Type your plan for your paper here. This section provides a map for the orientation of the THREE main discussion sections of the Paper
Approx. 100 Words (150 max) (Included in word count)
Overview of the Client
Type the introduction of the client here.
Around 400 words (included in word count)
Factors Affecting Health Decisions and Behaviour
Type the factors affecting health decisions and behaviour here.
NURS11157 Nursing Essay-CQ University Australia.

Around 400 words (included in word count)
Psycho-physiological Aspects of Health
Type psycho-physiological aspects of health here.
Around 400 words (included in word count)
Type your conclusion here.
Approx. 100- 150 Words (Included in word count)
Reference List
Include your references here.
Scenario 1: Bree and the birthday invitations
Bree is 9 years of age and in year 3 at the Metro Primary School. Bree, who was diagnosed with diabetes three years ago, will be having her 10 th Birthday in six weeks and is very excited as she is entering “double digits”. Bree’s teacher describes her as a very “outdoorsy type of girl” who can
swim better than any children in her class; she also does well at the sports day activities and is the fastest girl at running in her grade. Bree is on the junior girl’s netball team and plays inter school sport each Friday. She has many friends and looks forward to going to school each day. Bree has
friends over to her house on weekends and they all have a great time. She also goes to Flipper’s Swimming Club and has other friends outside of her school group.
At school, there are several children having birthdays at this time of year. One day, Bree asked her mother if she was invited to her best friend Sally’s birthday party as all the other girls in the class received an invitation. Bree’s mother (Kate) said that she didn’t know anything about the party. Bree
said, “oh maybe her mum will give it to you today”. Bree’s mum didn’t receive an invitation for her daughter. The following week it was Alice’s birthday and invitations were being handed out at school. Bree was waiting in anticipation for an invitation but, there was none. Bree shed a few tears
when she didn’t receive an invitation but, after some reassuring words from her teacher, quickly returned to her happy-go-lucky self. A similar thing happened with A bagail’s birthday party and little
Bree was again the only girl who did not receive an invitation. Bree asked her mother why she never was asked to go to any birthday parties. Her mother said, “maybe they could only have a certain number of guests for the party?” Bree reminded her mother, “I have never been to a birthday party or to anyone’s house Mum. Why not? Don’t they like me? I thought they were my friends.”
Her mother discussed the situation with the class teacher who indicated that, “Bree is a happy little girl who always has plenty of friends at school and is involved in all types of activities.” The teacher has only noted one small situation but, also indicated that birthday parties always seem to create a few issues however, as it was an outside school activity there was not much she could so. Bree’s Mum (Kate) left the meeting feeling upset at her daughter’s situation. She could not imagine the little girls who came to play at her house would only be pretending to like her daughter. Even though she didn’t receive an invitation to any of the parties, Bree asked her mother if she could still buy them a birthday present. Kate was in two minds about this however, Bree was insistent, and she still
wanted to celebrate her friend’s birthday even if she wasn’t going to the party. Bree and her mum went shopping and Bree picked out a small gift for her friends and made each of them a Happy Birthday card. Bree was very happy to report to her mum that her friends were all wearing the hair
accessories that she had given them as their birthday gifts.
NURS11157 Nursing Essay-CQ University Australia.

Kate often talks to the other mums at the school gate in the afternoons. Kate decides to ask Sally’s, Alice’s and Abagail’s mothers about the birthday party situation and finds a way to speak privately with each of them. The reply she received was that the mothers decided not to invite Bree because
of her diabetes. One mother thought it would be too risky and that Bree might have some type of attack at the party and die. Another mother was worried that it would be too difficult to stop Bree eating the wrong food because she was told that “one piece of cake and Bree could lapse into a
coma.” Another mum said that the teacher had told the class that Bree needed many injections during the day. Based on this information, she thought that if Bree she was at her house for a party, she would not be able to provide the treatment needed and didn’t want to create any difficulty for
Bree, herself or the other children for whom she was responsible.
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Following Alice’s meeting with the teacher, she has been referred to you as the school based registered nurse.
