NURBN2026 Assessment task 3: Written analysis of case-based scenario essay
Subject Code & Title: NURBN2026 Medicine Nursing
Length: 1600 words (+/-10%). Work outside of this range will be marked down accordingly.
Mark loading: 40% of overall course grade
You are required to submit a fully referenced academic essay demonstrating your knowledge and application of best evidence-based nursing practice in relation to the following case scenario.
NURBN2026 Medicine Nursing Assessment 3 Federation University Australia.

In accordance to academic writing, students are required to write in the third person.
All aspects outlined in the marking guide must be addressed.
2.Pre-operative care
3.Assessment, prevention, and management of post-operative hypoglycaemia
4.Education for sick day management
5.Education for exercise
Students are Welcome to but not mandated to use the individual aspects as headings throughout the paper.
Case Study Scenario:
It is 0800 hours and you are working in a Paediatric Unit in a large metropolitan hospital. You are caring for Shaun Cross, a 15 -year-old male, who has Type I Diabetes. Shaun has been admitted for an exploratory arthroscope on his right knee, from an injury incurred whilst playing soccer. Shaun has fasted from 0600 hours and continues to fast (Nil by Mouth) in preparation for the surgery which is booked for 1000 hours. Shaun last administered insulin to himself at 2000 hours the previous evening.
Medical history: Nil known allergies. Shaun was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes six (6) months ago. Shaun’s diabetes has been well controlled with Lantus 50 units BD (mane and nocte). His last HbA1c three (3) weeks ago was 6.4% / 48 mmmol.
Social History: Shaun lives with his family of four, Mother Leanne, Father Paul, and sister Kelsey. Shaun is currently completing year 10 at secondary school and enjoys playing Basketball and Soccer.
The following data was assessed when Shaun was admitted to the ward:
Subjective data:
Verbal pain rating 0/10
Alert and talkative
Objective data:
Blood pressure: 115/60 mm Hg
Heart rate: 62 beats per minute
Respiratory rate: 16/minute
Temperature 36.2 tympanic
SaO 2: 100% Room air
Random BGL 5.2 mmol
Weight: 61 Kg
Shaun returns to the ward following his procedure at 1130 hours. He complains of severe nausea and is unable to tolerate any diet or oral fluids.
Your academic paper should directly relate to the scenario of Shaun
Cross and cover all aspects outlined in the marking criteria.
It is essential that you relate all aspects of the essay to the specific case study of Shaun Cross provided.
NURBN2026 Medicine Nursing Assessment 3 Federation University Australia.

This section requires you to introduce the subject and situation to demonstrate your understanding of the key issues pertinent to Shaun Cross. Only include a summary of the case study in this introductory section.
Pre-operative care:
Describe the nursing and medical interventions for Shaun in the pre-operative phase. Consider the following:
· The maintenance of normal blood glucose levels (administration of insulin and carbohydrates (CHO) or equivalent Intravenous therapy
· Frequency of blood glucose monitoring
· Reference to normal blood glucose levels
·The recognition (signs and symptoms) of altered blood glucose levels should be considered
All written work must be supported by relevant and appropriate references.
Assessment, prevention, and management of post-operative hypoglycaemia:
Describe the nursing interventions required to assess, prevent, and manage
hypoglycaemia during Shaun’s post-operative phase of care. Consider the following:
· Management of nausea and vomiting and re-introduction of diet and fluids
· The frequency of blood glucose monitoring, prevention strategies such as
appropriate CHO administration or intravenous fluid therapy), and insulin
administration (including administration route)
·Recognition of signs and symptoms associated with hypoglycaemia, and
management of hypoglycaemia
All written work must be supported by relevant and appropriate references.
Education for sick day management:
Provide the essential education needed to be given to assist Shaun and his family regarding his diabetes management for future experiences of ‘sick days’. Consider the following aspects:
· Frequency of blood glucose monitoring during sick days
· Modification of Insulin administration dosage
· Appropriate examples of CHO dietary intake
· When to seek medical attention
· Educational resources
All written work must be supported by relevant and appropriate references.
Education for exercise:
Provide the essential education needed to be given to Shaun and his family
regarding his diabetes management before and after exercising. You need to consider:
· The frequency of blood glucose monitoring before and after exercise
· CHO dietary intake before and after exercise
· Recognition of hypoglycaemia
· Emergency CHO supply, first aid management of hypoglycaemia and
education of significant others should be considered
All written work must be supported by relevant and appropriate references.
Provide a brief summation of the case study. No new material is to be introduced.
All in-text citations, quotes and references are in APA 7 th edition style.
All references are reputable, current (5 years or less), and relevant.
Minimum of eight (8) references are used to support presentation of material.
NURBN2026 Medicine Nursing Assessment 3 Federation University Australia.

Presentation/Grammar/ sentence structure:
The academic paper is presented with a title page and is formatted with double spacing. Appropriate use of specific academic language, nursing terminology, accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The information is presented in an articulate logical manner to aid the reader’s understanding. Work is written in the third person. Word count (not including reference list) is 10% within of required word limit.
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