NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

Brief task description:
There are two parts to this assessment: Part A is a Written Assignment and Part B is the development of a Patient Information Resource. You are required to complete both part A and Part B.
The purpose of this assessment is to:
1.Develop critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in managing patients with chronic conditions.
2.To prepare students to effectively manage chronic care within various health care contexts.
3.To develop students’ abilities to provide relevant information to patients about their condition with consideration of the patient’s individual needs and context for example,health literacy, developmental stage, culture, and existing knowledge.
NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

Length: 1500 words +/-10% Part A, 500 words+/-10% Part B
(word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices)

Marks out of: Weighting: 70 marks (Part A =55 marks and Part B = 15 marks) 50%

Course Objectives Measured:
Learning objectives 1,2,3,4,5 is addressed by this assessment. Please refer to the course specification for the full course learning objectives.

Exemplar/Example provided: An exemplar assessment is available on Study Desk in the Assessment section for this task.

Task Detail:
You are provided with 4 case scenarios (located in Appendix A at end of this document) you only need to choose ONE (1) scenario to discuss in this assignment. In each of the scenarios the patient has both a chronic disease and a presenting condition, you may also identify other comorbidities which may be relevant to the patient.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

You must complete both Part A and Part B of this assessment.

Part A: Written Case Analysis Essay
Length: 1500 words + or- 10%
Marks: 55 (as per marking rubric)

In this essay you will analyse the case study you have chosen giving a brief description of the chronic condition and the presenting health issues for the person. This will give context to the Patient Information Resource you create in Part B.

Rationale for Part A: The case study analysis forms the background and research leading to the creation of a Patient Information Resource. Through this assessment students will demonstrate an understanding of chronic illness across the lifespan and the impact on the individual, family, and community. Students will also have the opportunity to consider, through the assignment, the needs of culturally diverse, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups with chronic conditions.

What you need to include in your essay:

  • Identify both the chronic disease and the presenting condition.
  • Succinctly describe the pathophysiology and symptoms, associated with the chronic disease and the presenting condition.
  • Provide a brief outline of the relevant diagnostic and ongoing tests (e.g. blood tests, vital signs, x-rays, physiotherapy), associated with the patient’s chronic and presenting conditions.
  • Outline two (2) potential problems (complications) associated with the chronic disease.
  • Briefly outline the psychosocial developmental, cultural and health literacy considerations for the person in your case study. Developmental theorists have been identified in the modules on the Study Desk, you are encouraged to use your recommended texts and library resources.
  • Describe three (3) priorities of nursing management for the patient’s chronic and presenting condition.These may include nursing management/ nursing assessment, and/ or pharmacological /non-pharmacological management and/ or self-management.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

Presentation of Essay (Penalties will apply if these conventions are not adhered to.)
1.Reference according to USQ APA 7th Ed. The reference list is not included in the word count however in text citations and headings are included.
2.Use size 12 font in an appropriate writing style.
3.An introduction and conclusion are also required.
4.Dot points, tables and images are not to be included in the essay.Academic writing style is expected for this part of the assessment.
5.No front cover sheet is required to be submitted.
6.Do no submit the marking rubric.

Task Part B – Patient Information Resource.
Length: 500 words + or- 10%
Marks: 15 (as per marking rubric)

The Patient Information Resource (PIR) can be written in the style of a pamphlet or hand out, or alternately, a blog or website article for the patient and family/ carer in your case study, about the chronic condition being experienced.

It will describe what the condition is, and the care and self-management required by the patient/ family/carer. You must consider the developmental considerations, cultural needs, and health literacy of the patient in your case scenario and produce a resource that would be appropriate for their needs. The information for your Patient Information Resource (PIR) should have already been covered in the academic essay, this resource requires you to simplify it and explain it in plain language for your patient. This resource only requires you to focus on the chronic condition.

Rationale for Part B: A patient information resource offers you, as a nurse, a method of providing information to patients and their families on various chronic conditions. The information resource that you produce for this assessment can be used as part of a professional portfolio or used within your nursing practice in a health facility to educate clients.

What you need to include in the patient resource:

  • Identify both the chronic disease and the presenting condition.
  • Succinctly describe the pathophysiology and symptoms, associated with the chronic disease and the presenting condition.
  • Provide a brief outline of the relevant diagnostic and ongoing tests (e.g. blood tests, vital signs, x-rays, physiotherapy), associated with the patient’s chronic and presenting conditions.
  • Outline two (2) potential problems (complications) associated with the chronic disease.
  • Briefly outline the psychosocial developmental, cultural and health literacy considerations for the person in your case study. Developmental theorists have been identified in the modules on the Study Desk, you are encouraged to use your recommended texts and library resources.
  • Describe three (3) priorities of nursing management for the patient’s chronic and presenting condition.These may include nursing management/ nursing assessment, and/ or pharmacological /non- pharmacological management and/ or self-management.

