Subject Code & Title : NSB203 Inquiry Into Clinical Practice
Length: 1100 words +/- 10% (excluding reference list)
Weighting: 40%
Estimated time to complete task: Allocate time weekly during the semester for addressing the tasks necessary to complete the assessment.
How will I be assessed: 7 point grading scale using a rubric
NSB203 Inquiry Into Clinical Practice Assessment 3 – QUT Australia.

Task description:
This assessment asks you to produce an informational poster addressing a patient safety issue identified from clinical practice, drawing upon evidence and using a structured inquiry-based learning approach.
Your ability to define a practice-based practice issue, seek and appraise relevant evidence to address this issue, and synthesise this evidence to establish recommendations for practice will be assessed.
The assessment addresses key components and skills developed during this unit, which relate directly to your ability as future registered nurses to think critically about the patient care you deliver, to identify clinical questions for investigation, and your ability to ensure the care you deliver is based upon sound evidence.
What you need to do:
Read the Criterion Reference Assessment sheet for this task.
To successfully complete the assessment, undertake the following
NSB203 Inquiry Into Clinical Practice Assessment 3 – QUT Australia.

1.Identify a patient safety issue directly related to nursing practice.
• Choose a topic that interests you. This could relate to your practice placement area OR workplace (if you work clinically) OR experience as a patient, family member or friend.
• For this assessment, you are encouraged to consider an issue that focuses on an intervention.
• Excluded topics: hand hygiene; pharmacological topics that do not directly relate to nursing practice;falls prevention; Assessment 2 Clinical Practice Topics;topics used as examples in Workshops or teaching resources.
2.Construct a clinical question: use PICO to clearly define all elements of the patient safety issue.
3.Develop a strategy to address the clinical question and examine the evidence related to your topic. You need to consider the following questions when developing your search strategy:
a. What type of evidence will answer the question?
b. Which databases will you search to find this evidence?
c. How will you establish the keywords and limits for the searches?
d. How will you manage and organize the evidence you find?
e. How will you decide on the level of evidence for each source?
f. How you will decide which papers are of sufficient quality to use in your assignment? Which critical appraisal tool(s) will you use?
4.Collate, summarise and analyse the evidence. Choose the five papers at the highest level of evidence on which to base your recommendations. Consider any gaps or limitations to the available evidence you found. Use the information at this step to populate the Literature Matrix.
5. Synthesise the five highest level pieces of evidence to establish recommendations for practice and create an evidence ‘bottom line’ statement that answers your clinical question.
6.Consider how you would approach implementation of the recommendations – for this, you will need to identify potential
barriers and strategies. Include three barriers that are matched with potential strategies.
7.Create a A1 size digital poster using Powerpoint that summarises your work and the recommendations for patient care, for an audience comprising of health care professionals.Your poster should communicate all of the following elements:
a. A title which clearly communicates the patient safety issue
b. The clinical question: structured using the PICO acronym
c. A brief background to the topic
d. Details of the search strategy
e. A summary of the evidence found to answer the question.
f. Details of the critical appraisal tool used and the quality of the evidence utilised.
g. An explanation of any gaps or limitations to the evidence
h. An evidence ‘bottom line’ statement.
i. A table detailing at least three potential barriers to implementation of the recommendations, as well as strategies to overcome these barriers.
j. References (presented on the first side of the poster)
k. The literature matrix on the second page detailing the relevant details from the included studies (see the template).
8.Upload your poster to Turnitin by the due date and time
Pictures or illustrations may be used to enhance your poster. Include an attribution to the picture or illustration underneath the image.
Presentation requirements:
This assessment task must:
• Be presented as a digital A1 or A0 size poster (with literature matrix on second page) using Power point
• Use Vancouver referencing for citing academic literature.Refer to QUT Cite Write for guidance.
• Be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin.
Learning outcomes assessed:
1.Explain the key concepts and principles of the research process and outline the importance of evidence-based practice approaches for the provision of safe and quality health care and for the global health research agenda.
NSB203 Inquiry Into Clinical Practice Assessment 3 – QUT Australia.

2.Apply key literacy and critical thinking skills to locate, seek, interpret, analyse, synthesise and integrate evidence into practice.
3.Apply knowledge of quantitative and qualitative approaches to explain their role in research of contemporary, global health care issues.
What you need to submit:
An A 1 or A 0 size Power point poster with the literature matrix on the second page (via Turnitin).
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