Title: Becoming a future leader in healthcare
Percentage : 25%
Word count: 1000 word (±10%) including in-text citations & excluding reference list
Rationale: Leadership is not a skill only needed in a management position As a graduate nurse you can demonstrate leadership skills in your practice. It is important to reflect on leadership qualities in others and yourself as a future leader. (SILO4) You will be required to reflect upon your own experience to date and to search for evidence from the literature to address questions regarding leadership. As this is a reflective essay it is appropriate to use a first-person writing style. However you should support your opinion and arguments with current and peer reviewed evidence from the literature where appropriate.
NSG3EPN Engagement In Professional Nursing Assessment 1 – Australia
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Instruction :-
2.What qualities are important as a leader in healthcare? Describe two qualities you think are important and analyse why these are important using evidence from current and peer-reviewed literature.
3. Identify two leadership skills that you want to develop further. First explain why these skills are important in healthcare leadership and identify the strategies that you will use to achieve these.
NSG3EPN Engagement In Professional Nursing Assessment 1 – Australia
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