Assessment task title: Case Study Report
Weighting: 30%
Select a critically ill patient with single organ dysfunction, for whom you have been providing care in ICU. Conduct a structured holistic assessment of your patient, by using an appropriate assessment framework that includes relevant diagnostic tests (eg. ECG, ABG, CXR, other blood tests). Use the following Task Learning Outcomes to write a 3,000 word report that describes your patient’s critical illness and specific aspects of their nursing care while they are in your ICU.
(NB. DO NOT USE ANY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION IN YOUR REPORT – use either a pseudonym or refer to “the patient”)
NUR5923 Medicine and Nursing Case Study-Australia.

Task Learning Outcomes:
1.Discuss the patho physiological process underpinning your patient’s critical illness/condition with actual or potential vital organ dysfunction (500 words)
2.Critically evaluate, then discuss the relevant assessment findings of one (1) body system and two (2) diagnostic tests that have informed your assessment and ongoing patient management (1,000 words)
3.Critically evaluate, then discuss the relevant assessment findings of one (1) body system and two (2) diagnostic tests that have informed your assessment and ongoing patient management (1,000 words)
NUR5923 Medicine and Nursing Case Study-Australia.

4.Identify and discuss one (1) socio-cultural, legal or ethical issue related to the nursing management of your patient (250 words)
5.Identify and discuss one (1) priority need of your patient’s family and/ or significant other in the ICU (250 words)
Unit Learning Outcomes with which this task aligns
1.Analyse and explain the pathophysiological processes underpinning critical illnesses commonly experienced by patients admitted to ICU with actual or potential vital organ dysfunction.
2.Implement a structured holistic assessment of an intensive care patient, by using an appropriate assessment framework that includes the initiation of relevant diagnostic tests and critically evaluate the findings to inform your assessment and ongoing patient management.
3.Plan, prioritise and implement age appropriate, culturally relevant and evidence-based therapeutic interventions for critically ill patients experiencing complex disease states by applying clinical reasoning related to the pathophysiology of their illness
NUR5923 Medicine and Nursing Case Study-Australia.

4.Critically evaluate the socio-cultural, legal and ethical issues related to the nursing management of the critically ill patient
5.Identify the needs of the patient’s family and significant others in the ICU and plan appropriate nursing interventions to address these needs
6.Problem solve and manage common technological interventions used to support the critically ill patient with vital organ dysfunction to provide safe, quality care (e.g. mechanical ventilation)
NUR5923 Medicine and Nursing Case Study-Australia.

7.Conduct Advanced Life Support underpinned by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC)/ANZCOR guidelines including the safe transport of critically ill patients to other clinical areas.
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