Subject Code & Title : NURBN3035 Sample Application For HREC Approval
Word Limit : 2000 words
Describe what this researcher will do in the context of this project:
The lead researcher will be an expert guide though all aspects of the project.
Include a brief summary of relevant experience for this project:
Supervision of higher degree students, multiple publications to peer reviewed journals and successful competitive grants applications.
NURBN3035 Sample Application For HREC Approval Assessment 1 – Federation University Australia.

Provide a brief outline of the project describing in everyday, jargon-free language the key aspects of the research (e.g., who will be participating, what information will be collected and by what means, what participants will be required to do, etc.) and the key research aims.
State the aims, key research questions, and significance of the project. Also provide a brief description of the relevance of your proposed project to current research, supported by the literature.
Provide an outline of the proposed method, including details of data collection techniques, tasks participants will be asked to do, the estimated time commitment involved, and how data will be analysed.
Participant Details :
Describe your proposed recruitment strategy to source target participants. Provide the number and age range, giving a justification of your proposed sample size.
Target participants
Who are the target participants?
1.Students or staff of this University
2.Adults (over the age of 18 years and competent to give consent)
3.Children/legal minors (under the age of 18 years, with parental consent)*
4.Elderly individuals
5.Individuals from non–English-speaking backgrounds
6.Pensioners or welfare recipients
7.Intellectually or mentally impaired individuals unable/with compromised capacity to provide consent
8.Physically disabled individuals
9.Patients or clients
10.Prisoners, parolees, or wards of the state
11.Individuals highly dependent on medical care with a compromised capacity to give consent
12.Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island communities
13.Women who are pregnant and the human foetus
14.People who may be involved in illegal activities
This section raises the issue of your duty of care toward research participants. To what risks are participants subjected? What will you do should an emergency occur, or should a participant become upset or distressed? What is your risk management strategy?
NURBN3035 Sample Application For HREC Approval Assessment 1 – Federation University Australia.

Research Activities :
Which of the following activities will the research involve?
1.Use of a questionnaire
2.Interviews (attach interview questions)
3.Observation of participants without their knowledge
4.Participant observation
5.Audio- or video-taping of interviewees or events
6.Access to personal and/or confidential data (including student, patient or client data) without participants’ specific consent
7.Administration of any stimuli, tasks, investigations or procedures which may be experienced by participants as physically or mentally painful, stressful or unpleasant during or after the research process
8.Performance of any acts which may diminish the self-esteem of participants or cause them to experience embarrassment, regret or depression
9.Use of non-treatment of placebo control conditions
10.Collection of body tissues or fluid samples
Identify as far as possible all potential risks to participants (e.g., physical, psychological, social, legal, economic) associated with the proposed research. Explain what risk management procedures will be put in place, along with contact details of an appropriately qualified organisation for participant reference in case of distress, eg: Lifeline
Obtaining and Documenting Consent
How will informed consent be obtained/recorded?
1.Signed consent form
2.Recorded verbal consent
3.Implied by return of survey
4.Other (Please specify):
Tick which method will be used to guarantee confidentiality/anonymity?
1.Non-identifiable (anonymous) data, which have never been labelled with individual identifiers or from which identifiers have been permanently removed, and by means of which no specific individual can be identified.
2.Re-identifiable data, from which identifiers have been removed and replaced by a code, but it remains possible to re-identify a specific individual by, for example, using the code or linking different data sets.
3.Individually identifiable data, where the identity of a specific individual can reasonably be ascertained. Examples of identifiers include the individual’s name, image, and date of birth or address.
Security and Storage :
Does the Principal Researcher accept responsibility for the security of the data collected?
Who will have access to data?
1.Access by named researchers only
2.Access by other(s) than named researcher(s)
Which of the following methods will be used to ensure data security?
1.Data will be kept in locked filing cabinets
2.Data and identifiers will be kept in separate, locked filing cabinets
3.Access to computer files will be available by password only
4.Other (please describe)
Please check that the following documents are included in your application by writing in the box below
Are the following research tools are included in this application?
2.Interview Questions
NURBN3035 Sample Application For HREC Approval Assessment 1 – Federation University Australia.

Researcher Declarations:
The information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate. I have read the University’s current human ethics guidelines, and accept responsibility for the conduct of the procedures set out in the attached application in accordance with the guidelines. I and my co- researchers have the appropriate qualifications, experience and facilities to conduct the research set out in the attached application and to deal with any emergencies and contingencies related to the research that may arise.
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