Scenario 2: Blake’s new school
Blake is a 13-year-old boy. He is a year older than his classmates, is 160 cm tall and weighs 80kg. He is new to City view Primary school this year. This is the fifth school Blake has attended over the past two years and the family appear to be transient. Blake is often seen arriving very early at school and
consumes a can of coke and plain bread as he sits under a tree near the school gate. Blake does not seem to have a specific group of friends but, is happy to have a conversation with the occasional student who approaches him. Blake is always the last to leave school each day. He walks slowly
home alone each day. Blake’s parents have not been seen at the school and do not attend the parent-teacher interviews or come to school events such as “parent’s day”. They did not attend the school assembly even when Blake received an award for having the best manners and being helpful
in class.
Blake gets along with all his teachers and is very cooperative often asking for jobs he can do to help the teachers after school. Blake struggles with his schooling and appears to have limited supplies of writing books, pens and other necessities. At the beginning of the week, Blake is in a clean uniform,
however, Blake’s uniform is rather soiled by the end of the week and he has strong body odour. It is now winter, and Blake does not have a school jumper. Blake was wearing an old, faded football supporter jersey however, he was told to remove it by one teacher as it did not meet the school uniform policy. Blake doesn’t participate in any school excursions or extra activities such as swimming which are held during school time. When asked by his teacher if he would like to join in, he says, “… no because I’m not really interested in those things…” Teachers have asked Blake if there
is anything wrong at home and he simply replies, “No – I don’t want to talk about home” and does not offer any further information and usually walks away.
At lunchtime, Blake has a packet of chips, more bread or biscuits that he has brought from home. Once or twice a week he has $2 and he buys some hot chips from the tuck-shop as that is all he can get with that amount of money. He eats his lunch under the tree and then moves to the seated area
to watch the boys play soccer on the oval. Blake has spoken with chaplain on a few occasions over the past month. Blake came to school this past week with a soccer ball he received for his birthday. He has been practicing kicking and throwing the ball in the undercover area. Although he is a little
clumsy, he has not missed a day of practice. After school when no one is around, he has been on the oval kicking the ball into the goals. A few girls came to him at lunchtime and asked if they could join in kicking the ball and the small group created a game between them. This week he has been
involved in the same activity each day with the same children.
At Friday lunch time, four of the popular boys snatched the ball away. They called Blake several unkind names and teased the girls for playing with the “smelly retard”. The leader of the group refused to give the ball back. They told Blake to say the exact words “…please can I have the ball back so I won’t be a fat mamma’s boy”. Blake did as they asked, however, the boys filmed him on their mobile phone and continued to laugh. This resulted in Blake going up to the leader and pushing him to the ground. A teacher who observed Blake pushing the boy over sent Blake and the boys to the principal’s office.
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Blake has been referred to you as the School RN because of concern for his wellbeing.
Scenario 3: Mary and Leu’s hospital stay
Mary (aged 45 years) is currently in hospital with her 2-year-old son Leu (the name means a chain of water holes). Mary has lived all her life in a remote community called Meru in Far North Queensland as did her parents and many generations of her earlier family. The community is serviced by a two registered nurses (RNs) who live in at the Meru clinic. The RNs are supported by the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Doctors provide clinics every two months during the dry season. Meru has its own airstrip for RFDS aircraft, delivery of mail and other essential items. Other than that, the community is self-sufficient with monthly deliveries of food items from Port City. There is no commercial air service.
Two months ago, Leu developed a high fever and was seen by RNs at the clinic. The situation rapidly escalated to a life-threatening situation and Leu and Mary were collected by the aero medical evacuation team from Big City and transported to the Children’s Specialist hospital (approximately 2500 km from Meru). Leu required lifesaving medical attention and surgery which has resulted in the amputation of his right foot and three fingers on his right hand. It is one week after his surgery and Leu is recovering well enough to be moved out of ICU and into a general ward. It is anticipated that Leu and Mary will need to remain in Big City for three months while the full extent of Leu’s health and his rehabilitation is undertaken, and Mary can receive information on how to care for her son’s changed needs.
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Mary is a confident lady and well respected in her community but is finding this new environment very challenging and overwhelming. She is fearful of the government departments that she is encountering. She doesn’t know how to access financial or other types of personal assistance. Mary only has a small plastic bag of clothes for Leu and herself and she has been washing these in the Parent’s Lounge where she has been sleeping each night. She often cries at night but is worried about asking for help as she is scared someone will “take my boy away”. There are few familiar faces as staff change almost daily however, Mary has found one nurse (you are this registered nurse) with whom she has developed a rapport. Mary is asking you as the RN for information and is beginning to express her concerns. (See Journal article stimulus).
