NSG3NCI Nursing Assessment 3 – Australia

Subject Code & Title :- NSG3NCI Nursing
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Relevant SILOs:
1. Design appropriate chronic disease management plans or interdisciplinary team care arrangements base on the lived experiences of persons with chronic illness
2.Evaluate chronic illness management methods to determine strategies that promote active engagement of persons families and carers with health services
3. Generate evidence based recommendations for how to improve sustainability of chronic illness management approaches in terms of their impact on natural, economic social political and cultural systems.
NSG3NCI Nursing Assessment 3 – Australia

NSG3NCI Nursing Assessment 3 - Australia

Nurses are required to provide health care for persons with chronic diseases.These are often priority populations within communities, and many require interdisciplinary team management.Tele health has become an integral component of providing accessible care for all communities.

As a registered nurse (RN) you will be required to promote engagement for your patients within health services. It is critical that the services enable em powerment for the clients and their health.

This assessment task will provide you with the skills to evaluate specific types of tele health and apply one to a client with a chronic illness.

Task: What
For this assessment you are a final year BN or BN/BM student on placement at a health care service. You are working alongside a registered nurse (RN) and have been asked to develop a brochure for a multi disciplinary team to promote the use of telehealth for chronic disease management.

1.Select a chronic illness for a specific client population – the more specific you are the easier it will be (for example video telehealth for adolescents with cystic fibrosis).

o Ensure you have read National Strategic Frame work for Chronic Conditions -this document may assist you to choose a client profile: Australian Government Department of Health (2019 ) National Strategic Frame work for Chronic Conditions
o Please note that although mental illness is considered a chronic illness for the purposes of this assignment the client should have a physical chronic illness.
o The more specific you are the easier it will be to write Part B. Rather than have ‘cancer’ as your chronic illness, have a specific type of cancer for example lung cancer.

2.Choose a type of telehealth that may be used with your client population.

Points to consider
o Suitability of your type of telehealth and its suitability to your chosen chronic illness and client population.
o The multidisciplinary needs of your priority population
o Positive aspects

Part A
3.Create a brochure explaining how a specific type of telehealth may be beneficial for your client population

Part B
4.Write a 1000-word assignment explaining what telehealth is and why the type you chose may be beneficial for a client with the described chronic illness

Points to consider
o Definition of telehealth and different types
o Why a particular type would be beneficial for your client
o The multidisciplinary needs of your client
o Description of the client’s chronic illness and why telehealth may be an option
o Positive aspects of telehealth for the client
o Negative aspects of telehealth or issues for the client

Task: How

NSG3NCI Nursing Assessment 3 – Australia
NSG3NCI Nursing Assessment 3 - Australia

Required Sections:

Part A:
Format: Brochure

• Your brochure can use the template provided or one of your choice
• The brochure should be created using ‘Word’ (not PowerPoint) and saved as either .docx or .pdf
o NB: If you use a MAC, please ensure it is saved in word/pdf rather than pages format.

• The word value of Part A is 1,000 words equivalent – this does not mean that you need to write 1,000 words. The time and effort of creating this Brochure is equivalent to writing a 1000-word assignment.
• All references can either be on the last page of the brochure or on a separate page.
o Use APA7 referencing throughout.
o You are not required to provide either an introduction or a conclusion.

• Your name should clearly be on the brochure as the creator

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