Subject Code & Title: NUR104 Nursing
Assignment Type: Assessment Task 3 Case Studies
Length: 1000 words
The aim of this task is to help you prepare for your work integrated learning experience (WIL)experience by applying your learning to the assessment and care planning for older people in diverse health settings.
NUR104 Nursing Assessment 3 Case Studies – Australia

Assessment Criteria:
The case study responses will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Describing and applying the biophysical and psychosocial processes associated with ageing
• The interpretation and use of evidence to plan care
• Appraisal of the principles of equity, rights and access
• Information literacy skills: use of credible sources and accurate citations
• Written presentation including structure, grammar, and the application of APA 7 referencing style
Case study responses:
You will be provided with 1 case study. For the case study, you will:
o Discuss the biophysical and psychosocial processes pertinent to the case
o Identify an assessment tool appropriate for use in the case
o Discuss three priorities of care for the couple described in the case
o Address any equity, rights and access issues relevant to the case
NUR104 Nursing Assessment 3 Case Studies – Australia.

Case Study Instructions:
• You are required to write your case study responses in your own words. Do not use direct quotes.
• The template is set at 1 1⁄2 line spacing and Calibri font size 12. Do not change the formatting.
• Each case study response should be approximately 200 words
Supporting literature to answer the Case studies:
You are required to use APA 7 Referencing style as per the guide provided by USC. For each response, provide in text citations (references) that demonstrate you have read and referred to the most appropriate information to support your response for example journal articles, textbook, policy documents, government websites.
You are expected to use a variety of current, credible sources in each case study response.
Reference List:
At the end of each response you need to provide the full reference details, in alphabetical order, of each citation (reference) you have used in your case study responses. You are required to use the APA 7 referencing style.
NUR104 Nursing Assessment 3 Case Studies – Australia.

Case study: Read the case study provided in the Task 3 assessment folder and answer the following.

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