Some of Mary’s brothers, sisters, aunties and uncles have taken the long journey (about 50 hours’ drive) to Big City to be with Mary and Leu. They have brought special foods, remedies and objects from their community to assist the family at this time. Mary has received information that her family
is arriving, however, this creates joy and relief, but also additional worries. She does not know where they will be able to stay or how she will feed her family members.
Leu is a happy and content 2-year-old and is beginning to eat more solid foods and regain his strength. He seems happy in the presence of his mum but is fearful of strangers. When Mary leaves the room, he cries out for her and refuses to settle despite the nurses’ attention. The nurses have provided a basket of toys for his amusement and have downloaded age appropriate children’s videos on the iPad for him to watch. Mary is leaving the hospital more and more often and is not able to be contacted as she does not have a mobile phone.
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As the RN, you will need to analyse the situation and advocate for the family.
Scenario 4: Betty and Floyd’s golden years
Betty has lived in her current home with her husband Floyd for the past 20 years. Floyd is in his late 70’s and has early signs of dementia, however, is able to live at home with assistance from community nurses. Betty looks 70ish and is usually an outgoing, vibrant lady with glossy white hair, sparkly eyes and a welcoming smile. Betty is well known in the small local community of William stown, particularly for her signature Audrey Hepburn oversized sunglasses and wide brimmed hats. Betty gets on well with her neighbours - greeting them enthusiastically each day on
her morning walk with Floyd and their old fox terrier called Winston.
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Over the past three months, Betty’s previously immaculately kept house now looks like it could do some tender loving care. Some of Betty’s collection of rare teapots that she was so proud of are reducing in number and Floyd’s service medals are no longer in the display case. Outside, the lawns could do with more regular mowing but, are not overly long. Her once well tended flower garden has vanished, and a solitary rose now pokes up through a bed of weeds. A window, broken by a stray cricket ball from the boys next door has cardboard taped over it. It is the beginning of a long weekend and on Friday evening, Betty’s neighbours hear shouting and
banging and Winston barking and howling. Betty’s son Burt has moved back home recently. The neighbours ”don’t think much of him” and are worried he is causing trouble for his parents but, being in their 70’s are not sure if they should intervene and don’t really know what to do.
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After a few days of not sighting the couple for their usual morning walk over three day weekend,neighbours become concerned and approach the community nurses on their arrival on the Monday for “ a quick word…we really don’t want to go poking our noses into other people’s affairs but…”.
The community’s concerns are raised with the nurses, who are advised that Burt is not currently home. The nurses thank them for their information. When the nurses enter the home, they are warmly greeted by Betty but, when they notice an upturned coffee table, they become
concerned. Betty exclaims, “Oh. Oh dear. Oh, you nurses are so kind. This is a bit embarrassing. It’s my husband, Floyd. He’s got a bit doddery, ummm, he fell over the side table and, ummm, started shouting at me because he forgot it was there and … well…. he just needed to feel better about
himself. It’s okay now. He’s calmed down now and I gave him a nice cup of tea. It’s not his fault, no- one’s to blame.” She invites the nurses in to talk with him. The nurses notice a swelling above Floyd’s right eye. Noticing their concern, Floyd states, “Oh don’t worry about that shiner, I’ve had worse in
my day, guess I fell over the table again, that’s what happened wasn’ it Betty?” While the nurses are talking with Floyd and Betty, the front door opens and a male voice shouts, “You better have morning tea ready like I said you old cow”. Betty is transformed. She cowers, “That’s my son
Burt, always playing games,” and she rushes to the kitchen. Burt is about 6 feet tall, thickly built, and in his mid-40s. He glares at the nurses and places a carton of beer on the kitchen table saying, “What’s happened and why are you here today? Why are you early? I don’t like you coming when I’m not here. Strangers just worry Mum and Dad. As you can see, the old man fell over again. He had obviously been drinking. I’ll be out in the yard with the dog, so just do what you have to and then leave.”
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As the visiting community nurse, you are required to analyse the situation and consider interventions.
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