Assignment : 3
Written Assessment – The AT 3 assignment asks you to discuss and analyse in more detail, 2 of your chosen discussion posts that you submitted for Assignment 2 (AT2) (600 words for each topic).NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written Assignment -Australian Catholic University.
For the 2 posts that you choose, you are to discuss and analyse professional leadership in nursing in further detail. Building on your engagement from the online forum posts you will expand your responses through the use of sound written and analytical communication skills, to analyse in greater
depth the major theoretical foundations of leadership and their application to nursing practice. This is to demonstrate your understanding of the contribution of sound leadership that enhances service delivery to improve health care outcomes. You must read and research widely and use further
contemporary literature to support your stance. You must also include again as you did in AT2, screen shot evidence of your original entire posts and response posts in a single (1) collated word document via Turnitin on LEO.
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written Assignment -Australian Catholic University.
Building on student engagement from 6 online forum posts (assignment 2), this assessment enables students to showcase sound written analytical communication skills and to consider leadership in nursing and health care, and the expectations and opportunities in their professional role.
Subject Code&Title: NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written
Weighting: 45%
Assignment Type: Written Assignment
Length and/or format: 1200 words (600 words per response) +/- 10%
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO4, LO5
How to submit: Into the NRSG375 LEO assignment drop box labelled assignment task 3 in your specific campus
Return of assignment: Results will be released via LEO grade book
Assessment criteria: Criterion (Rubric) assessment of written assessment
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written Assignment -Australian Catholic University.
Writing requires skill and being able to write within a specified word limit is an essential component of professional and academic work. Reading and writing critically are fundamental skills which demonstrate an understanding and an ability to make judgements and solve problems, hence why only 10% of a word count should be direct quotes. That is, if the word count is 1500 words only 150 of those words should be direct quotes. Word counts provide students with an indication of the amount of detail and work required for each assessment item.
What is included in a word count?
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written Assignment -Australian Catholic University.
Essentially, all text within an assessment item from the introduction through to the conclusion is counted in the word count. This includes all in-text citations, direct quotes and headings. The word count does not include the following:
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written Assignment -Australian Catholic University.
• Title page
• Reference list
• Appendices
• Tables
• Figures and legends
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Written Assignment-Australian Catholic University.
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