Subject Code & Title : NURBN 1016 Community Profile Instructions
Assessment Task 2: Community Profile Report Power Point or Canva or Microsoft Word News letter Template
NOTE: If you have not used Canva before you will need to register. It is free with your email address. Please use your student email address.
NURBN 1016 Community Profile Instructions Assessment 2 – Federation University Australia.

Format of Report Using Slide or Page Presentation Software such as PowerPoint or Canva (How your assignment should look)
Spacing : One and a half times spaced with headings – best fit for your PowerPoint. You can decide.
Font: Calibri 10 – 11-point font
References : APA 7 th Style (The reference style where you indent the second line). Your last Slide or Page should have the reference list.
Reference Amount: Minimum 10 references. Allow for 1 reference per 100 words. You need to find these references before your write your essay. You can exceed 10 slides is your references do not fit on one slide.
Word Count PowerPoint: 6 Slide minimum (7 with reference list). Maximum slides allowed 10 – this INCLUDES the reference list. You can exceed 10 slides is your references do not fit on one slide.
The Assessment Task:
Local government areas (LGA’s) differ across Australia and Victoria. The health needs of a community are quite specific to the area the community is located. To determine what those specific health needs are requires a community analysis inclusive of a review to gain understanding of the complex elements that contribute to the health
status within the LGA. You are required to conduct this analysis and review and produce a Community Profile Report on your chosen LGA.
Follow the Community Analysis table below to ensure you cover the required areas needed to gather your data.
This is a two-fold assignment
1. Gather the data using the community analysis table below to create a
profile/picture of your chosen LGA
2. Decipher if there are any specific health determinants unique to your chosen LGA – example: are there a large portion of the community that suffers from Asthma or respiratory illnesses, and the LGA you are analysing is a farming area with large dust storms each year that are known to exacerbate asthma?
You will need to consider the determinants of health that impact this
community and again, will need to choose two from the provided list (below from
assessment 1) that are specific to your chosen community. Use your community analysis and review to determine specific health issues unique to your chosen LGA that reflect the determinants chosen.
Community Analysis:
1. History and physical environment of LGA
Is the area isolated from surrounding towns or the nearest capital city?
2.Demographics including culture and religion
3.Economy and education of the LGA
How many schools are in the LGA? What type
4.Recreation, transport, and safety
Is this reflective of the economy?
5.Health, Social Services & Government initiatives
Are there any public health initiatives funded by state government or federal government?
6.Reflection: Discuss two health issues that are linked to the health determinants unique to your chosen LGA.
Demonstrate your understanding of how this community analysis impacts health determinants for this LGA.

Consider and include where applicable:
1.Statistical information about age groups, languages spoken – for example
2.Trends in your data collection that might lead you to recognise the determinants of health unique to your LGA
3.Do not forget to address two health issues linked to health determinants in your chosen LGA.
Ensure that you complete the readings for all weeks to assist you with your report. Seek other peer reviewed journal articles or text book chapters to respond to the assessment criteria as well.
Credible reference sources for Assignment 2 include:
· The Australian Bureau of Statistics
· The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
· Government census data not found at the ABS
· Local council websites
Community Profile Report
Prompts have been provided in each section to help you. Read them carefully.
NOTE: Turnitin similarity checker will be used to detect any copying of others’ work. If a student copies another student’s work, it will be picked up by Turnitin and may lead to automatic loss of marks and/or failure of the course.
1.People and culture:
1.1. History:
This element is about exploring the history of this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
These questions will help you think about how to report on the history of this community:
When was it established? What determined the name? What significant buildings exist? How did the population come to be here? What was the community founded on- industry, geographic location, etc? What significant events has impacted on the development of this community today? How long have residents lived here- long term or transient population? Can you discover anything else that ‘paints a picture’ about the history of this community?
NURBN 1016 Community Profile Instructions Assessment 2 – Federation University Australia.

Impact on health
A. Answer this question: What does this history tell you about the people in your community?
Can you see any indirect links to health?
Resources and references
B.Resources and references for this section
1.2. Demographics
This element is about exploring the key characteristics of the population in this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Investigate the people who make up your population. Refer to the LGA data of the wider population to understand the demographic. Consider the following characteristics:
1.the spread of ages across the population- young /old,
2. gender,
3.marital status,
4.household composition -single parent family/extended families in one dwelling, etc.
*How does YOUR population compare to other LGAs or to Victoria as a whole?
Insert tables that reflect the most interesting aspects of the population of the town (example included). Use the tables to write about key demographic information, for example, compare and contrast data for the different locations (town/LGA/State)

