Subject Code & Title :- NURBN1017 Nursing Written Analysis Report
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Weighting: 40% of overall course grade
Word count: (1500 words +/-10%)
Purpose :
This report is designed to develop capacity to identify research and critically analyse the key concepts of person centred care with in the scope of the NMBA Nurse Standards for Practice and to assess nursing attributes for this course (Please refer to course descriptor)
NURBN1017 Nursing Written Analysis Report Assignment – Australia
Report Format: The report format must include an introduction conclusion reference list and use the headings listed below
Presentation :- All work should be typed in 12-point font double spaced; and written and presented according to the academic guidelines
The preferred layout of your paper should be double spaced with block paragraphing (no indenting).
Do not indent the first line of each paragraph. Page numbers are to be included on the bottom left corner of the page.
Please ensure the first page of your submitted work includes the assessment title, due date, relevant academic, student name AND student ID number.
For further assistance in relation to academic writing and referencing, refer to the Federation University study skills
The length of the Report is 1500 words (+/- 10%).
NURBN1017 Nursing Written Analysis Report Assignment – Australia
Description :-
You are required to submit a fully referenced academic paper in a report format which requires you to use the headings listed below. Your response must be related directly to the following scenario outlined below. The report should demonstrate your knowledge and application of best evidence-based nursing practice in relation to nursing assessment, care planning, interventions and evaluation of care listed under
the six (6) criteria as described below.
• Please refer to the marking rubric to understand the allocation of marks under each criteria for this assessment task on next page.
When an assessment task is submitted into Turnitin or Moodle, the student must declare that they have read and under stood the information provided relating to plagiarism and therefore declares that the submitted work is entirely their own except where work quoted or cited is duly acknowledged in the text, and that the work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program. [NB: For further information about Plagiarism follow the links provided in this document.] The Assessment Declaration must be agreed to prior to submission of your work. A false declaration is classified as academic misconduct and University policy will be followed.
Turnitin software will be used in this course and all tasks submitted for marking must be submitted through the Turnitin software.For assistance with the use of Turnitin please see the section Assistance with Online Submission provided in this document. Please note that you should always attempt to complete and submit your assignment as early as possible to avoid any potential problems. Please note that written work not submitted to Turnitin will not be marked, and therefore result in a zero grade.
Marking: Marking of reports will be completed by relevant academics and feedback will be provided the marking guide (see Moodle). The marking guide will demonstrate assessment standards for expected content as well as the structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. Assessment grades will be provided to students via Moodle. Marking is to be completed and grades allocated within approximately 3-4 weeks of submission as per university policy
In accordance with the Student Appeals Procedure, an appeal against a final grade must be submitted in writing and lodged with in 10 working days of the publication of the final grade or result. Following due consideration with in 30 days the student will be provided with a written response to the appeal including reasons for the decision. The School must notify Student Administration of any amended results following an appeal If the student is not satisfied with the decision they can submit an appeal to the Appeals Committee in accordance with Regulation 2.2.
NURBN1017 Nursing Written Analysis Report Assignment – Australia
Case Study Scenario
Mr. XXX a 78year old, has been experiencing shortness of breath for a few days accompanied by productive cough and sputum. He lives with his wife, who is generally healthy apart from a mild hearing impairment and uses hearing aids. They have been living in a retirement village for many years. XXX has been generally unwell for the last 5 years after he was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disorder (COPD). He has been on respiratory medications especially during the acute phase. His over all health has been declining recently due to other co-morbidities such as hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis, though has been taking medications for these conditions. His wife is competent with managing his medications and uses a Webster pack. His wife has also noticed that XXX appears to experience low moods often and also reports that James has a poor appetite and does not sleep well at night.
XXX has been admitted for his current condition (COPD) presenting with shortness of breath and productive sputum greenish in colour.
Upon admission the following observations were recorded:
• Temperature-38.1o C Pulse-110beats/min Resp-30 breaths/min SaO2-89% on room air, BP-140/90mmhg.
• Shortness of breath exacerbated on exertion like walking few distance.
• Appears generally pale in colour and extremities are cold.
• Mobility-uses stick to walk, complains of joint pain to hands and legs and limited range of motion.
• Weight-86kg
• Height-180cm
• Mood- appears anxious and agitated at time
• Activities of Daily Living- is usually independent but, due to fatigue and shortness of breath requires minimal assistance.
• Reports poor appetite and generally feeling unwell.
• XXX ‘s wife has brought all his medications with her in a Webster pack:
Current ordered Medication-
Salbutamol Inhaler dose 1to 2 puffs prn (maximum of 4 times in 24 hours)
2 litre O2 via nasal prongs Oxygen therapy,
Anti pyretics Paracetamol 500mg-1gm QID.
Doctor requests Sputum sample- culture and sensitivity to determine if antibiotic therapy is required.
Please see the criteria required to be followed for completing this assessment task.
You are required to use these criteria as headings to structure your report.
NURBN1017 Nursing Written Analysis Report Assignment – Australia
1) Focussed systematic and comprehensive assessment.
2) Provision of patient centred nursing care which includes physical psycho-social and mental wellbeing
3) Promotion of airway clearance and facilitation of oxygen
4). Provision of medication following the 10 administration rights
5). Prevention of possible hospital acquired infection
6). Importance of documentation and communication skills.
Resources: A example of how to complete this report will be provided in moodle.
Please refer to ALL resources provided to complete writing this report.
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