The purpose of this assessment is to help you understand how the social determinants of health (SDOH) shape health narratives. It will enable you to reflect on how illness narratives and SDOH are intertwined and need to be considered when thinking about people’s health and wellbeing.
NRS10733 Narratives of Health & Illness Essay – Southern Cross University Australia.
You are to watch Adam Goodes ‘The Australian Dream’ You are to write an essay which focusses on the topic of how social determinants of health shape health narratives.
Structure your assignment with an introduction, three sections that use the headings below, and a conclusion. You can include headings in your essay if it helps to structure your assignment but it is not mandatory. The word count for each section is a guide. Please include a reference list and at least 7 academic references. You may source them from readings and unit content.
NRS10733 Narratives of Health & Illness Essay – Southern Cross University Australia.

Recommended structure:
1.Introduction: Introduce the topic of the essay
2.What is a health narrative?
Provide an overview, and why it is important in understanding a person’s health experience.
3.What are SDOH?
Provide a general description, and why it is important in understanding a person’s health experience.
4.Case Study
1.Describe Adam’s health narrative. Give a basic summary and identify the key points.
2.Identify and describe how the SDOH of racism and education shaped Adam’s health experience Remember to link to the supporting the academic literature.
Summarise the main points (without introducing anything new)
NRS10733 Narratives of Health & Illness Essay – Southern Cross University Australia.

In this assessment please integrate at least 7 scholarly references from the academic literature (you may use more) to support your ideas. All referencing is to be in APA 6th format. Here is a link to the where you can find resources and guides to help. References are not included in the word count.
Useful definitions
The following definitions will help. Note that SDOH and narratives of health/illness will be discussed in depth in your tutorials.
SDOH – sometimes referred to as the determinants of health
These are the social factors that impact on health; the social conditions in which people are born, live, grow, work and age are determinants of good health or ill health, and these might include culture, gender, health services, socioeconomic position [income, education, and occupation], social environments, social inclusion, social capital, physical environments, early life, employment and working conditions.
Narratives of health/illness
This is about the stories that a person attaches to their SDOH and life experience and how they make sense of their own wellbeing and the health care system.

Guidelines for submitting your assessment
1.Your assessments must be submitted as Word documents, text documents with .rtf extension or as .pdf documents. Line spacing should be either 1.5 or 2, font style either Calibri or Times New Roman with 11 or 12 size font.
2.You must use the electronic Assessment Cover Sheet. Download this cover sheet, fill in your details and then make this sheet the first page of your assessment – do not send it as a separate document. Note any approved extensions on cover sheet.
3.All assessments are to be submitted online via the Turnitin submission link. You can submit your draft to the draft essay Turnitin submission link and check the Turnitin report. When you are satisfied with your work, submit your final document to the FINAL Turnitin essay submission.
4.Work submitted late without an approved extension will attract a penalty of 5 % (3 marks) for each day, it is late. A weekend is two days.
NRS10733 Narratives of Health & Illness Essay – Southern Cross University Australia.

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