Task overview
Assessment name Written Assessment, Assessment 2
Brief task description: This written assessment is an essay and audio-visual presentation relating to a case study that explores compassionate care, professional responsibility and Registered Nurse self-care.
Length:The essay is 1500 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list)Your audio-visual presentation (Poster with voice over, PowerPoint with voice over, Powtoon, video,
and MP 4) should not exceed 100 MB in size and should be is 3 – 4 minutes duration and be recorded by you.
Marks out of: Weighting: 50% of final grade (marks out of 100)
NUR3020 Nursing and Medicine Assignment University Of Southern Queensland Australia.

Rationale for assessment task:
As the complexities of caring for a patient in our healthcare system increases there is a need to improve our own critical thinking processes, our capacity to work in complex organisations to provide compassionate care and our ability to be resilient to the constant changes and demands of the setting. Our awareness of the importance of compassionate care, professional responsibility and registered nurse self-care is highly relevant and especially significant during a pandemic.
Course Objectives measured:
1.Critically apply relevant legal and ethical principles to future health care practice situations at the level of a beginning Registered Nurse
2.Interpret, analyse and apply the nursing scope of practice in health related scenarios
3.Examine clinical leadership principles in nursing practice
4.Engage in critical discussion which explores the relationship between professional identity,role conflict and role boundaries
5.Interpret, analyse and explain professional formation through linking theoretical concepts of caring to clinical practice environments and lifelong learning.
6.Apply exemplary communication in digital technologies and therapeutic relationships working with, and leading inter-professional teams in care decision making practices
Exemplar/Example provided:
Information relating to the assessment task are provided in the Assessment tab on Study Desk. A frequently asked questions forum is available to ask relevant questions
NUR3020 Nursing and Medicine Assignment University Of Southern Queensland Australia.

Task detail: The case study (in the link provided below) highlights the critical role of the Registered Nurse during a pandemic. In this assessment, you will critically evaluate the case study provided through an essay and
presentation relating to the Graduate Nurse and one of the following topics:
1.Compassionate care,
2.Professional responsibility
3.Registered Nurse self-care issues
The Case Study is also available as a recording on the Assessment Tab under Assessment 2 on Study Desk
Guidelines / structure
Your assessment is required to be developed in the style of an audio-visual presentation with audio and an associated essay for submission.
The essay is to contain the following sections:
a.Introduction (100 words) –The introduction needs to provide the reader with an outline of your intended discussion based on the case study and your chosen topic (from the list provided). A rationale for your choice of topic is required.
b.Critical Evaluation (700 words) – This section is a critical evaluation of the role of the Registered Nurse in the case study. This section must provide a comprehensive discussion of the key areas you feel important based on your chosen topic (from the list provided) and as a Graduate Nurse. The critical evaluation must be supported by relevant, contemporary
literature. The chosen topic, the issues and the supporting literature must be comprehensively discussed
c.Key Findings relating to the Graduate Nurse (350 words) – This section requires you to collate your information into a summary of key findings that specifically relate to your chosen topic (from the list provided) and the Graduate Nurse. The key outcomes must be relevant to a Graduate Nurse entering the workforce at times of a pandemic and your chosen topic (from the list provided).
d.Strategies (250 words) – This section requires you to consider 3 strategies to focus attention in entering the workforce as a new Graduate during times of pandemic. The strategies relate specifically to your chosen topic (from the list provided) and must be supported by credible, contemporary literature.
e.Essay Conclusion (100 words) – a summary of the main points and key findings and how they relate to the graduate nurse is required in this section. In the conclusion you need to consider a conclusive summary of the key points raised.
The presentation is to contain the following sections:
a. Presentation (3 -4 minutes duration) – This is a presentation of the key findings from your chosen topic (from the list provided), the literature, outcomes and strategies that specifically relate to the Graduate Nurse and your chosen topic. The presentation can take the form of a Poster with voice over, Power Point with voice over, Powtoon, video, and MP 4 as examples. The presentation must contain a voice over completed by yourself.
NUR3020 Nursing and Medicine Assignment University Of Southern Queensland Australia.

Writing Style
1.Two documents are required to be submitted – one in the form of a presentation (Poster with voice over, PowerPoint with voice over, Powtoon, video, and MP 4) and one essay document(Adobe PDF document or Microsoft Word).
2.The essay should be written in third person.
3.Essay writing conventions are expected
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