because this format will not demonstrate your understanding and critical analysis.
All discussion should be referenced. Journal articles should be within 5 years, textbooks within 10 years, (credible reference sites, not patient’s information websites). All references need to be relevant to the case/human/gender/culture/nursing/Australia context.
Investigations: You need to discuss diagnostic tests with specification e.g. urine culture/ blood test for electrolytes and link this to the condition you choose.
You also need to discuss nursing assessment (important).
You should provide rationales as to why this test/assessment was done, what were they looking for, what was the normal range and what should the nurse do according to the result. The section needs to be
referenced with evidence to support the discussion.
Recommendations :
You should discuss in detail the recommendations according to the persons’ condition.Consider what is the priority for this person’s discharge, or long-term plan for improving their quality of life. Consider Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) involvement with rationale and details of what is the expectation of the MDT. This section needs to be supported with
evidence (referenced).
NURS2005 Managing Care of Clients Assessment – Flinders University Australia.

You should reflect on the feedback you received for your viva voce. A description of the feedback is not critical reflection. You should be able to discuss what was done well, why you have done well, what has helped you to achieve the result, why it is important, what can be done differently and how have you addressed those issues in preparation for this paper. What is your insight and strategies for ongoing professional development? All these need to be linked to the NMBA (2016) standards and referenced.
It is a summary of your paper. No new information and no reference needed in conclusion.
2.Assignment formatting
1. Line spacing should be set to 1.5 or 2.0
2. Left and right margins must be at least 2 cm wide
3. Assignment text must be in Arial 11, Verdana 10 pt or Calibri 12 pt
4. All pages must be numbered and include student’s name and ID number as a Footer
5. The assignment must be ordered as follows:
o Title of the assignment at the top of the first page
o Assignment body text, use the following headings as the marking rubric:
1. Introduction
2. Patho physiology and Pharmacology
3. Investigation
4. Recommendation
5. Reflection
6. Conclusion
7. Reference list
1.The assignment word count should include any words in the body of the assignment, including headings, in-text references, tables and quotations, but not the reference list or appendices. The word limit for NURS2005 assignment 4 is 2500 words.
2.Keep your word count to within plus or minus 10% of the specified length. Be aware that to be fair to all students, the marker will cease marking after the additional 10% word count has been reached.
3.Reference should be in APA 6 reference system.
o The reference needs to be relevant to the case/condition. Journal articles
need to be within 5 years and textbooks need to be within 10 years. Patient’s information web site is not acceptable. Minimum 5 quality references.
NURS2005 Managing Care of Clients Assessment – Flinders University Australia.

4.Always keep a copy of your assignment as a backup. Things can go missing or technical problems occur! It is your responsibility to have a spare copy of your work if needed.
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