Weighting: 30% of overall mark
In this assessment, you are required to create and submit an annotated bibliography on the topic area listed below.This task will allow you to become familiar with current research on the topic area, and will let you think about how relevant research is, and how it can be applied to your written academic work. It will additionally let you determine what a quality journal reference looks like, when it comes from a well-regarded and respected academic source.
NURS1001 Annotated Bibliography Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.
An annotated bibliography allows you to develop skills in researching a topic, consolidating that information into a brief critical analysis, and developing evaluations on how useful the source is to your research topic area. This task will also allow you to understand how current nursing standards are underpinned by evidence based knowledge, and
constantly evolving research. You should seek assistance and support from the library and Academic Skills Unit prior to submitting this assessment. This should be booked early to avoid missing out on these valuable resources.
This academic activity will address the following learning outcomes and graduate attributes:
LO1 Analyse the meaning of nursing care in relation to multiple narratives of health and illness
LO2 Analyse the impact of current trends in Australian health care
LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of academic integrity and writing including knowledge of relevant policies
LO5 Describe the development of knowledge that informs and constructs conceptual-based thinking.
1.You are to select 2 journal articles that examine the links between one of the listed population groups, and health literacy and health outcomes or management (can be generally related to how health literacy affects health or health outcomes or health management in your population, or can be more specific to a condition):
a. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
b. Remote populations
c. Refugee or migrant populations
d. Prisoners
2.Your journals and analysis on this subject must be from an Australian perspective. You can use articles from over seas journals, so long as they have an Australian context and focus.
3.The journals that you select for this task must be published within the last 10 years. This means that you can only use journals published from 2010 on wards. Using articles outside of this time frame, no matter how well they address the topic area, will result in significant deduction of marks.
4.Your articles must be related to the topic area.
5.Your overall work will be 750 words. You are given 10% +/- for this work; however, words over this will not be marked, and may result in loss of overall marks. Please be aware of the sections of the assessment that are not included in the word limit when it comes to your final word count.
6.Each of your entries (one for each journal article selected), should be approximately 375 words long.
7.You should use the structure outlined at the end of this document.
8.This must be submitted in word format only (doc, docx NO PDFs), and should use the suggested headings.
9.Your finished document is to be submitted via Turnitin on the Black Board site. No assignments will be accepted in any other submission format (i.e. email, hard copy, handwritten).
10.Any assessments submitted after the due date, and without a special consideration in place, will have marks deducted as per the university assessment guidelines, found on the SCU website (-5% per day).
NURS1001 Annotated Bibliography Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.
Formatting Instructions:
1.You require a header or footer with your name, student number and include page numbers.
2.You should use size 12 font throughout, and have 1.5 spacing for your body.
3.You should use double spacing for your bibliographic details as per APA 7th ed. guidelines.
4.You must use APA 7th ed. referencing format. Information on this can be found on the Black Board site under Assessment Tasks and Submission, Assessment 2. This can also be found on the Library Home Page.
5.The full APA 7th ed. bibliographic content for each of the articles, and the headings are not included in your word count – this should also appear at the end of the document on its own page, titled reference list.
6.If journals are deemed inappropriate, do not follow the assessment instructions, or do not meet the requirements of the assessment, you may incur significant loss of marks, up to 100% for each of the sections on the marking criteria.
7.For the section called “Relevance of the Article to Nursing”, you will require in-text references when making links to the NMBA guidelines and codes. This will also require a reference list, following APA 7th guidelines,
which must be set out on a separate page, headed “Reference List”. All of the articles used in this assessment must be included in this list, in alphabetical order. This section is not included in your word count.
NURS1001 Annotated Bibliography Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.
Each of your entries should be around 375 words long for the parts included in the word count.
1.Summary of Search Strategy – each of your two entries should start with a summary of the search strategy you used, including the database/s you used, key search terms and any inclusion/exclusion criteria (e.g. peer
reviewed, in English etc.), the year range used and then indicate how many results this search produced. This section is not included in your word count. Feel free to use a different database for each entry. You are most
welcome to use headings for this task. Following this, your entry should include:
2.Bibliographic Information-Your bibliographic information for your entry, following APA 7th ed. referencing format. This section is not included in your word count. This should also appear in your reference list
3.Main Focus – A short statement of what the main focus or purpose of the paper was (approx. 50 words)
4.Evaluation of the Work – A short evaluation of the work, may include comments on the subjects and themes covered, major arguments, what sort of publication this was, research methods, the strengths and weaknesses of the article, and how this influenced your understanding of the topic (approx. 200 words)
NURS1001 Annotated Bibliography Assignment-Southern Cross University Australia.
5.Relevance to Nursing – Explanation of how the article is relevant to nursing practice in Australia (approx. 125 words) – this section should ideally include links to the nursing standards, codes etc.
6.Each entry should have a minimum of 2 supporting references. These must be different for each of the entries (4 supporting references minimum). At least one for each entry must be from a journal source. These
must appear in the reference list as well as being correctly referenced in-text – these be used to support or refute the major arguments in your article, or they can be used to discuss the article’s relevance to nursing.
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