NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

Subject Code & Title :-  NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point
Assessment Type :-  Assignment 3
Marks out of:  25 % of the overall course 25
Weighting:  25 marks out of 25
Length :- 7 Power Point slides
No shorter than 5 minutes 30 seconds and no longer than 6 minutes 30 seconds recorded presentation
Brief task description :- This assessment requires you to apply the Bystander Training Intervention to a provided case study. You are to create a 7 slide Power Point presentation and upload this with your Voice- over as a recorded zoom (MP3 file or voice recorded ppt.)that is to be no shorter than 5 minutes 30 seconds and no longer than 6 minutes 30 seconds long.
NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

Rationale for assessment task :-
This assessment task supports you to be an effective Bystander in the workplace and will hopefully extend beyond this. It is a requirement that student nurses and registered nurses are Culturally Safe practitioners. Part of this is when we witness culturally unsafe practice, that we have the skills to navigate this and bring change to the workplace setting.

Course Objectives measured :-
CLO 1. Apply verbal and non-verbal strategies and standards that facilitate therapeutic communication and inter-personal relationships
CLO 2. Apply knowledge of historical, social, and political issues to explain the socio-political context of health care

NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

Task detail :-

This Assessment requires you to respond to the following case scenario.

You are to identify ONE of the culturally unsafe care points within this scenario. Utilising the By stander Intervention Framework you are to create a 7 slide Power Point presentation. The Power Point presentation is to be submitted as the background for your voice-over as a recorded zoom that is no shorter than 5 minutes 30 seconds and no longer than 6 minutes.30 seconds

The four components of the Bystander Intervention Framework are to be used as the basis of thePower Point presentation.

Case study :-
You are doing a clinical placement on a busy medical ward, and you are working with a Registered Nurse (RN). Both of you attend to Belle (aged 23 years) who is being admitted for a surgical procedure and requires a blood transfusion intra-operatively.

The family identify their religious faith as Jehovah’s Witness where the belief in the administration of blood and blood products via transfusion is against their faith. Belle also has a hearing disability and uses sign language to communicate and is also able to lip read.

The RN assumes that Belle is unable to communicate for herself and talks only to her mother who is in attendance for admission.

NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

The RN turns to face the mother and makes the following comment Hello there – who do we have here today? Thanks for bringing Belle in for her admission. How long has she been unwell for? Do you know?

I have her chart here with me and just want to ask you some questions regards her medical history if that’s OK? It says something here about her not consenting to a blood transfusion…. we’ll need to sort that out because she’s going to need it you know!”

After completing Belle’s admission you walk back to the nurse’s station with the RN. The RN turns to you and states “What a weird religion that stops you from having a blood transfusion.
Why would anyone want to be in that religion?.

Speak clearly in your voice-over for each slide that you will record as you talk about and answer the questions for each PowerPoint slide as background.

Slide 1 Title Slide
Title slide which includes the title of ONE of the culturally unsafe care points you have identified as the title.
Also include your name and student number and the name of the course and the course code.

Slide 2 Acknowledgment of Country
You are to include an Acknowledgment of Country. This Acknowledgment of Country is to reflect the Aboriginal Nation where you live so find the correct Aboriginal Nation name.

Off- shore students to use the Aboriginal Nation name of the Toowoomba location).

NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

Slide 3 Direct intervention
Identify 2 interventions that you would undertake in this scenario. Your response cannot be a replication of any responses that have been provided with, in your Bystander training

Slide 4 Indirect intervention
Identify 2 interventions that you would personally undertake. Your response cannot be a replication of any responses that have been provided in your Bystander training.

Slide 5 Distraction intervention
Identify 2 interventions that you would personally under take. Your response cannot be a replication of any responses that have been provided in your Bystander training.

NUR1203 Recorded Zoom And Power Point Assignment 3

Slide 6 Protocol intervention
Identify the NMBA Codes of Conduct that this culturally unsafe care is breaching.

Slide 7 Reference slide
Provide a reference list of the sources you have used in this assessment.

Writing Style :-

– Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelines

– Brief sentences or dot points are to be utilised on each slide that are the framework for your recorded voice-over explanation
– Minimum of 4 references
– APA 7th Edition Referencing Contemporary Literature must be sourced (no more than 7 years old)
– Clear speech to voice-over for each slide

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