Assessment 1 Written Assessment
Word count: 2000 words
Weighting: 50%
Introduction: Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) is the delivery of health care based on partnerships between patients, families and all those involved in the care of the child and family. Evidence has shown that patient and family centred care can produce benefits for both the child and their family (RCH, 2020).
NSG3102 Clinical Speciality 4–Family Centred Care Assignment-Australia.

Some of the key patient and family-centred care (PFCC) principles used to guide the health care experience for children and their families are:
Respect and Dignity
Information Sharing
Assignment Instructions:
Choose either the medical or the surgical case study detailed below. Focusing on this ONE case study, please ensure you cover ALL of the following in your assignment:
1.Describe the child’s presenting condition, including signs and symptoms,
pathophysiology, and evidence-based nursing management of this condition including any patient assessments required.
2.Explain your understanding of patient and family-centred care.
(Do not use direct quotes. Remember to paraphrase and include citations as required).
3.Explain how the nurse can apply two of the PFCC principles listed above in the care of the child and family in your selected case study. While explaining, please:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the child’s stage of development
- Ensure the nursing interventions described are situationally and
- developmentally appropriate, and culturally sensitive in respect of the child and family.
NSG3102 Clinical Speciality 4–Family Centred Care Assignment-Australia.

4.Identify three negative effects of hospitalisation that the child and/or family in your case study may experience, and describe three interventions that the nurse can implement to ensure atraumatic care.
5.Identify one health education need in relation to the child and/or family and explain how and when this education should be implemented.
Case Study 1- Medical
Air lie is 14 months old and has been brought in by ambulance to the Emergency Department, presenting with febrile seizures. Her mother Sonia, is at the bedside. Air lie’s immunisations are up to date. Air lie is allergic to peanuts and carries an Epi Pen Jr. Air lie is febrile, temperature 38.5 degrees Celsius. Her pulse is 140 b pm, respiratory rate is 38 bpm, and Sp O2 is 95% on RA. Sonia has primary care of Air lie and her two older siblings, while their father Mark cares for the children every second weekend. Air lie was born at 36 weeks’ gestation via normal vaginal delivery. She had mild jaundice at birth. She was hospitalised in Special Care Nursery until 38 weeks, due to poor feeding, and has been hospitalised twice in the past few months due to experiencing anaphylaxis. Air lie has not had a febrile seizure before and Sonia is upset and extremely worried about this. Sonia keeps asking the staff to do a blood test to see what’s wrong with her daughter. Air lie becomes distressed, crying and kicking when the nurse attempts to check her vital signs.
NSG3102 Clinical Speciality 4–Family Centred Care Assignment-Australia.
Case Study 2- Surgical
16-year-old Alex is an inpatient on the Paediatric Surgical Ward who presented with appendicitis. He is now 1-day post-op open appendectomy. The Paediatric Surgeon discovered that Alex’s appendix was perforated
intra-operatively. Alex presented with a 3-day history of right sided abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and fever. Alex has autism spectrum disorder, is otherwise normally well, and was conceived through IVF. He is
in Year 11 at school and is an only child. Currently, both parents and several visitors, including young children, are visiting and eating take-away at Alex’s bedside. Alex is currently nil by mouth, on full IV maintenance
fluids, and a morphine PCA. He has an IDC and naso- gastric tube (NGT) on free drainage with 4-hourly aspirates required. Alex is presenting as quiet and withdrawn, but frequently asks the nurse to remove the NGT. He denies having any pain despite having several unsuccessful tries on the PCA, and is refusing to be moved for pressure area care or to be washed by the nurses. He rates his nausea as 10/10 most of the time.
NSG3102 Clinical Speciality 4–Family Centred Care Assignment-Australia.

PLEASE REMEMBER all assignments must be written to academic standards. This assignment requires a written essay, including an introduction, body and conclusion. Carefully review your work for spelling,
grammatical and syntax errors before submission. Use only evidence-based literature. References must be included, acknowledging the work or ideas of others. Not adhering to APA 7th is a breach in academic integrity
and can result in academic misconduct. Refer to the accompanying rubric, the Subject Guide and the Course Information Guide for further guidance.
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