Presentation of Essay (Penalties will apply if these conventions are not adhered to.)
1.Reference according to USQ APA 7th Ed.
The reference list is not included in the word count however in text citations and headings are included.
2.Use size 12 font in an appropriate writing style.
3.An introduction and conclusion are also required.
4.Dot points, tables and images are not to be included in the essay. Academic writing style is expected for this part of the assessment.
5.No front cover sheet is required to be submitted.
6.Do no submit the marking rubric.

Task Part B – Patient Information Resource.
Length: 500 words + or- 10%
Marks: 15 (as per marking rubric)
The Patient Information Resource (PIR) can be written in the style of a pamphlet or hand out, or alternately, a blog or website article for the patient and family/ carer in your case study, about the chronic condition being experienced.

It will describe what the condition is, and the care and self-management required by the patient/ family/carer. You must consider the developmental considerations, cultural needs, and health literacy of the patient in your case scenario and produce a resource that would be appropriate for their needs. The information for your Patient Information Resource (PIR) should have already been covered in the academic essay, this resource requires you to simplify it and explain it in plain language for your patient. This resource only requires you to focus on the chronic condition.

Rationale for Part B: A patient information resource offers you, as a nurse, a method of providing information to patients and their families on various chronic conditions. The information resource that you produce for this assessment can be used as part of a professional portfolio or used within your nursing practice in a health facility to educate clients.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

What you need to include in the patient resource:
1.Describe the condition, pathophysiology, and symptoms, associated with the chronic condition.
2.Outline the potential diagnostic tests, treatments, and medications that the patient may experience while managing their condition
3.Briefly describe three (3) management strategies e.g. options for relief of symptoms, lifestyle changes,prevention of relapse/escalation/complications.
4.Include a link to an additional resource on the condition that patients and their families can read or watch (i.e. a website, YouTube video). Note these must be from reputable sources with the patient in mind, not medical
practitioner focus.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

Presentation of patient resource:
1.This is to be a one-page document A4 (can be booklet, trifold or just plain page if doing a pamphlet) of no more than 500 words
2.Text should be presented in paragraph form, although some dot points are permitted where appropriate.
3.Times New Roman Font size 12
4.At least 1 relevant image/ diagram (but not too many – they must be relevant) correctly referenced should be included
5.No graphic design skills are required but the resource must include at least one image or diagram. You can make the resource as attractive or as simple as you like however it must be easy to read and comply with copyright (i.e.any images that you have not created yourself must be correctly referenced).
6.References for the text are not required on the Patient Information Resource as these should already be in your essay. Only reference any images you have used.
7.The patient information resource should NOT be a re-written case scenario, the intent is that this is a document you could give to a patient with the chronic condition to read for education about their condition.

Writing Style
Part A of this assessment piece will be written in the form of an academic essay providing links to relevant peer reviewed articles or scholarly sources. It should be written in third person.
Part B of this assessment should be written in plain language that any person, without a medical background; of any culture; or education level could understand. This style of writing can be more relaxed and take a variety of forms but must be clear, concise, and articulate.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

• Use APA 7th Edition for citing and referencing academic literature
• Sources: your reference list for Part A must include at least seven (7) scholarly sources with the majority no older than 6 years old.
• In text citations: You must include in-text citations in the body of your Part A essay. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.

Formatting Style
Refer to Task Details for formatting requirements for each part of the assignment as requirements may differ.

Resources available to complete task:
1. Smarthinking – the Smarthinking activity explained in week two (2) will allow you to gain feedback on your writing for Part A of this assessment piece
2.Support for academic essay writing is available from the Learning advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their
3.Sites such as allow you to design attractive brochures and flyers and may assist you to create an attractive Patient Resource for Part B of this assessment. This is not a requirement and these sites may require you to create a free account to use.

What you need to submit

  • All documents must be submitted must be either a word document or a PDF. No other file types will be accepted.
  • You can submit both one (1) document, with Part A and Part B included OR 2 separate documents to the submission point.
  • Do NOT include the marking criteria sheet in your submission.
  • NO cover sheet or title page is required but footer must include unit code, unit name,semester and year, assignment title, student name, student number

Submission requirements

This assessment task must:
Be submitted in electronic format as an Adobe PDF document or Microsoft Word document through the submission link on the NUR2101 Study Desk.

Turnitin has been enabled so that students can check for similarity matching prior to the due date and make amendments to promote quality academic professional work.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment-Southern Queensland University Australia.


  • This task will be marked against a marking criterion available on Study Desk.
  • All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare grading decisions before marks or grades are finalised.
  • Final release of grades will normally be within three weeks of submission. This same time frame applies for any approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of submission.

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