Subject Code & Title: NUR3556 Evaluation of A Healthcare Intervention
Length: 1200 words for both Part A (~400 words) and Part B (~800 w)
Over the course of your degree, we have explored leadership, decision making and health economics. To be an effective advocate for your patients a fundamental understanding of the components of health economics and leadership is essential.
NUR356 Evaluation of A Healthcare Intervention Assessment Tasmania University Australia.

In this task, you will be exploring the application of health economics and the principles of authentic leadership by answering a two-part question. To undertake this assessment, you will need to draw on the content from module one.
To help you complete this assessment, the task has been dived into two parts with step-by-step instructions as follows:
Part A:
- Step 1: Read the Case Study Scenario
- Step 2: Choose one of the following three research papers (from the options listed below) to critically evaluate the economic benefit of the intervention (nurse-led clinic).
- Step 3: You decide to speak with your NUM and she asks you to consider the following questions (you will recognise that questions 1- 3 are part of an economic evaluation using CASP):
(Qn.1) Was a well-defined question posed?
In responding to this question please consider:
i. if it is clear what the authors are trying to achieve
ii. what the economic perspective is
iii. how many options are compared, are both costs and consequences considered
iv. what the time horizon is(eg 12 weeks)
(Qn.2) Was a comprehensive description of the competing alternatives given?
In responding to this question please consider:
i. if you can tell who did what, to whom, where and how often
(Qn.3) Were all important and relevant resources required, and health outcome costs for each alternative identified,measured in appropriate units and valued credibly?
In responding to this question:
i. please remember the perspective being taken, wasit measured accurately?
ii. Appropriate units may be hours of nursing time, number of physician visits, years-of-life gained etc.
iii. Valued credibly? Are the value srealistic, how have they been derived, have opportunity costs been considered
(Qn.4) Discussthe applicability of the evidence (eg the strength of the evidence for the safety, efficacy and sustainability of the intervention) to the local context.
Do you still believe the intervention should or should not be funded / pursued, if not what further evidence would you require?
NUR356 Evaluation of A Healthcare Intervention Assessment Tasmania University Australia.

Part B:
Step 1: Read the statement about complexity in healthcare.
Nurses are at the forefront of implementing and managing change, given constantly changing and complex healthcare services, there is an increase demand for health care. Therefore, it is important to identify the best style
of leadership to engage in nurses implementing service led improvements.
Step 2: Provide a response to the two questions asked.
Question 1. Drawing on your experience on PEP describe a situation whereby having an understanding of the components of health economics (eg scarcity and opportunity costs) as a nurse is essential? You will need
to draw upon the literature to support your suggestions.
Question 2. Describe and critically reflect upon an incident from PEP whereby understanding the dimension/s of authentic leadership may have provided a better outcome (this could be to you, preceptor, patient or identified other). To do this you will need to reflect on how understanding authentic leadership could assist you to navigate the complexity in health care in your role as a registered nurse. Provide your rationale with support from the literature.
Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
I LO3, I LO4, I LO1,I LO5.
Assessment Criteria:
Criterion 1: Discuss the components of health economics, with reference to current peer reviewed literature.
Criterion 2 : Demonstrates ability to critically appraise a research paper using a validated tool.
NUR356 Evaluation of A Healthcare Intervention Assessment Tasmania University Australia.

Criterion 3 : Critically reflect on how you approach being an authentic leader in a complex healthcare environment.
Criterion 4 : Write in a clear and succinct manner,with correct use of grammar, terminology and referencing style.
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