Type Written CLOs assessed
2.Utilise evidence-based frameworks to locate resources that support
person safety and quality.
3.Explore ethical considerations in evidence-based nursing practice.
Word Limit 1200 wds ( including in-text references)
Percentage Details:This assignment focuses on evaluating and referencing clinical practice guidelines, evaluating and referencing reputable websites, and analysing bio-ethical considerations in evidence-based nursing practice. You will also need to access the National Safety and Quality Health service Standards.
NURS11158 Evidence Informed Nursing Practice Assignment-CQ University Australia.

Setting the Scene for your assignment: You are a nursing student on
clinical placement in the care facility where Perla lives. Your RN buddy is
impressed with the research you did to help Perla decide on the best pain
relief for her sore back. The RN shares with you their observations that
they have many residents wishing to use non-invasive alternative and
complementary pain relief therapies rather than take medications.
Unfortunately, it appears not all staff support patients contributing to
decisions about their own health care. Some staff view patients as being
difficult, if they request alternatives to their prescribed medical plan of
care. The RN adds that the facility does not have any current guidelines,
based on the best available evidence, regarding the management of people
wishing to use alternative or complementary pain relief therapies. This
results in inconsistent information being provided to the facility residents.
The RN asks you to help them search and review the current evidence to assist the facility to develop up-to-date policies and procedures regarding
the safe use of alternative and complementary pain relief.
Instructions :
Following on from your searches in Assessment 1, you are to write
recommendations for the facility to assist them in ensuring their practice
aligns with the best available evidence. You also need to explore the ethical
considerations of this scenario.
What sources of evidence you must use: You MUST use relevant clinical
practice guidelines, reputable websites, credible journal articles, the
National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. You may also use
relevant articles from your first assessment.
What do you need to do next: First, appraise the evidence presented in
clinical practice guidelines, websites and academic materials including
journal articles. Secondly, explore the ethical considerations, and finally,
provide evidence-based recommendations that can be incorporated into
the facility’s policies and into clinical nursing practice.
To summarise how to set out your assessment:
Task 1. Summary of evidence and recommendations.
Locate at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles. Summarise the current evidence and recommendations for this situation. Relate these findings to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.
Task 2. Ethical considerations.
Describe the ethical considerations in relation to the scenario above. Limit your discussion points to the four ethical principles (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice). These exact words MUST be included in the discussion.
Task 3. Provide evidence-based recommendations for the facility.
Provide 2-4 clear evidence-based recommendations able to be incorporated into policies and procedures and into clinical nursing practice. Justify your
recommendations. Be sure to include in-text citations for your recommendations.
Please note: Evidence sources should be no older than 5 years.
The format of your assignment should be as follow:
A title page. Please see Assessment 3 exemplar for title page
Body (consisting of 3 sections with headings as per the tasks).
References in the 7th edition of the APA style. This is available via a
link on the NURS11158 Moodle site.
Formatting: i) APA reference list items use a hanging indentation; and ii)
the first line of each paragraph should be indented; see the exemplar and
the 7th edition of the Abridged APA Referencing Guide on the Moodle site
for guidance. Please ensure your assignment is double spaced and you use
12-point Times New Roman font.
NURS11158 Evidence Informed Nursing Practice Assignment-CQ University Australia.

Notes to Students
Students are to watch the Turnitin instructional video on the Moodle site
to complete their assessment.
Criteria The assessment criteria and associated performance standards for
Assessment Item 3 are available on the unit Moodle site in the Assessment
block. These assessment criteria will be used to evaluate your assignment.
It is important you refer to this table when preparing your assignment.
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