Impact on health
1.Answer this question: What do the demographics tell you about the people in your community? (link back to the data in the tables above
Resources and references
1.Resources and references for this section
1.3. Culture and/or Religion:
This element is about exploring the culturally diverse populations in this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Explore the culturally and religious diversity of your population. Identify the ethnicity/race of the people (country of birth), what languages are spoken, what religions are followed or celebrated,cultural festivals held, presence of cultural or religious buildings, shops and restaurants, etc., in your community. Does your community consist mainly of one culture or many cultures? *How might this compare to other areas or to Victoria as a whole?
As per the demographic element 1.2, insert tables that reflect the cultural diversity of the town/LGA/State.
Impact on health
Answer this question: How can the diversity of a population influence health?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
2.Environment and Accessibility
2.1. Physical environment
This element looks at the location and physical surrounds of this community.
Give information and data about the community and compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA). These questions will help you think about how to report on the physical environment
What climate does this community have? What is the quality of the air, the water, etc.? What sort of topography is it surrounded by? How accessible is the location (rural, remote, metro, etc) and what natural disasters might it be prone to? What else can you write about the area or environment where
this community lives?
*How does this compare to other areas or to Victoria?
Impact on health
Answer this question: How can where an individual lives impact on the health of a population?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
2.2. Recreation
Please include the following information using the headings provided:
This element is where we identify how the surroundings are used by people.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA).
These questions will help you think about how to report on recreation:
Does the area offer special places for sport or activities? Who uses these spaces? What risks are involved in these activities? Do people come from outside the community to use these resources? Do these recreational resources cater for everybody? Is there disability access? Is there a place for
cultural/art/musical activities?
*How does this compare to other areas or to Victoria?
Impact on health
Answer this question: How do the recreation activities that are undertaken in this community impact the health of its people? (for example, inclusivity, accessibility and affordability, risks/benefits?)
Resources and references:
Resources and references for this section
2.3. Mobility and Transportation
For this element you need to look at how people move around this community.
Background: Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA).
These questions will help you think about how to report on mobility and transportation.
Identify the modes of transport (private and public), roads (quality, type, amount of traffic, etc),footpaths, walking/bike tracks and so on. Consider issues such as cost, time of day, availability, who uses the different modes of transport- young/old, disabled, mothers with prams, etc?
*How does this compare to other areas of Victoria?
Impact on health
Answer this question: How does mobility or transport impact on health within the community?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
3.Socioeconomic status and connection
3.1. Economy
This element addresses the financial and employment state of the community and its population.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA).
Explore employment rates, types of workforce and industry, income rates, etc. Include housing data (ownership/renting, homelessness), single/double income families, retirees/pensioners, etc.
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall?
Impact on health
Answer this question: How can socioeconomic status impact on community health?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
3.2. Education
This element explores the level and type of education within the community/town.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA).
Consider information about private and public education facilities, the year levels when students leave study, attrition rates, extra-curricular activities offered by education facilities, etc. Consider all levels of education from preschool/childcare (early childhood) through to tertiary education or trade
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall?
Answer this question: How can the level and/or type of education of YOUR population influence health in this community?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
3.3. Interaction/Isolation
This element explores the way people communicate and interact with each other in this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Research for the following information: Is this a connected community, or do people keep to themselves? How do locals communicate: community spaces, internet access, local radio or television stations, news papers/news letters, etc? Is isolation an issue?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall? Think about communication before COVID and after COVID– how do people meet, interact and communicate with one another, how do people find out about what is happening in the town and across the world?
Impact on health
Answer the key question: How do the ways people in YOUR community interact or communicate impact on their health?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
4.Services and Resources
4.1. Health and Social Services
This element explores all the different services and resources available to the population in terms of their mental and physical health.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Identify the various services and resources that exist in this town. These can include both public or private health services, volunteer organisations, community activities and groups (Men’s shed, Pro bus, Meals on Wheels), etc. What are the main health issues evident in this community? What
common acute/chronic diseases exist (including rates of disease)? What priority health area needs are being met/or need to be improved?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria?
Impact on health
Answer this question: What do these findings tell you about the health of this community? Are any obvious gaps?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
4.2. Safety
This element explores how safe people feel in this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
NURBN 1016 Community Profile Instructions Assessment 2 – Federation University Australia.
Examine crime rates, types of crimes, protective services, etc. Identify the presence of those things that make people safe such as school crossings, road or waterway barriers, traffic lights, etc. What other things demonstrate feelings of security or fear within this community (bars on windows, locking cars/houses, security cameras, etc.)? Are there other health safety issues such as rubbish collection, vermin control, wildlife on roads, etc?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall?
Impact on health
Answer this question: How safe does your community feel? How does this influence the health of the population?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
4.3. Government and Politics
This element looks at the different levels of Government and their impact on this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
NURBN 1016 Community Profile Instructions Assessment 2 – Federation University Australia.
Identify the various representatives from the different levels of government who look after your community. What responsibilities do they have, especially in terms of the health of your population?These could include the Mayor/Councillors, member of parliament etc. Also, what are the health
priority areas currently being addressed by your local government?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria?
Impact on health
Answer this question: How is YOUR government influencing the health of your population?
Resources and references
Resources and references for this section
5.Link to the Determinants of Health
What are the two main health issues and priorities you have identified in your suburb/town/city?
NURBN 1016 Community Profile Instructions Assessment 2 – Federation University Australia.

Using the information you have gathered about your suburb/town/city, identify and outline two (2) health issues. Link these to the determinants of health. What has emerged from your research?
This part of the report is where you need to interpret and analyse the information you have gathered.It is very important to explain why these two health issues exist and/or why they were selected for your community.
5.1. Health issue 1 – NAME OF THE ISSUE
5.2. Health issue 2 – NAME OF THE ISSUE
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